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Couch 2 run logo

The most amazing part of running are the experiences you don’t expect.

You don’t know what will happen until you try.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could run 5km non-stop… WAIT…

What if you could turn that 5km into 10km?

intraining’s Couch to Run will give you a structured program where you will be nurtured from the level of running and walking you are at now towards your goal. You can have that smile you see on so many runner’s faces.

COURSE OPENS June 07, 2021

What is the intraining’s Couch to Run program?

  • A structured program to help you move into the world of running
  • A supportive place with coaches to guide you
  • Lessons to show you how to run 
  • An inclusive and friendly environment with other runners like you. 

About intraining’s Couch to Run program

intraining’s Couch to Run program was founded to create a structure and routine for people interested in running, but who may be too shy, worried or apprehensive to join a ‘running group’. intraining’s Couch to Run program and coaches will help to transform you from a non-runner to a runner completing 10km without walking.

If you have ever wanted to run, but didn’t know where to start, intraining’s Couch to Run program can help get you there. Some have enjoyed it so much that over the years they have gone beyond the 10km and challenged themselves to towards newer milestones.

Is the program for me?

If you can answer yes to the questions below, then intraining’s Couch to Run program may be what you are looking for to transform your life.

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Want this life?

  • Do you want to start running?
  • Do you need to fit in running around your life?
  • Do need structure and routine to keep you going?
  • Have you tried running and keep failing to make 5km or 10km?
  • Are you wanting support from people who understand your desire to run?

Not sure and need more help or have more questions?

Book in for a free 15-minute coaching consultation and talk to one of our friendly intraining coaches about where you are with your running now and where you would like to be.

Online support?

If you don’t live in Brisbane, you will be supported via the closed FB group with our intraining coaches who will provide you with training sessions including the motivation and the support you need to get off the couch and reach your goals.

Feeling nervous or unsure?

Meet some of our lovely runners. All of our runners have their own running journey, but they all end in the same place… with a smile and a belief in themselves that anything is possible.

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Anyone can be a runner

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Janice with that runner’s smile

“It takes courage to run, but everyone can do it”
 – Donna Buckley, 2016 intraining’s Couch to Run graduate, intraining member, and runner.

Name: Donna Buckley
Starting running time: 2mins without stopping
Goal achieved: 10km running non-stop
Click here to read more about Donna’s story

Name: Catrin Waye
Starting running time: 5mins without stopping
Goal achieved: 10km running non-stop
Click here to read more about Catrin’s story

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Meet Donna and Cat


Couch to Run sessions and locations

Beginner Running groups are available in Toowong and New Farm Park at 6pm on Monday and Wednesdays.

Each of these locations offers a very friendly and supportive training environment with coaches who are committed to nurturing you through the program.




Monday 6:00-7:15pm



Cleveland Point, North Street. Cleveland. Meet in park North of children’s play area.

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Monday 6:00-7:20pm



Intraining Running Centre, 535 Milton Rd, Toowong, QLD 4066

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Monday 6:30-7:45pm

New Farm Park

1042 Brunswick Street, New Farm, Meet at first car park on left after entering park.

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Wednesday 6:00-7:00pm


Intraining Running Centre, 535 Milton Rd, Toowong, QLD 4066

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Wednesday 6:30-7:00pm


New Farm Park

1042 Brunswick Street, New Farm, Meet at first car park on left after entering park.

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