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Love2Run – June17 e news


intraining’s Love 2 Run e-News – June 2017

The Gold Coast Marathon is almost here! There will be runners who are fitter than ever, others longing for a return to running after injury and some who are content to keep building fitness with other goals such as Brisbane Marathon Festival and Twilight Bay Run ahead. Whichever boat you sit in, we hope you are enjoying your running so far this season.

This month’s edition of Love 2 Run enews focuses pre-event nutrition, mid season running injuries as well as keeping up with the latest in trendy running gear.

We love running at intraining, whether you are keen to find out if your shoes are ready for replacement, have an injury that just won’t go away or you just want to have a chat about your running – we are here 7 days a week.

In this this issue:
Nike Zoom Fly: The fastest shoe in the world has arrived #breaking2
Sore heel? Need help?: Introducing the new runners’ wonder sock
Calf injuries and you: Pain in the calf holding you back?…here’s why.
Pre-event nutrition tips: Nail your nutrition before race day.
Brisbane Marathon Festival: Commit now before the Friday price rise
Twilight Bay Run: The event (singlets) that stopped the nation.

Did you know running facts – Part 5
Keep hydrated and fuel your performanceDehydration greater than 2% of your body weight may result in a decline in performance, which may have a negative effect on the intensity of your race and training sessions. The average person will sweat approximately 1.4L per hour of running. How much do you sweat?

What should you do to stay hydrated?
– Drink to thirst – when you are thirsty make sure you drink before and during the race
– Drink little and often – avoid consuming large volumes of fluid throughout the race
– Measuring body weight before and after a training session, will give you a guide to how much fluid you lose in sweat (for a given environmental and exercising condition).

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


#Breaking2 – We have the NEW Nike Zoom Fly available
Your PB is just a pair of shoes away!
First there was the sub four minute mile barrier, which seemed impossible. Today, there is the seeminly impossible sub two hour marathon mark. The solution… a new shoe developed by Nike with the claim of a 4% improvement in time.

We have recently received the latest #breaking2 inspired Nike Zoom Fly in store. The unique fit and feel of the shoe is unlike anything we have experienced. In our initial testing, it feels as though you float along the ground with less effort. It almost feels like the shoe is pushing you forward or like you are running with a tailwind. Whilst the shoe is lightweight, the cushioning is to the contrary. This shoe feels as comfortable as a training shoe with all the benefits of a racing shoe.

When you have done all the training and you are looking for that little extra edge, the new Nike Zoom Fly may be your ticket to that personal best time. Available in both male and female sizing at the intraining Running Centre.

Keen to give them a go? Ready to experience effortless running? Drop by the store and see if the new Nike Zoom Fly has what it takes to propel you towards your goal at your next event.

Remember, as with all shoe purchases at intraining Running Centre, our trained footwear specialists will analyse your running gait to ensure you put your best foot forward.

Nike Zoom Fly - #breaking2 inspired - Available at intraining Running Centre


Feetures – The new wonder sock is here
Sore heel holding you back? This sock can help
Ever had that frustrating feeling when you wake up in the morning and find out you have a sore heel? Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a condition caused by drastic or sudden increases in mileage, poor foot structure, and inappropriate running shoes, which can overload the plantar fascia, the connective tissue that runs from the heel to the base of the toes, resulting in heel pain. If you have every had PF, chances are you know it can be a real pain to overcome.

Enter the new Plantar Fascia compression sock from Feetures. This is the latest high-quality recovery focused foot garment to hit the shelves at intraining Running Centre. Whilst not the silver bullet in curing plantar fascia pain, they’re a great adjunct treatment for sufferers of Plantar Fasciopathy. Read more here how the new wonder sock can help provide relief and get you back out running quicker.

The Plantar Fascia Compression Socks from Feetures have recently been launched worldwide. We are excited that intraining Running Centre is one of the first few locations you can get your hands on a pair … well, your feet in a pair!

Feetures PF sock- available at intraining Running Centre


Calf injuries – Doug James (podiatrist, physiotherapist & runner)
Find out the how and why of your calf concerns
There are few things more frustrating than spending months training for a race, only for an injury to prevent you from being able to run it. Calf and lower leg injuries are responsible for a good number of these ‘DNS’ (Did Not Start) type injuries, but many of them are preventable.

Your calf muscles and lower legs are like barometers for how well you are handling your training load. Pain and muscle tightness are often signs of overuse and may signal an oncoming injury. The biggest cause of running injuries are errors in your training approach.

At this point of the season errors may be due to not allowing sufficient recovery time between hard sessions, and failing to heed warnings that you are pushing too hard.

