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Core Strength classes are instructed by a qualified physiotherapist. Classes run for 45 minutes and class sizes are kept to a maximum of 9 participants to ensure supervision of technique.

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Core Strength session times

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Core Strength prices

Pre-Core Strength assessment: $35.00 (compulsory before attending Core Strength classes)
Note: Private health fund holders receive the pre-Core Strength assessment for rebate only and no out of pocket charge

Clinical group Core Strength with a physiotherapist – mat work

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Important information:

  • A pre-Core Strength assessment is necessary for all participants. This assessment is used to screen for any injury risks and to ensure your safety during the class. You will be given instruction on how to correctly engage your core which will maximise the benefit of the Core Strength classes. (pre-assessment is also a prerequisite condition for private health funds if you are to claim a rebate on the class.)
  • Registration for Core Strength classes must be booked in advance. If you are unable to attend a class you have registered for, please contact 3367 3088 at least 4 hours prior to the scheduled time or the full class fee may be charged.
  • Please remember to bring socks and a towel, and wear something comfortable to exercise in.