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Science of compression gear

Doug James
Article by: Doug James (podiatrist, physiotherapist and runner)

Science of compression gear

It’s been 20 years since SKINS, the Australian based compression garment company first launched their product range. Since then, SKINS and other brands of compression garments have been worn by athletes from a wide range of sports. Aside from the professional endorsement and anecdotal support of these products – just what scientific support is there to justify their use?

A review of reputable peer reviewed scientific studies released within the past decade shows that compression garments actually offer little to no increase in running performance. So why do people keep wearing them?

Science has been able to prove that Lower Limb Compression Garments (LLCGs) are of most use as a recovery aid. Perceived muscle soreness after endurance running events was less in runners that used LLCGs. Additionally, LLCGs (either calf sleeves or integrated calf sleeve + sock) were found to reduce foot swelling that may be associated with foot pain and numbness during running.

CompressionTightClinically it has been suggested that LLCGs may also offer benefit in reducing muscle vibration that occurs during impact sports such as running, and this in turn could help reduce shin pain and calf muscle injuries.

Remember that recovery is an important part of your training approach. Consider using lower limb compression garments to help maximise your recovery and training.

If you are looking to get that little extra edge on your competition, the intraining Running Centre, Milton and Indooroopilly have a wide range of compression garments from the major brands, including major brands; Skins, 2XU and Compresssport.

Our running experts can help fit you up correctly in the latest compression gear and can also provide recommendations to suit your needs. From calve sleeves and socks, to full length tights and tops we have it all.

If you are experiencing muscle soreness and tightness that needs a little more attention, make an appointment to see our podiatrist and physiotherapist, Doug James. Please call us at the intraining Running Injury Clinic on 3367 3088, or book online.

Make appointment

Are you compressed?

Get ready to be compressed

It is no secret that compression is a technology that has quantifiable benefits that can assist in helping muscles recover quicker, reduce fatigue and essentially enable your muscles to go harder for longer. With the myriad of different compression brands and technologies available it can often become confusing to figure out which brand and type of compression will work best for you. The three major players we have available in full length compression are; Skins, 2XU and CEP with their tailor made made of recovery compression tights, ‘CloneTec’.

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Check out our summary of benefits within each brand and how these may suit your preferred usage. Ranging from active usage through reduced muscle vibration passive usage such as sitting at work after a session with your recovery compression working its magic.


Skins Compression Technology

  • A400 Active range is designed for the active elite and fanatical amateur, those who ‘live’ in their Skins for more than 10 hours a week.
  • The new DNAmic and A200 ranges are designed with everyday sports men and women in mind (those who love their team sports or gym sessions) who train or compete for up to 10 hours a week.
  • The RY400 Recovery range is the essential kit to pull on after every training session to help reduce exercise induced muscle damage, so you can get back out there again faster.


2XU Compression Technology

2XU have long been in the industry and have a range of compression tights to suit various activities from activity through to specific recovery tights.

Elite Range

  • High impact activities
  • MCS results in up to 2 x less muscle dama2XUCompressionge
  • 9% greater endurance, 33% improved recovery
  • Manufactured from 3D body scans.

Performance range

  • Medium impact activities
  • Made to suit BMI ranges.

Recovery range

  • Ultimate recovery benefits helping circulate blood improving rate of recovery.
  • Higher level of compression vs Elite and Performance range.
  • Full compression from waist through to toe.


  • Ice-X tech results in improved breathability and reduced body temperature.
  • Same as the performance compression but keeps you 2 degrees cooler.


CEPCompressionCEP Compression Technology

Clone Tech – Made to measure

  • Made to measure (tailor made from 15 anatomical measurement points)
  • Compression from your toes to your waist
  • Anatomically designed
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Seamless leg compression
  • Circular knit design and ultra-thin breathable fabric
  • Graduated compression resulting in more at the ankle and reduces towards the heart
  • Made in Germany

Keen to find out more about CloneTec? Join us for the free information evening on Thursday 27 April at 7pm at intraining Running Centre, Milton. Click here to find out more

Whether following a hard race, a long training run or a hard workout, compression garments can facilitate recovery and reduce post-exercise muscle soreness.

If you are still unsure about how to select the best compression for you, visit us at intraining Running Centre and we can help compress you and maximise your potential.

CEP Compression Tights

CEP – Next level compression

CEP is the latest in compression gear to hit the shelves at intraining Running Centre, and boy are we excited! The German company lives up to their heritage offering the best compression money can buy. CEP has already seen great success in Europe for decades and we are proud to finally have them in store.