Optimal performance comes from finding…read the full article here.

Calf Injury - Read article by Doug James (podiatrist, physiotherapist and runner)

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.

Pre-event nutrition – Liz Lovering – (dietitian, cheft and runner)
Optimise your pre event nutrition to get the best result
Although there is no one ‘best’ food to have pre-event, type and timing is important.  Everyone is different in what they prefer to have before they race. But, in general, your pre-event meal or snack should be rich in carbohydrate, low in fibre, (important if you have issues with gut upset), easy to digest (higher fat foods digest at a slower rate) and most importantly familiar.

Runner nutrition - Nail your next racePre-event nutrition must be practiced in training. This is so you can find out what works best for you. You need to allow adequate time for digestion. It can take anything from 2-4 hours to digest a full meal so if your event starts early in the morning, rather than impact on sleep, have a carb rich snack before bed and in the morning a read the full article here in this months issue of ‘From the Sole‘.

If you are keen to nail your next big event, your nutrition strategy can play a big part in your result. Maximise your performance and make an appointment to see intraining dietitian and nutritionist, Liz Lovering.

(health fund rebates available with minimal out of pocket expense)


Brisbane Marathon Festival 2017
News just in – Early bird entry extended!
Good news for all of those participating at the Gold Coast Marathon this weekend. Enjoy your event this weekend and rest easy that you can still save on your Brisbane entry until Friday 7th July. We have just received word from Brisbane Marathon that early bird entry fees have been extended.


The new course for the 26th annual Brisbane Marathon Festival has been announced. Featuring a flatter and faster course in 2017, designed for to achieve your PB goals this running season. Check it out here.

Set your sights on completing the full or half marathon, 10km, 5km and let the kids loose in the NEW 1km Mini Marathon.

Click here

FREE Brisbane Marathon training group at intraining Milton store - 6pm Wednesdays


Twilight Bay Run – Saturday 23 September 2017
Ever run at night…with fireworks over head?
Make sure you get your entry in for one of the most exciting events of the year at Twilight Bay Run. The very special super early bird rate increases at midnight tonight.


If you have not experienced a run under the moon and stars, now is the time to get your entry in for the 6th annual Twilight Bay Run in Wynnum. Forget the early morning wakeup and get ready to stride it out under the stars on Saturday 23rd September. Featuring, half marathon, 10km run/walk, 5km run/walk and 1km kids event this is one for the whole family to enjoy.

Click here

Join in the fun at Twilight Bay Run - Saturday 23 September

Love2Run – November16 enews

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run eNews – November 2016
Although the official running season in Queensland is complete for 2016, it doesn’t mean your running should take a back seat. The summer months, whilst warm are a great time to get out and enjoy a couple more parkrun’s, work on fine tuning your running form or even set some summertime goals like attempting a trail run or two. This months edition of Love2Run focuses on injury management, setting goals for 2017 and a getting yourself organised for Christmas.

In this this issue:
Christmas Gift Ideas: Take the stress out of buying Christmas gifts
WIN $1030 Suunto watch: Spend over $300 in one transaction & WIN
Pain in the calf?: Learn when to stop running with a calf injury
Used your private health?: Make an appointment before 31 December
Running Form Workshop: Last chance to register for the workshop
Twilight Running Festival: Lace up… Twilight is on 19th March 2017

Did you know running facts – Part 30
Serge Girard - Ultra Marathon RunnerThe longest distance ever run in a year was 27,011km. French Ultra marathon runner Serge Girard covered the distance in 365 days at the age of 57 between 2009 and 2010 without missing a day of running. How is that for love of running!

Based on the distance covered, Serge would have worn through a pair of shoes weekly for an entire year!

Whilst we don’t recommend running an average of 74km per day, running just three times per week for just 20mins a session has been shown to increase bone density and prevent heart disease.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


Take the stress out of Christmas gift giving in 2016
The gift catalogue for that runner in your life
It is no secret that buying a gift for someone involves a lot of thought and walking around deliberating, so much so, you almost need to buy a pair shoes dedicated to the gift hunt.

intraining's Christmas Gift Ideas Catalogue 2017We have taken the stress and hassle out of your Christmas shopping this year and have put together our top Christmas Gift Ideas catalogue for 2016.

From compression socks and GPS watches through to the Secret Santa suprises. We have a solution for every budget with a huge range of gifts any running enthusiast will love. Take a look at the intraining Christmas Gift Ideas catalogue for 2016.

Need some sustainance for the shopping ahead? Check out the ‘Fruity Christmas Coconut Truffle’ recipe provided by intraining dietitian Liz Lovering.

Christmas treats to get into this festive season!


