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3 Signs your shoes are too small

3 Signs your shoes are too small

Your feet should not hurt when you run. 

If they do, then you need to find out why that happens and make some changes.  The most common reasons for uncomfortable feet when running is because your shoes are one or more of these:

  • too short
  • too shallow
  • not the right shape.  

Here are the three signs of shoe not fitting you right:

#1 Numb toes

After running for 8 to 10km, your toes start to go numb or tingly. It’s usually the third and fourth toes that are affected the most and you will get relief when you take off your shoes.  Annoyingly, this will only happen when you are running. 

This numbness is a sign of irritation and pressure on the nerves that run between the toes.  The reason it happens later in your runs is because your foot expands with increased blood flow and muscle use after a while.  If your shoes don’t have enough space  around then (aka too small) then they become squished.  

Feet that are flexible can also develop this numbness.  When you stand on one foot the front of it flattens.  Runners with flexible feet will get even more flattening.  This makes your foot wider than what you would expect.   So when you are buying shoes, make sure you check that the front of your foot does not have bumps showing  or feel too much pressure from the sides…  check the width.  

High arched feet can also be a problem contributing to numb toes.  If you have a high arched foot you need to ensure the middle of the foot is deep enough  to accomodate its height and even lace the shoes differently.  


Even if you have a relatively normal or slightly thin feet, check that it’s not one that flattens to be wider when you stand.  A common sign can be small bumps on your fifth toe.  

What to Change: 

If this is you, you need to go to a wider or deeper shoe.  This can be tricky if the rest of your foot is narrower, but there are a variety of shapes in shoes and ways to customise your shoes to fit and run well.  

#2 Blisters & Black toenails

Black toenails should not be considered ‘normal’ for a runner.  They occur more frequently with long runs and races but can be avoided. The reason they occur is from repetitive rubbing or ‘bumping’ onto the inside of the shoe.  Think about how many steps you take running, and how many times your toes will be hitting the end or top of the shoe.  A lot!!  

There are different reasons black toenails form. 

  • a shoe is too short  (the most common)
  • a shoe is too shallow at the end because the upper is tapered towards the toe
  • you have the wrong shaped shoe for your feet and toes are rubbing
  • your toes move more than they should when inside the shoe because of the way you run – your biomechanics.
  • with a longer or deeper pair of shoes.


Buy a different shoe – size, or shape.  Toes that continually go black from trauma (being beaten constantly in their shoes), eventually can thicken.  This is a permanent damage and will make it even more difficult as an older person to fit into shoes.  


The biggest change is the size and shape of the shoe.  If you have done this and still have problems then you need to see a running podiatrist to review your foot biomechanics.  

#3 Hot feet or a lump under the foot

The feeling of a lump, your sock bunching up or a stone under the ball of the feet is another sign of tight shoes.  This has the same pattern as your numb toes, starting after a while with the foot starting to feel warm or hot. This is not a fun experience at all and can completely ruin the enjoyment of your runs due to the pain.  To compensate for this pain, you may also start to alter how your foot is landing on the ground leading to a secondary tendon injury – a much harder one to resolve.  


Check the fit of the shoe just as you did for the numb toes.  Sometimes this injury starts as numb toes and turns into the stone-like pain.  

Check also the age of your shoes.  This is a common sign when the cushioning in your shoes has worn out.  Remember that the midsole (cushioning) can wear out with no visible signs.  


Larger shoes if they are newer.  New shoes if you have done a lot of exercise of they are old.  


Your feet should be comfortable, especially when you run the longer distances. It is not normal to get these pains and they are often pretty easy to get rid of with the right size and fitted shoe. 

Make sure you take the time to think about the fit and feel of your feet when you are buying new shoes.  Stand in them, run in them and check you don’t have any obvious signs while in the shop suggesting they are too small.  Even a little too small can escalate to larger discomfort on your runs. 

If you have answered yes to any of the above signs come and talk with our running team at intraining Running Centre. They can help you with some tips to modify your shoes or help you find the right pair.  There are so many different shape designs to running shoes that usually we can help you find a pair to suit.

