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intraining Running & Triathlon Club AGM 

and call for committee nominations

25th June 2023

7:30 am, Riverside Green, Southbank

Following the last long run before Gold Coast Marathon (5:30 am) and Club Breakfast (7 am)


Attention all intraining Running and Triathlon Club Members.


Sunday 25th June is the Pre Gold Coast Marathon Annual Club Run and Breakfast. This breakfast also doubles as the Annual General Meeting for the club.


Club run at 5:30 am from Riverside Green, Southbank followed by breakfast kicks at 7 am, with the AGM at 7:30 am.


You will find below the AGM agenda, committee roles and last year’s minutes. We welcome new committee members and ideally would like our committee to represent a broad cross-section of our training groups, ages and genders.


Committee members undertake a variety of roles, some positions like the President are formal, while others are less so. Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at the shop and we try and keep them short and sharp.


All Club Committee members relinquish their appointments and we elect a new Committee for the next twelve months.


The Committee consists of the Office Bearers:

President  /  Vice President  /  Secretary /  Treasurer

Committee members:  A minimum of two general committee members

The constitution does not preclude an individual from being voted in to retain a position year after year. 


If you are interested in helping lead and manage this wonderful club, email us here.

Basic duties of office bearers:



The President is the figurehead of the club and provides leadership and direction to the committee. The President is responsible for ensuring that the committee fulfils its responsibilities for the governance and success of the club. As the spokesperson for the club, the President also works to maintain key relationships within and outside of the club. The President is the chair of the club committee.


Vice President

The Vice President will support the club president in providing leadership to the club overall including organising the committee and overseeing the performance of the club. The Vice President will step into the President’s role in their absence.



The Secretary is the public officer of the club and therefore the official point of contact for all parties (Department of Fair Trading / Consumer Affairs). The Secretary is the primary administration officer of the committee and along with the President & Vice President provides links with the committee members, financial members and outside agencies. The Secretary is responsible for the meeting minutes and the annual return to the Department of Fair Trading.



The Treasurer is responsible for the financial supervision of the club, allowing the committee to meet the governance requirements of the club. The Treasurer is tasked to prepare annual budgets, plan for the club’s financial future and monitor the club’s revenue and expenditure.


22-23 Agenda for intraining’s Annual General Meeting

2021 Agenda for intraining’s Annual General Meeting

2020 intraining’s  Annual General Meeting Minutes


Save the date for 7:30 am, Sunday 25th June 2023 at River Green, South Bank

5:30 am for run / 7 am Delicious Brekkie / 7:30am AGM.


Reserve your spot by clicking the “GOING” option on the club AGM event page.