OOmg!!! The OOFOS Shoe has arrived
OOmg!!!! It’s the OOFOS Shoe
Check this out… A runner’s work shoe
Do your feet ache and legs get tired at work?
Here’s a solution to make your running feet happier at work and then on the road… The OOMG Shoe, brought to you by OOFOS.
Hi Runners… who get sore feet,
(You are going to love this.)
I am soooo excited to finally have the OOmg shoe at intraining.
This is my special message to you because I love to see you running pain-free which also means working pain-free.
As a podiatrist and runner myself, I know how important it is to protect your feet for the “AHHHH” moment you so look forward to when running.
So, if you are struggling at work with relentless pain in your heels and feet come and try the OOmg shoe at our shop (intraining Running Centre).
I’m sure you know what I’m talking about if you already wear the OOFOS sports thong. You know, that cushy, supportive feel that your feet just sink into.
Well, if you like the OOFOS thong, then I’m sure you will love their OOmg shoe.
Come and try them
Happy Running (& happy feet!!)
your running podiatrist
P.S. You can find out more about the OOFOS SHOE here: https://5n2tmx1a.pages.infusionsoft.net/
Look out for our next email… We’ll tell you so much more about the OOMG shoe and how we can help you resolve your painful feet. But you don’t need to wait until then to come and try them on.
If you have any questions email me at [email protected] or phone our running team on 07 33673088
The OOmg Shoe is Available NOW at intraining Running Centre
… cnr Milton Rd and Morley St, Toowong.