You’ve tried all those changes and still need help?

If it is an ongoing pain, then you should book in to see one of our running podiatrists, because there are other in-shoe management strategies and we can determine if there is another underlying cause, such as neuroma’s, bursitis, nerve impingements, or joint capsule injuries.  

Don’t live with this pain.  Take the steps to make your running more enjoyable again.

Phone us on 07 3367 3088 , or come in and see our running team.  They know what signs to look for and can help you find the right shoe.  

By Margot Manning, Podiatrist, intraining Running Centre CEO, Runner,  and Coach.

Love2Run – May17 e news

Love 2 Run e News – May 2017

Your running fitness is building, you are running faster and no doubt running more as the weather cools. At this time of the year it is a good idea to think about how to recover from your training and to make sure you are getting the most out of each session as well as the best ways to avoid injury.

This month’s edition of Love 2 Run enews focuses recovery, keeping your body in order and learning about the differences between x-ray, ultrasound, MRI and other diagnostic imaging techniques.

Whether you need advice on footwear to kickstart that motivation, looking for tips on how to improve your running or need help with a running injury, we are here 7 days a week to help.

In this this issue:
OOFOS…what the?: Finally a thong that will actually help your feet
All the Feetures you need: A colourful way to brighten your day
Diagnostic imaging: Xray, CT, Bone Scan, MRI – Which is best?
Improve your running technique: Missed out on the April workshop?
Brisbane Marathon Festival: 2017 singlet design announced!
Twilight Bay Run: Half , 10km, 5km and 1km events – ENTER NOW!

Did you know running facts – Part 4
Eliud Kipchoge - Fastest man for 42.2km marathon distanceRecently one of the biggest records to to fall (unofficially) was the men’s marathon time. Eliud Kipchoge of Kenya was part of Nike’s special event where the magical 2hr mark was the goal… yes, that is right, they were planning to run 42.2km in under 2hrs.

Unfortunately, the 2hr barrier still proves to be elusive, with Kipchoge missing the mark by just 25 seconds for a time of 2:00:25.

To put this time into perspective, Kipchoge ran an average of 17sec per 100m 4200 times without a break. His average kilometre pace for the each of the 42km was 2min50sec or 21km/hr – that is a good effort on a bicycle!

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


OOFOs – Finally a thong that is good for your feet!
Thongs that help your feet recover…yes you read right!
When you get back from a long run or you have been on your feet too long, it is always nice to kick off the shoes and throw on a pair of your old trusty thongs to give your feet some freedom. The problem was that our thongs never provided any support and our feet would ultimately pay the price.

Enter OOFOS – the revolutionary new thong that actually helps your feet recovery from the trials and tribulations of day to day life. Featuring a contoured and non invasive arch support, which is contoured to fit the shape of the foot. OOFOS are also light and compact enough to throw into the bag ready for you to put on and head to the coffee shop, post run.

Don’t believe us? Visit the intraining Running Centre and get your feet into a pair of OOFOS and feel the difference. Available in a wide range of colours to suit your running atire.

OOFOS - Finally a thong designed for runners


Feetures – Socks to brighten up any morning
Better fit, better feel and better run
One thing all runners quickly learn is the importance of looking after their feet. Once you have the shoes sorted, the next critical concern is socks. intraining have a wide range of Feetures socks in stock in a variety of different colours that will brighten up any early morning or late evening run.

Feetures socks are anatomically designed (left and right specific) and make use of high density cushioning to provide extra protection in high impact areas. This alone makes them super comfy, but Feetures have gone one step further and engineered a no seam toe to eliminate that common friction point.

Finally, the socks include some targeted compression to ensure no slippage and therefore a much reduced chance of blistering.

If you are looking for the right ingredients to make enhance the fit, feel and have a better run in your shoes, visit intraining Running Centre and have a look at our wide range of performance running socks that will help make your feet feel happy.

