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Improve your running form in April

Presented by intraining Running Injury Clinic

Podiatry | Physiotherapy | Running Coaches

600X600 workshops logoWhether you are new to running or have been at it for years, running form is the crux of improvement, running easier or even completing longer distances. Developing your running form to suit your own personal build and gait is important to address.

It not uncommon to hear runners swear by a particular method of foot strike, whether that be midfoot running, toe running or heel running. Question is… which method works best for you?

The 2017 Running Form Workshop will assist with running form identification, modification, running drills and how to improve efficiency when running.

200x200_fact_2Date: Sunday 30th April 2017
Time: 3:30pm-5:00pm
Cost: $30.00 per person (caution: spaces are limited)
Duration: 90mins
Location: University of Queensland Athletics Track – Car park
What to Wear/Bring: Towel, water bottle, running shoes, running clothing

For more information: Call the injury clinic on 07 3367 3088 or email us

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April Running Form Workshop 2017

Workshop detailsbarefoot

The session will focus on improving your running technique through drills, analysis and assist in improving your running efficiency. The experienced team of intraining physiotherapy, podiatry and running coaches will assist in further development of your running technique.

Prerequisite: None required

What to expect in your 90min session

Why a Running Form Workshop?

LongRun Whether you find you are constantly injured, struggling to improve or just find running difficult, the running form workshop will provide you with the foundation and skills to develop your running. Our experienced practitioners will assist in providing you with the tools needed to understand and execute correct running form during your day to day training.

Who is this for?

Get ready to transform your running with the intraining Running Injury Clinic Running Form Workshop in 2017.

NOTE: It is recommended that you do not participate in the practical component of the workshop if you are injured. You may still gain benefit from attending and observing the session.