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Love 2 Run September16 enews

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – September 2016
This edition of Love2Run is a little late for September, but we figured it is better to go for a run, rather than to skip a run (metaphorically speaking of course). As the warmer weather nears, it is time to think about tapering back the distance you run weekly and look to focus on planning your 2017 goals. Take this time of year to have a little break, refresh the mind and do some shorter running to get some speed back into the legs.

In this this issue:
Protect your eyes: You have one pair of eyes – take care of them
How to carry your gel: 5 top ways to carry your gel on your next run
Footwear myths: Your guide to busting footwear myths and gimmicks
Hyper vs Hypomobile: Where does your flexibility lie?
Never run before?: Check out our success stories… from 2mins to 10km
Running Form Workshop: Transform your running in December 2016

Did you know running facts – Part 28
One of the toughest single day endurance events in the world, the Hawaii Ironman triathlon, was held over the weekend on Saturday 8 October. Over 2000 participants covered the distance of 3.8km swim, 180km bike and then run a full 42.2km marathon in temperatures reaching over 35 degrees.

In 2016, Patrick Lange of Germany ran the fastest Hawaii Ironman marathon in a time of 2hr39min45sec – breaking a 27 year old course record. Patrick ran himself into 3rd place overall with his fantastic run split.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


Protect your eyes from the elements
Are you forgetting something?
When you think about getting ready for a run, there are a few essentials many of us think about. Clothes, socks, shoes, our GPS of course and sometimes even music. Unfortunately, there is another important element that we often take for granted… sunglasses.

When it comes to the sun, we often think about protecting our skin from UV rays with sunscreen and hats, but forget that our eyes are susceptible to UV ray exposure too. Not to mention the damage caused by debris and bugs in the eyes when running.Adidas Sunglasses

When it comes to running, we want something that is lightweight, looks good and achieves the primary goal of protecting our precious eyes.

At intraining Running Centre, we have a wide range of sunglasses from Adidas Eyewear that are ideal for running. Whether you have a narrow or wide head, big or small nose or even have one ear slightly lower than the other, there is something to suit.

Key features of Adidas Eyewear
– .Adjustable nose bridge: Ideal in obtaining the perfect fit on any nose
Adjustabla arms: Position each arm individually to sit straight on your face, regardless of the difference in your ear height
Lightweight: At just 19g-25g the glasses feel as if you wearing nothing
Anti-slip/bounce: Rubberised arm ensure the glasses stay in place


Run with a GEL?
Best ways to carry your gel on your next run
Energy gels are an efficient way to carry fueld during any exercise that lasts longer than 45mins. Problem is, where do you keep the gel when you are running? We have our best 5 ways to carry your gel below.

How to carry your GELHow not to carry your gels
1. Non-bounce running belt to carry your gels: Run with the pouch at the rear to avoid pressure on your bladder.
2. Running shorts with pockets: Try to look for shorts with a pocket at the back centre of the shorts.
3. Purpose built ‘gel bottle’: Squeeze up to 3-4 gels in one single container that can be held in the hand
4. By hand: Run with your gels in your hand. This is ok if you are running with 1 or 2 gels, but you risk losing them if any more.
5. In your sports bra (ladies only): Tuck your gel underneath the straps of your sports bra. Ensure it is firmly held in place to avoid slipping down.

If you choose to run with a gel where it may be in contact with your skin, ensure you apply BodyGlide, Striderm or alternative anti friction product to avoid unsightly and often painful chaffing.

Runners tip: Avoid using petroleum based products such as Vaseline which can damage clothing.


Footwear myths – by Steve Manning (podiatrist)
Knowledge is power – Learn footwear facts from fiction…
Buying new shoes can be a daunting task. With such a wide selection of shoes available and so many myths about buying shoes, how do you choose the shoe that best suits you?

Media covers every latest fad as if it were fact and everything we believed in the past was wrong. Footwear evangelists and marketing companies promote their latest invention/gimmick as being the only way to go. How do you ensure that the shoe you are buying is the best shoe for you?  How do you trust the advice you are given is to help you with your running?

Learn about myths such as:
Fitting: Is the old ‘thumbs width’ the best way to determine shoe size?
Biomechanics: Is there one best way to run?
Gimmicks: Can pressure pads really determine your running gait?

The best thing as a consumer is to be informed and even a little cynical. There is nothing wrong with questioning the advice you are given. If the answers do not make sense to you then they are probably worth researching further. At intraining we embrace your questioning nature. Click here to view the full article on footwear myths and be informed before your next purchase.

Footwear myths, gimmicks and things you should know about footwear

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Hypermobile vs Hypomobile – by Doug James (physiotherapist)
Flexibility and your running – where do you fit in?
Have you ever wondered why some people can easily touch their toes, while others struggle to reach their knees? Lots (or too little) stretching may play a small part, but genetics has more to do with it. Genetics dictates how flexible your joints, ligaments and tendons are based on the composition of the cartilage contained within. Joints that have an above average amount of flexibility are referred to as ‘hypermobile’. In contrast a stiffer, less flexible joint is termed ‘hypomobile’.

The idea of being flexible seems like a good thing. Athletes are regularly encouraged to stretch as part of their warm up and warm down. Yoga, and bikram (hot room yoga) are popular ways of trying to increase flexibility.

Through prolonged stretching however, too much flexibility can…Click here to read the full article written by intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatrist and physiotherapist – Doug James in September’s ‘From the Sole‘ monthly clinic enewsletter.

Hypomobile vs Hypermobile - Where do you fit in?

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Running Form Workshop – 3 December 2016
Improve strength, coordination and running speed
Join the intraining Running Injury Clinic and coaching team for a practical form workshop. The workshop is designed to provide a hands on focus at improving the way you run in a single day workshop.

Who is this for?
This workshop is ideal for runners who have participated in a previous running form workshop. The session will have an emphasis on improving technique through running drills and feedback. Under the guidance of the intraining physiotherapy, podiatry and coaching team, this session will fine tune the way you have learnt the running drills previously and give you a session plan to do over the summer

When: Saturday 3 December
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Dress: Running clothing and footwear
Cost: $30 or ($25 for intraining club members)

If you are a beginner runner or can’t attend the December workshop, the three part Form Workshop in February 2017 will provide a greater emphasis on how to perform drills and develop these skills over three hands-on sessions.

Click here for more information

December running form workshop