Feetures socks - available at intraining Running Centre


Diagnostic imaging – Steve Manning (podiatrist, runner & coach)
Xrays, CT Scan, Ultrasound, Bone Scan, MRI… which is best?
There are times when it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis from clinical findings alone. When this happens we need to use diagnostic imaging to identify the actual structure which is affected.

The first decision is to decide which type of imaging is best to use to differentiate the possible diagnoses.  There are many excellent types of scans with positive and negatives of their use.  The suspected injury and type of tissue involved determines the best type of imaging to use.

Radiographs: X-rays are the most common type of imaging used.
CT Scans: Similar to x-rays but can take a picture of a slice of the bone.
Ultrasound: Imaging sends a wave into the body and read the reflection.
Bone Scans: Involves injecting dye to identify stress fractures.
MRI: The best type of scan for most musculoskeletal problems.

Modern imaging techniques assist in a more accurate diagnosis of injury. The addition of imaging techniques will assist in your health professional providing advice on the right treatment plan to recover quicker from your running injury.

For more in-depth look at diagnostic imaging and when to use various scans, click here to view the full article in May’s From the Sole enews.

Diagnostic Imagine techniques - Read article by Steve Manning (podiatrist, coach and runner)

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.

Running Form Workshop – 8 October and 3 December 2017
Want to improve your running technique?
Ever wondered why or how some people can run so fast? Just think they are freaks? The big secret to running faster starts with your running technique. Sound running technique is the foundation of continous improvement in your personal best times.

If you missed out on a place in the sell out Running Form Workshop for April, now is your time to get organised for October and December. The Running Form Workshop is a hands 60min on running specific workshop designed to help improve your running technique and efficiency.

Register now for Running Form Workshop
October or December 2017

Each workshop is conducted by podiatry and physiotherapy clinicians as well as experienced running coaches who are experts in running form and biomechanics. Through technique modification and drills, your PB and injury free running is just around the corner.

Running Form Workshop - 30 April 3017


Brisbane Marathon Festival 2017
10 weeks until race day. Have you registered yet?
Brisbane Marathon Festival 2017 - Official singlet designBrisbane is a city known for it’s user friendly ‘fitness infrastructure’ with pedestrian bridges and cycleways that encourage an active lifestyle. The beautiful Brisbane course was voted as one of the most picturesque and spectator friendly courses in Australia.

Get your hands on the 2017 Brisbane Marathon Festival event singlet. Featuring the iconic Brisbane cityscape for a truly memorable running experience.

Set your sights on completing the full or half marathon, 10km, 5km and let the kids loose in the NEW 1km Mini Marathon.

Click here

FREE Brisbane Marathon training group at intraining Milton store - 6pm Wednesdays


Twilight Bay Run – Saturday 23 September 2017
Fireworks, fun and a little run
Fun under the stars at the Twilight Bay RunGear up and get training for the 6th annual Twilight Bay Run. Back again on a Saturday evening with the first event kicking off at 4pm.

Forget waking up early, have a sleep in and prepare yourself for the most fun you will have at night. Featuring, half marathon, 10km run/walk, 5km run/walk and 1km kids event this is one for the whole family to enjoy.

Click here

Join in the fun at Twilight Bay Run - Saturday 23 September

Love2Run – April17 e news

Welcome to intraining’s Love 2 Run e news April 2017

Winter is just around the corner with one third of the year complete. Now is the best time of the year to get yourself motivated and get enjoy those cool morning sunrises and evening sunsets. Mother’s Day is just two weeks away which means it is time to start thinking of ways toCouch210km - Because we all started somewhere say ‘thanks mum’.

If you are keen to start running but don’t know where to begin, the NEW 13 week Couch210km program starts on Monday 1 May. We all started somewhere, so your fitness is no barrier.

This month’s edition of Love 2 Run enews focuses brightening up your mornings, pampering mum as well as a great article on how to make pain your friend.

Whether you need advice on footwear to kickstart that motivation, looking for tips on how to improve your running or need help with a running injury, we are here 7 days a week to satisfy all your running needs.

