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RunTalk Ep03 – Training Programs


runtalk-intraining-logoWelcome to RunTalk episode 3 with Steve, Margot and special guest this week – Greg Scanlon. Greg is the current coaching coordinator of the intraining Marathon School, Ironman finisher and multiple marathon and half marathon finisher. Greg himself is a Marathon School graduate who turned his life around after recognising he needed to change something as he reached ‘mid-life’.

This week together with our guest Greg Scanlon we discuss the importance of training programs, periodising and how to adapt when life happens.

Click here to listen to episode 3 of RunTalk

RunTalk Episode 3: Training programs, periodising and adapting to changes.

GregScanlonTraining programs form an integral part to achieving goals in running. A training program can reduce the chance of making training errors such as over training, running too fast, peaking at the wrong time. Listen up and learn with our guest speaker, Greg Scanlon, coaching coordinator of one of the most popular minimalist marathon training programs, Marathon School.

22 February 2017
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