WIN yourself a $1030 Suunto Spartan Ultra GPS watch
Spend over $300 and you could WIN
Christmas has come early with intraining Running Centre and Suunto. For the month of November until 20 December we have the ultimate Christmas gift up for grabs; Suunto Spartan Ultra Titanium GPS watch worth over $1000. Simply spend over $300 in a single transaction at the intraining Running Centre and you go in the draw to WIN the $1030 watch.

The winner will be drawn on Tuesday 20th December, where one lucky winner will take home the best Christmas present ever from the team at intraining Running Centre.

intraining Christmas Suunto Super Specials
Ambit 3 Sport – Current price: $449.95  NOW $315.00*
Ambit 3 Run – $349.95 NOW $245.00*
Spartan Sport – $779.95 NOW $700.00*
Spartan Ultra – $929.95 NOW $840.00*
Spartan Ultra Titanium – $1029.95 NOW $925.00*
Ambit 3 Peak – $549.95 NOW $495.00*

*Save even more with up to $100 more off with Suunto cash back

WIN a Suunto Spartan Ultra Titanium worth $1030


Calf strengthening and injuries – by Margot Manning (podiatrist)
Injured calf? When should you stop running?
The calf muscle is one of the most common site of injury experienced by runners. Calf injuries are often made worse when the initial symptoms are sometimes not severe enough to stop running. Stopping immediately is the key to faster recovery and a less significant injury.

Calf muscle tearVague symptoms are harder to determine whether to stop during a run or even to start a run.  However, there are a few simple rules you can follow to help make the decision.

  1. If the muscle gradually tightens and becomes worse as the run continues…STOP.
  2. If the muscle tightens quickly or ‘grabs’ and does not relax shortly after…STOP.
  3. If there is pain, an ache or constant niggling sensations during the day following the above symptoms, have a few days rest from running…DON’T START.
  4. If you are uncertain and just ‘have to run’, stay close to home, do small laps and run on your own knowing that if the above symptoms persist or increase, you can STOP.

Learn more about calf injuries from our podiatry and physiotherapy team, including when you can return to running as well as three key exercises you can perform to prevent and even recover after injury. Click here to view the full article in November’s From the Sole newsletter, by dietitian, Liz Lovering and get yourself hydrated this summer.

Calf Injuries - How to manage your running

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Private health fund rebates end 31 December
Don’t wait until it is too late – get in before your rebates end
Time is running out to take advantage of your Private Health Fund privileges for 2016. Remember, your personal benefits don’t roll over into 2017 – so get organised and make the most of it before 1 January!

If you are looking to get an injury assessed, need replacement orthotics or simply want to book in to consult one of our podiatrists, physiotherapist or dietitian, make sure you book in before 31 December.

At intraining Running Injury Clinic we offer on the spot claims to most major private health fund providers with the HICAPS system.

Appointments can be made online or by phone on 07 3367 3088. Ensure you organise your appointment time early to avoid missing out.

Private health fund lifecycle ends 31 December - Book now

Running Form Workshop – 3 December 2016
Improve strength, coordination and running speed
With just over one week until the December Running Form Workshop, it is now or never to make the decision to sign up.

Sign up today for the
Running Form Workshop
3rd December 2016

Who is this for?
This workshop is ideal for runners who have participated in a previous running form workshop. The session will have an emphasis on improving technique through running drills and feedback. Under the guidance of the intraining physiotherapy, podiatry and coaching team, this session will fine tune running skills and drills learned previously and give you a plan of attack to work on throughout the summer.

When: Saturday 3 December
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Dress: Running clothing and footwear
Cost: $30 or ($25 for intraining club members)

If you are a beginner runner or can’t attend the December workshop, the three part Form Workshop in February 2017 will provide a greater emphasis on how to perform drills and develop these skills over three hands-on sessions.

Click here for more information

December running form workshop


Twilight Running Festival 2017
Lace up those shoes… Twilight is coming…
Lace up those shoes and get ready for the 9th annual Twilight Running Festival which will be held on 19th March 2017.

We are excited to announce more freedom, more fun and more friends in 2017 with cheaper entry fees so you can make the start line. Whether you are new to Twilight or back for your 9th. Come along and join in the biggest Twilight Run event in Australia.UQ Twilight Running Festival 2017

2017 Super Early Bird Entry Fees
Half Marathon: $70.00
10km Run/Walk: $45.00
5km Run/Walk: $35.00
1km Active Kids Run: $20.00

This is a running event you do not want to miss. Run under the moon and stars in 2017. Online entries are coming soon…

Register your interest online


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Lace up your shoes - Twilight Running Festival is coming...