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Join Steve and Margot Manning every Wednesday afternoon on intraining Running Centre Facebook page as they will have full of information about running, footwear tips, injury prevention and so much more…

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Steve and Margot will answer them on their  RUNTALK LIVE.

Latest Run Talk December 23rd, 2020

[#4. RUNTALK LIVE] – What’s your first shoe?

Listen to Steve and Margot Manning as they will share with you about the first shoe they used on their first race. Sounds interesting?… Tell us what’s your first running shoe… Let’s recall those happy days having a first running shoe.

[#4. RUNTALK LIVE] – What’s your first shoe?

Listen to Steve Manning Podiatrist with Doug James Physiotherapist and Podiatrist at intraining Running Injury Clinic as they discuss how footwear can influence ankle sprain risk and rehabilitation. They also explain the longitudinal axis of a running shoe.

[#2. RUNTALK LIVE] – Holes in your shoes: Why do you get them and what to do about them.
Three main places runners get holes:
1.  Inside the heel
2.  At the big toe
3.  On the side of the shoe
PLUS…   If you really want to know what your foot does inside the shoe, pull out your insole and check the wear pattern.
[#1. RUNTALK LIVE] – What’s your shoe story?
Excessive shoe wear tells a story about how you run. Podiatrists and runners, Margot & Steve Manning, discuss how your running movement and force can impact on your shoes.