In this this issue:
Running specific light: Lightweight, portable and bright magnetic light
Thanks mum: Rejuvinate your mum’s skin with Premax
Don’t be boring: Brighten up your wardrobe with new Predator socks
Is pain is your friend?: Make pain your friend and improve your fitness
Improve your running technique: Missed out on the April workshop?
Brisbane Marathon Festival: Entry fees increase 30 April at 11.59pm

Did you know running facts – Part 3
Joyciline Jepkosgei - WR: 1:04:52In a world where constant innovation breeds some of the fastest athletes in the world, it is inevitable that new milestones will be reached in the world of elite running.

On Saturday 1 April, Joyciline Jepkosgei of Kenya achieved an astonishing women’s half marathon world record time of 1.04.52 in the Prague Half Marathon. Not only was this a world record, but the Kenyan broke three other world records along the way, including 10km, 15km and 20km times.

To put this in perspective, her winning time was faster than the Gold Coast Half Marathon men’s winning time in 2014. Girl power!

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


Looking for a light to brighten the night?
Lightweight, bright and cheap. Sound too good to be true?
Running in poor lit conditions is a recipe for disaster with an injury waiting to happen. So why risk it? The latest product to hit the shelves at intraining Running Centre is a simple but effective magnetic clip on running light that is designed with the runner in mind.

All too often we have found that lights for runners are either; A: Bulky but bright; or B: Lightweight but as bright as a candle. The NEW lightweight and extremely powerful magnetic clip on light is a breeze to work with and does not weigh you down, making it perfect for running.

– Bright light projects 200 lumens for a fantastic visibility range
– Simple magnetic clip attaches to clothing quickly and easily.
– Lightweight design with rechargeable USB.
– Flash and constant available in four settings to suit the conditions

NEW magnetic clip on light - Available at intraining Running Centre

At intraining Running Centre, we have a range of lighting accessories to suit your running needs as the days grow shorter. From clip on lights to headlamps, we have everything you need to stay safe out there.


Mother’s Day gift idea
Give you mum silky smooth skin this Mother’s Day
Rejuvinate your mum this Mother's Day at intraining Running CentreIt is time to rejuvinate your mum’s skin with Premax’s range of massage creams. Say thanks to mum and give her skin a refreshing cream that will leave your mum’s skin feeling moisturised, rejuvinated and clean.

We absolutely love the Premax Arnica blend. Featuring high quality ingredients, including beeswax, aloe vera, vitamin E, olive oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, ginger and arnica montana.

The benefits of arnica, ginger, and olive oil are well known, and the shea and cocoa butters give the cream a smooth and creamy texture. Aloe vera and vitamin E helps the skin maintain its condition for that smooth and supply feel. Premax Arnica is long lasting, wipes off easily and won’t leave residue.

Drop by the intraining Running Centre for your Mother’s Day gifts and say thanks mum.


Colourful, cushioned and creative socks from Lightfeet
Spice up your running wardrobe with the new Predator socks
New Predator range of performance running socksBring some colour back to your running wardrobe with the latest addition to the Lightfeet lineup with the new Predator range of socks.

The new Predator sock improves on the already popular Evolution sock featuring maximum comfort and protection. Coolmax® and X-Static® yarns provide enhanced performance by keeping your feet cool, dry and fresh. Anatomically shaped, the socks are contoured for left and right specific fit – to improve support and protect high impact areas on the foot.

• COOLMAX® – Moisture management and temperature control
• X-STATIC® – Anti-odour and Anti-Fungal protection
• Ultra-lightweight – Engineered for maximum performance
• Mesh upper to enhance airflow and breathability
• Anatomical design for left and right fit
• Designed by Australian Sports Podiatrists
• Made in Australia

At intraining Running Centre, we have one of the largest ranges available of high performance running socks available. Whether you prefer extra cushioning, barely there or even toe socks we have a solution for you. Ask our friendly staff which will suit your running needs.


