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The President is the figurehead of the club and provides leadership and direction to the committee. The President is responsible for ensuring that the committee fulfils its responsibilities for the governance and success of the club. As the spokesperson for the club, the President also works to maintain key relationships within and outside of the club. The President is the chair of the club committee.
David Jackson
The Vice President will support the club president in providing leadership to the club overall including organising the committee and overseeing the performance of the club. The Vice President will step into the President’s role in their absence. There may be multiple Vice Presidents on the committee.
Steve Manning
Phil Teakle
The Treasurer is responsible for the financial supervision of the club, allowing the committee to meet the governance requirements of the club. The Treasurer is tasked to prepare annual budgets, plan for the club’s financial future and monitor the club’s revenue and expenditure.
Cary Browne
The Secretary is the public officer of the club and therefore the official point of contact for all parties (Department of Fair Trading / Consumer Affairs). The Secretary is the primary administration officer of the committee and along with the President & Vice President provides links with the committee members, financial members, and outside agencies. The Secretary is responsible for the meeting minutes and the annual return to the Department of Fair Trading.
Steve Davidson
Laura Speed, Margot Manning, Karen Spencer, Rowan Cassidy, Heydon Manuel, Aaron Dighton, Marty Nguyen, Trent Stark
The head of the intraining coaching business takes this role in the club. Report to the club on success of coaching programs and participation. Take feedback from the club on opportunities to promote both the training business and the club.
Steve Manning
Assist the secretary on the committee by maintaining records of club membership by category, through Queensland Athletics (Revolutionise system). Report weekly on club on membership numbers by category.
Communications, management and troubleshooting of memberships.
Review of reminder / follow up emails for membership renewal.
Andrew Murray
David Jackson (on non-paying memberships)
Keep Microsoft teams file structure neat and tidy. Delete redundant info.
Ensure membership of Microsoft teams reflects current committee members.
Ensure membership of FB committee page reflects current committee members.
Ensure the club emails are working correctly and are being monitored by the right people.
Ensure the club calendar is neat and tidy. No redundant events.
Ensure the annual committee tasks (see list) are added to the agenda / action register as required.
Set dates for committee meetings.
Find a place to host the meeting or set up teams invite.
Collate the meeting agenda before the meeting.
David Jackson
Oversight role for the club social media pages. Manage admin access for these pages and ensure content is appropriate.
Oversight role for the club website. Check content is current, relevant, and easy to find.
Try to have a steady flow of stories and information to maintain member engagement. Repost them in the private groups with links. For greater reach, ask Margot / Hazel to post on the main intraining social media pages from time to time if good content.
Any time anybody volunteers, make a big deal of it on various sites including the “intraining support crew” page.
Answer queries that come via social media or by the club contact email ([email protected])
Margot Manning
Rowan Cassidy
Karen Spencer (Trail focus)
VACANT (we really need 4 people for this role)
Club and intraining newsletter coordination. Seek out articles from various members who have done amazing things. Send to Hazel to collate into the intraining newsletter. Proofread the newsletter before it goes out.
Jim Jagger
Implement the process to issue club member intraining singlets.
Organise the order to replenish the stock and undertake stocktakes.
Laura Speed
Manage shed storage and equipment list. Keep a stock of items, ensure items come back. Train people on how to use the equipment.
Aaron Dighton
Promote participation by club members in road running and road running events.
Promote participation by club members in track events, track relays, and other relay (ekiden) events.
Promote participation by club members in trail running and trail running events.
Emma Skirving
Ian Ridoutt
Karen Spencer
Promote participation by club members in cross country and cross-country events.
Phil Teakle
Promote participation by club members in kids running and kid friendly running events.
Solly Egan
Promote participation by club members in triathlon events.
Lead a team from the committee to plan and organise the club awards night. This is the major social event for the club for the year so can’t be done alone. |
Laura Speed / David Jackson / Cary Browne
Work out food and drink requirements for social events. Purchase them and seek reimbursement from club treasurer. With assistance, organise the food on the day.
Laura Speed
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