We make orthotics to suit your needs and your shoes
- Fit your shoes
- Be comfortable
- Adjust and be modified with your running, as you improve, or if they need some tweaking
Two big reasons orthotics can help you!
- You have a pesky injury that keeps returning
- Every time you increase your mileage you get niggles
Orthotics can help address your biomechanical and structural deficiencies by:
– Balancing out your feet and
– Reducing the stress your body must cope with when you are running
The benefit to you:
– A more biomechanically balanced body can raise the threshold of training that you can safely do before getting injured
– Orthotics customise the shoe to your foot. If you have a different structure on each foot, they can balance out those differences
At the intraining Running Injury Clinic, we use a variety of treatments to help address people’s problems. Often strengthening exercises, changing footwear or making a modification to an insole is enough to handle the biomechanical causes of a runner’s problem. Where appropriate, we use orthotics to create a more significant change.
Private health cover for orthotics
If you have private health insurance with podiatry coverage, you might be eligible for new orthotics each year. Many health funds use a calendar year schedule, so it is worth checking your cover. Don’t waste your cover! Book in to see us before the end of the year for your new orthotics.