Pain is your friend – Steve Manning (podiatrist & running coach)
Struggle to push through difficult sessions?
You should not be trying to ignore pain but instead should be embracing it. Pain tells you when you are pushing enough and when you are pushing too hard. Pain is the leveler. It is your companion on a run and after a hard effort. Pain keeps you on track to achieve your goals and lets you know when they are unrealistic. Pain is not your enemy but is your friend.

When people first start running every step is an effort that requires focus to keep running with the pain. After a few weeks of regular running, suddenly they find it no longer hurts to run and the absence of pain lets them know their running has moved to a new level. It gives them the confidence that better times are ahead.

When you are running hard in a speed session or race, the level of pain you are experiencing… click here to view the full article in April’s From the Sole enews.

Pain is your friend - Read article by Steve Manning (podiatrist, coach and runner)

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.

Running Form Workshop – 8 October and 3 December 2017
Want to improve your running technique?
Ever wondered why or how some people can run so fast? Just think they are freaks? The big secret to running faster starts with your running technique. Sound running technique is the foundation of continous improvement in your personal best times.

If you missed out on a place in the sell out Running Form Workshop for April, now is your time to get organised for October and December. The Running Form Workshop is a hands 60min on running specific workshop designed to help improve your running technique and efficiency.

Register now for Running Form Workshop
October or December 2017

Each workshop is conducted by podiatry and physiotherapy clinicians as well as experienced running coaches who are experts in running form and biomechanics. Through technique modification and drills, your PB and injury free running is just around the corner.

Running Form Workshop - 30 April 3017


Brisbane Marathon Festival 2017
Online entry fees increase 11.59pm on Sunday 30 April
Brisbane is a city known for it’s user friendly ‘fitness infrastructure’ with pedestrian bridges and cycleways that encourage an active lifestyle. The beautiful Brisbane course was voted as one of the most picturesque and spectator friendly courses in Australia.

A flatter, faster and more scenic course is coming in 2017. Set your sights on completing the full or half marathon, 10km, 5km and let the kids loose in the NEW 1km Mini Marathon.

Online entry fees increase on Sunday 30 April at 11.59pm AEST. Be sure to get your entry in before the price rise.

Click here

Brisbane Marathon Festival - A scenic course with exciting new changes

Love2Run – March17 e news

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – March 2017
Training is racing is well under way as the Twilight Running Festival set things in motion for the 2017 running season two weeks ago. The mornings are darker, cooler and it is time to shift gear in your thinking during the Autumn running season.

This month’s edition of Love 2 Run enews focuses on your clothing selection, being visible as the days grow shorter as well as ankle injury treatment, avoidance and rehabilitation.

Whether you need advice on footwear to kickstart that motivation, looking for tips on how to improve your running or need help with a running injury, we are here 7 days a week to satisfy all your running needs.

In this this issue:
Safety & style: Technology breakthrough improves visibility in the dark
Don’t be a dork: Seamless transition from your run to the coffee shop
Ankle sprain holding you back?: What you need to know about sprains
Running Form Workshop 30 April: Toe runner, heel runner or no idea?
Brisbane Marathon Festival: Bigger & better in 2017… Tick the box

Did you know running facts – Part 2
Ed Whitlock - Aged 80 Toronto Waterfront MarathonFollowing on from our January newsletter, it is with great sadness that the man with the seemlingly endless fountain of running youth, Ed Whitlock, passed away on 13 March 2017 from prostate cancer, aged 86.

Ed Whitlock was an English-born Canadian long-distance runner, and the first person over 70 years old to run a marathon in less than three hours with an over 70 PB time of 2:54:48. Not to mention running a marathon in 3:15:54 at the age of 80. Ed has a range of  records for his age most of which are quite simply, impossible to believe. Check them out here.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


Asics technical apparel ensures you are seen
Safety and style first…a bright decision to make
As the days continue to shortern and we are more often than not faced with running in low light conditions, it is time to start thinking about how well you are seen out running. When it comes to safety, we are all for high visibility clothing and we have a range available in store.

