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October Training Tips

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Training tips to help your running 

Weekly training tips and strategies you can use to improve your running, stay motivated and use as form focus.

If you have a topic you’d like us to cover or a question about training click HERE

Happy Running,

Steve and Margot Manning

Recovery from racing in the heat


Last weekend was an extremely hot weekend for racing, particularly if you competed in the marathon or half marathon. 

Your thermoregulatory, cardiovascular and endocrine systems will have been pushed hard causing some temporary changes.  So, be proactive in how you rehydrate and recover.  There are certain symptoms from the weekend such as dull headache, elevated heart rate, changes to your blood pressure, lasting fatigue, restlessness, body temperature not quite back to normal (feeling cooler than expected) and loss of appetite. 

To help your recovery:

If the symptoms continue, refrain from training hard until you feel better, talk with your coaches and, if you are not feeling well, seek medical advice. 

It should not take you long to recover and be feeling fresh to train again.   Take care of this and enjoy the company of your running mates at training rather than training for improvement. 

4 Trail Running Tips to get started


You could say October is the start of our intraining’s trail season. Each year we start with the South East Queensland Trail Series, the first event to be held in our backyard (Enoggera) on Sunday the 10th, make sure you wear your club colours and make your way to the intraining tent. This will be the start for many, in their trail running journey, good on you for stepping outside your comfort zone, I can guarantee you will either love the trails or hate them.

If this is your first trail or your first for the season, I have four tips for you:

Tip #1. Lift your feet higher than road running

Tip #2. Scan the ground constantly up, down and 2 metres in front

Tip #3. Leave 2 metres between you and the runner in front so you can see the obstacles in front of you (this can be hard to do in a mass start so take the start easy)

Tip #4. Smile and cheer on your fellow runners, this is one of the best environments to display kindness.

Weekend running with intraining:  OCTOBER

Brisbane Road Runners Club 3 Person x 4.5k Relay

Stay on the road this season.

We’re all here to help you love your running.