Strengthen your core and improve running strength with intraining Balance, Core and Sports Rehab Studio. The following are ways the Balance, Core and Sports Rehab Studio can help.
Injury Rehab
Coming soon…
Surgery Prehab
Are you due to undergo joint replacement surgery? The stronger and fitter you are going into the surgery, the better and faster your recover. Joint specific surgery ‘pre-hab’ exercise programs are a great way to help improve the existing function of a joint and may even delay the need for the surgery in the first place.
Through the Balance, Core and Sports Rehab Studio at intraining running injury clinic Milton, group classes are run to help you to strengthen your muscles, improve your balance and get you fitter before your surgery. One-on-one classes and programs can also be arranged.
Core Strength
Core Strength is a low impact, but highly effective exercise program designed to improve core strength, flexibility and balance. It is a useful addition to any sports training program to achieve optimal performance.
A strong core has been shown to reduce back pain and can be useful in reducing the likelihood of a number of injuries. It’s ideal for anyone engaged in physical activity, but also important for those who spend long hours sitting (this can be terrible for your spine).
A pre-core strength assessment is essential before attending classes. During this screening you will be:
- Shown how to correctly ‘engage’ your core muscles;
- Assessed to identify risk of injury;
- Given exercises to practice before your first class (and to get your muscles ready!
Click here for more information on Core Strength offered at the intraining Balance, Core and Sports Rehab Studio
Private health insurance rebates may be applicable.
Falls Prevention
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