Image for fit purpose only. Colours may varyWhilst HI-VIS fluoro coloured clothing provide fantastic safety features, there are some of us who prefer something a little more subtle. Enter Asics’ latest range of Lite-Show apparel and footwear.

The new range of Lite-Show apparel introduced by Asics features a new technology where reflective fibres are woven directly into the fabric and bounce light back directly to it’s source.

Standard reflective clothing and Asics Lite-Show
– Lite-Show does not wear out and is permanent part of the thread.
– Lite-Show features 360 degree reflectivity.
– Increased surface area of visibility, ensuring you are seen by others.

If you are keen to increase your visibility and looking for an alternative to the fluoro hi-vis running gear to be seen, the new Asics Lite-Show range is a bright decision to make.

At intraining Running Centre, we have a range of technical running apparel for Autumn and Winter seasons that will help increase your visibility out on the road.

Asics Lite-Show technology - Available at intraining Running Centre


NEW Adidas Eyewear – Wildcharge
Seamless transition from your run to the coffee shop
When you think of running glasses or most ‘sport specific’ eyewear, one word often springs to mind if you are not out exercising, dorky. Whilst these glasses look the goods when you are pumping out the km’s, when it comes to that all important coffee shop refuel, it is time to put them away.

Worry no more, the latest rendition of function meets form comes from Adidas Eyewear’s latest Wildcharge range of sunglasses. Allowing a seamless transition from training to the cafe. Enjoy the freedom of looking good both on and off the track without second guessing yourself after catching a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of the windows at your local.

Featuring adjustable nose pads to fit even the smallest of faces, ribbed ear temples that ensure non slip comfort and is available in a range of colours to suit your every mood.

Drop by the intraining Running Centre and blur the lines between your your sport and social lifestyle.

Adidas Wildcharge - Blur the lines between sport and social


Ankle Sprains – Doug James (physiotherapist and podiatrist)
Overcoming ankle sprain injuries – The how to…
Click here to learn more about ankle sprainsAnkle sprains are a common running injury that can result in minor short term impairment through to severe pain and chronic instability. Ankle sprain injuries can arise from seemingly innocuous event, such as stepping on a slightly uneven surface or stone, through to more predictable occurrences eg slipping during an evening trail run in wet conditions.

The ankle is most commonly sprained in an inverted position – this is where the lateral (outside) part of the foot tilts downwards and the force of your bodyweight and momentum causes one or more of the ligaments on the outside ankle bone to stretch.

Ankle sprain injuries are typically assigned a grading from 1 to 3 based on the degree of damage to the ligaments. If you are interested in finding out more about ankle sprain treatment, rehab and other information, click here to view the full article in March’s From the Sole enews.

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.

Running Form Workshop – 30 April 2017
Toe, forefoot, midfoot, heel striker… not sure how you run?
If you missed out on a place in the Form Workshop previously, now is your time to get organised. The Running Form Workshop is a hands 60min on running specific workshop designed to help improve your running form and efficiency.

Register now for Running Form Workshop
30 April 2017

Ever wondered why or how some people can run so fast? Just think they are freaks? The big secret to running faster starts with your running form. Without sound running form, your capacity to improve will be minimised, no matter how much running you do. The April workshop will provide participants with a hands on experience, with detailed and demonstrated drills to help improve your running form.

All running drills are conducted under the supervision of podiatry, physiotherapy clinicians as well as experienced running coaches who are experts in form and biomechanics.

Click here to find out more

Running Form Workshop - 30 April 3017


Brisbane Marathon Festival 2017
Tick the box in the 26th edition Brisbane Marathon in August
We are excited once again to present the 26th annual Brisbane Marathon Festival on 6 August 2017. This year we are excited to introduce a new course which will take participants on a tour of Brisbane.

A flatter, faster and more scenic course is coming in 2017. Set your sights on completing the full or half marathon, 10km, 5km and let the kids loose in the 2.2km Mini Marathon.