CEP5Currently we are stocking an extensive range of CEP compression gear including;

  • Quarter socks
  • Calf socks
  • Calf sleeves
  • Full length tights (Clone Tech: Custom made to order specific to your measurements – think tailored suit)

Why compression?

Compression garments are certainly not new technology, but the type and quality of compression varies dramatically across brands. Not all brands are created equally. CEP offer the following benefits to their compression range.

  • Improve blood circulation through the muscles before, during, and after exercise.
  • Lower the risk of DVT whilst traveling (studies have shown that due lower resting heart rates, athletes make up 85% of the people who experience DVT while traveling).
  • Minimise the risk of muscle cramping.
  • Wick moisture away from body, keeping your core body temperature under control.
  • Improve endurance, performance and power over longer distances due to better circulation.
  • Anatomical measurements for men and women, ensuring the fit is perfect.
  • Reduce the chance of injury … that’s a winner right there!

What is the CEP difference


CEP was into the compression game long before compression became ‘cool’ with almost every other brand coming out with their own compression range of garment. How long have they been in it? Over 60 years… yep, CEP (under parent ‘Medi’) know a thing or two about compression for athletes. The CEP compression range measure compression force in mmHg (mercury millimeter system for measuring force). Essentially, mmHg is required at different strengths depending on the location on the body.

Key differences between CEP and other brands compression

  • Parent brand ‘Medi’ has been in therapeutic compression longer than most brands have been in existence
  • Medical grade compression
  • Graduated compression ensuring maximum blood flow
  • CEP’s socks feature 23.5 mmHg at the ankle and 18 mmHg at the calf.
  • Comfort is unmatched in our opinion

What is graduated compression?

CEP3Consistent graduated compression is what CEP famous for. It means that the compression actually does what it’s supposed to do and as the name suggests, offers difference mmHg as the sock moves up your body and closer to your heart. It’s not just about having a tight garment and creating a nice ‘cankle’ or ‘muffin top’, but rather a controlled compression that encourages blood flow back to the heart.

In a sock for example, if the compression is too tight at the calf and not tight enough at the ankle you’ll have blood pooling in the leg, or at the very least, you will impede normal circulation, allowing lactic acid and less oxygenated blood to linger in the leg. In which case, you would probably be better going bare leg.

With plenty of colours to choose from, CEP is the perfect choice for your compression gear. Drop by intraining Running Centre and let our trained staff help measure up and fit you up properly in the latest CEP compression range.


Love2Run – October16 enews

  intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – October 2016
Under two months until Christmas… yep it really is that close. But we will hold off on the tinsel for a little while longer. This months edition of Love2Run focuses on getting the most out of your body with some great new product releases that make recovery and training a breeze.

In this this issue:
Garmin 735XT: A watch that can do it all…Garmin 735XT
2XU Ice-X: The discrete and easy way to boost your recovery
Thirsty work: Hydration and enhancing your performance
Are you breathing correctly?: Tips on how to breathe when running
Never run before?: Check out our success stories… from 2mins to 10km
Running Form Workshop: Transform your running in December 2016
Twilight Running Festival: Lace up… Twilight is coming in 2017

Did you know running facts – Part 29
Ever wondered how much you sweat whilst running? An average person sweats between 800ml to 1.4 litres per hour during exercise. To help you with a visual, a standard water bottle typically hold 600mls of fluid and the larger bottles hold 700ml of fluid.

How about an elite runner you ask? One of the greatest runners of all time, Haile Gebreselassie, lost 9.8% of his starting body weight at the Berlin Marathon when he set the marathon world record, dropping from 58.2 kg to 52.5 kg. He apparently drank 1.7 liters during the race, but sweated out 3.6 liters per hour.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


Our take on the latest Garmin Forerunner 735XT
A watch so good… it almost does exercises for you
Are you a multisport addict? Do you demand the most out of your equipment? Garmin, who need no introduction, are the leader in GPS sports technologies. The latest introduction to the already extensive Forerunner range of GPS watches is the Forerunner 735XT – the triathlon and multisport focused watch that has left no stone un-turned in the quest to offer the athlete with a watch that has it all.

Top stand out features
Running dynamics: Whilst not new to the Garmin list of features, the benefits of running dynamics can improve running efficiency through analysis on ground contact time, vertical bounce and stride length.

Heart rate measurement: For many of us, the reason we do not monitor our heart rate in training and in races is for the simple fact that heart rate monitors can be uncomfortable, cause chafing and even have problems reading on certain body shapes. Introducing the new optical wrist based heart rate measurement of the 735XT.