Online entries are not far away. Register your interest online and get ready to tick the box on 6 August.

Click here to register your interest

Brisbane Marathon Festival - A scenic course with exciting new changes

Love2Run – January17 e news

  intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e News – January 2017
Welcome to the New Year of our monthly Love2Run eNewsletter. With new goals and a refreshed body it is time to ready yourself for the year ahead! The start of a new year means a resolve from many of us to get fit, lose weight, run faster, start running or even just keep a more balanced life.

Whichever your goals are for the year ahead, remember that we are more than just a running store. Whether you need advice on footwear to kickstart that motivation, looking for tips on how to improve your running or need help with a running injury, we are here 7 days a week to satisfy all your running needs.

The easiest way to finish a half or full marathon in 2017

In this this issue:
Keeping your cool in summer: Is technical running apparel worth it?
Back2School shoes: Are your kids worth the investment?
Pain in the heel?: Sharp pain in the heel? It may be Plantar Fasciits
Lost your running mojo?: Get back on track with Run101 – 22 January
Running Form Workshop Series: Toe runner, heel runner or no idea?
Twilight Running Festival: Join over 6000 runners in March

Did you know running facts – Part 1
It is a known fact that as we age, unfortunately we get slower… or is it fact? Ed Whitlock of Canada seems to defy the basics of ageing as he continues to break world records. He now holds over 20 age records.

At the age of 73, Ed ran an astonishing 2hr53min marathon… that was over 10 years ago. Is he still running? You bet, at the age of 85 he continues to run into the record books and recorded a 3hr56min marathon in October last year.

If you ever needed some motivation to get out there and give it a go, even if others think you can’t do it… think of old Ed Whitlock.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


Keep your cool with the latest summer range of clothing
Technical running clothing… yes it does exist!
Nike Racing Print - Lightweight and breathable. The ultimate in technical running apparelTechnical apparel may seem extravagant, but as your friends may already have found, once you go technical, there is no turning back. Technical running apparel is made from fabrics that offer performance features and benefits that your old cotton tee is sorely lacking.

Technical apparel that’s worn next to your skin—whether it’s a top, sports bra, tights, or shorts are designed to wick moisture (that is, sweat) away from your body. Clothing made of cotton, by contrast, holds sweat, makes you more prone to chafing and leaves you looking like a sweaty mess at the end of a run.

Technical clothing on the other hand dries quickly, leaving you dry and comfortable througout your session. For beginning runners on a run/walk program, gear made of high-tech fabrics can be particularly useful as it moves sweat off you during run portions so that you’re warm during the walk sections.

Lightweight material approximately 1/5th the weight of cotton teeWhether you are an avid runner, occassional runner or just enjoy exercising outdoors, something you should not skimp on is moisture wicking clothing.

At intraining Running Centre, we have a range of technical running apparel that will help you enjoy your running that little bit more.


Are you Back2School ready?
How important are kids shoes really?
Your children’s footwear is a priceless investment in their future. It’s important to purchase good quality shoes, and also ensure they are well-fitted.

Are your kids worth the investment?Spending the time and money on your children’s feet and footwear during their younger years will reap many benefits throughout their schooling years and even into adulthood. Wearing good footwear will reduce their risk of short and long-term injury, and save from unexpected, expensive health practitioner bills.

Three important factors when buying kids shoes
1. Fit: Make sure your kids shoes fit them today. A mistake many parents make is buying shoes that kids will ‘grow into’. This can affect their running gait, flex shoes in the wrong place and ultimately lead to injury.
2. Quality shoes: Let’s face it, kids are tough on shoes! But, not all shoes are created equal. Yes, kids will wear through shoes quickly, but a quality pair of shoes will help them in the long term. Kids have the same bones, muscles and tendons as adults, this means they also need the cushioning and support that we as adults have.
3. Specificity: This may be a luxury for some, but if your child is an avid runner, make sure they have a pair of shoes specifically for their running and another for general wear. Doing this, like adults, will help increase the life of both shoes.