Strava alerts in real time - Garmin Forerunner 735XTLiveTrack and Strava integration: We live in a world of virtual social interaction, where a run is done unless it is online. The 735XT when paired with your phone, allows instant Strava integration as well as tracking your exact whereabouts.

Read our full review here.

The 735XT is a watch that can do it all. If you are eager to push your body to the limit and be as efficient as you can be, then the 735XT will get you there.

Whether you are looking for information on how to use your watch, looking for an upgrade or just want to find out more, come visit the experts at intraining Running Centre.

Garmin Forerunner 735XT - Optical heart rate measurement


How to recover from your workout quicker
2XU Ice-X Compression tights
We all want to train harder and recover faster. The problem is our body can only do so much to be ready for that next training session. Whilst having an ice bath and wearing standard compression is great, there are two problems for most of us.New 2XU - Ice X
1. We work and do not have time to have an ice-bath
2. Most compression tights become hot and sweaty in summer.

Enter the new range of 2XU Ice Compression tights. Naturally cooling to the touch, ICE-X Compression can help to reduce surface skin temperature. Powerful compression support to entire leg muscles to help prevent muscle soreness, fatigue and long term overuse injuries.

Possibly the best thing of the 2XU Ice-X range of tights is that we can receive the benefits of icing and compression, all whilst sitting at a desk in our work clothes.

Visit our trained staff at the intraining Running Centre to ensure that you purchase the correct size to maximise the benefits of 2XU Ice-X.

2XU - IceX Cooling and Compression - Available at intraining Running Centre


Thirsty work in the summer – by Liz Lovering (dietitian)
Perform better when you are hydrated…
Now the weather is warming up it’s important to consider your fluid needs. Fluid losses from sweat are very individual and several factors affect how much fluid we need, including; genetics, size, environment (a hot Queensland summer day vs a cool winter morning), exercise intensity and fitness levels.

Water is great for general hydration and short low intensity runs, but for those more intense sessions or long runs in hot conditions, sports drinks (or electrolyte replacement formulas) provide fluid and important electrolytes.

Electrolyte replacement (especially sodium) is particularly important when running in …Click here to view the full article in October’s From the Sole newsletter, by dietitian, Liz Lovering and get yourself hydrated this summer.

Thirsty work - get the most out of your body

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Are you breathing correctly? – by Doug James (physiotherapist)
Top tips to help you breathe right when running…
A commonly asked question amongst new runners is ‘how am I supposed to breathe while running?’ This is usually asked because breathing is often the limiting factor to being able to run further or faster.

Correct technique can also help make running more comfortable and improve your performance.

3 tips to help you ‘breathe right’
1. Use your diaphragm: This involves pushing your stomach out to more fully expand your lungs. Pausing slightly once you have fully inhaled helps to get oxygen to more parts of your lungs.
2. Time your breathing for your pace: When running at a comfortable pace aim to breathe in for 3-4 steps, then breathe out for the same time. As your pace or effort (eg during hills) increases so will your breathing rate (up to 1 breath in/out per step for sprinting).
3. Don’t hunch your shoulders: Avoid using muscles above your collar bone as this prevents you using your diaphragm as effectively.

The above tips can help guide you to better breathing techniques while running. Read the full article by intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatrist and physiotherapist – Doug James in October’s ‘From the Sole‘ monthly clinic enewsletter.

Breathe right and maximise your running potential

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.

Running Form Workshop – 3 December 2016
Improve strength, coordination and running speed
Join the intraining Running Injury Clinic and coaching team for a practical form workshop. The workshop is designed to provide a hands on focus at improving the way you run in a single day workshop.

Who is this for?
This workshop is ideal for runners who have participated in a previous running form workshop. The session will have an emphasis on improving technique through running drills and feedback. Under the guidance of the intraining physiotherapy, podiatry and coaching team, this session will fine tune the way you have learnt the running drills previously and give you a session plan to do over the summer

When: Saturday 3 December
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Dress: Running clothing and footwear
Cost: $30 or ($25 for intraining club members)

If you are a beginner runner or can’t attend the December workshop, the three part Form Workshop in February 2017 will provide a greater emphasis on how to perform drills and develop these skills over three hands-on sessions.

Click here for more information

December running form workshop


Twilight Running Festival 2017
Lace up those shoes… Twilight is coming…
Excitement is building for the 2017 Twilight Running Festival. Some exciting news is soon to be announced.

This is a running event you do not want to miss. Run under the moon and stars in 2017. Online entries are coming soon…

Register your interest online

Lace up your shoes - Twilight Running Festival is coming...