Read the full article written by intraining podiatrist, runner and coach, Emily on the importance of children’s footwear.

intraining Running Centre have a huge range of kids running shoes and black leather shoes starting from childrens size one starting at just $79.95.


Plantar Fasciitis – Emily Donker (podiatrist)
Pain in the heel that just won’t go away?
Plantar Fasciitis (or Fasciopathy) is one of the most common foot complaints seen by podiatrists and physiotherapists. Sufferers will usually complain of sharp, stabbing pain that is worst in the mornings and after periods of inactivity. During rest, soft tissue structures cool down and tighten, so they’re over-stretched with excessive load on return to activity.

Exercise and extended periods of weight-bearing and walking will also usually aggravate symptoms due to increased load and strain through the aggravated Fascia. Pain may be tolerable during activity, but worse afterwards or with fatigue.

In chronic injury presentations, there is typically less inflammation and the pain is more inconsistent. Chronic pain without appropriate treatment and resolution will not only prolong recovery time, but can also increase the risk of developing …click here to view the full article in January’s From the Sole enews.

Pain in the heel (Plantar Fasciitis - By Emily Donker (podiatrist)

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Run101 – A Running Masterclass
Want to start your 2017 right…but don’t know where to start?
Run101 is an informative and inspiring day of seminars and workshops designed to empower you with skills and knowledge you’ll need to maintain your fitness goals and improve your running in 2017.

Each session throughout the day will be conducted by running experts and professionals; including running coaches, podiatrists, physiotherapist and dietitian.

Kick start your 2017 with Run101 – Conference Day and get your running mojo back on track.

Date: Sunday 22nd January 2017
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Cost: $99.00
Location: intraining Running Centre – 33 Park Road, Milton.

Running Form Workshop Series – Jan/Feb 2017
Toe runner, heel striker… don’t really know how you run?
Are you a toe runner, heel runner or don’t really know how you run? The 2017 Running Form Workshop is a hands on running specific workshop conducted over three key sessions during a three week period.

Ever wondered why or how some people can run so fast? Just think they are freaks? The big secret to running faster starts with your running form. Without sound running form, your capacity to improve will be minimised, no matter how much running you do. The workshop will provide participants with a hands on experience, with detailed and demonstrated drills to help improve your running form.

All running drills are conducted under the supervision of podiatrists, physiotherapists and running coaches who are experts in running form and biomechanics.

Click here to find out more about
Running Form Workshop Series
Jan-Feb 2017

Get your running right for 2017 with Running Form Workshop Series


UQ Twilight Running Festival 2017
Are you ready to join over 6000 others under the stars?
The UQ Twilight Running Festival is set to be the biggest Twilight event yet on 19th March 2017. Over 6000 participants are ready to run under the moon and stars for one of the first major running events in Queensland.

Are you ready to rock the night at Twilight?
Enter online now

Whether you are running your very first event or looking to better your personal best time, the UQ Twilight Running Festival welcomes all ages and abilities for a fantastic evening of fun. Come along and join in the biggest Twilight Run event in Australia.

This is a running event you do not want to miss. Run under the moon and stars in 2017. Online entry is now open.

Set yourself a goal in 2017 - Half Marathon, 10km, 5km and 1km Active Kids Run

Love2Run – November16 enews

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run eNews – November 2016
Although the official running season in Queensland is complete for 2016, it doesn’t mean your running should take a back seat. The summer months, whilst warm are a great time to get out and enjoy a couple more parkrun’s, work on fine tuning your running form or even set some summertime goals like attempting a trail run or two. This months edition of Love2Run focuses on injury management, setting goals for 2017 and a getting yourself organised for Christmas.

In this this issue:
Christmas Gift Ideas: Take the stress out of buying Christmas gifts
WIN $1030 Suunto watch: Spend over $300 in one transaction & WIN
Pain in the calf?: Learn when to stop running with a calf injury
Used your private health?: Make an appointment before 31 December
Running Form Workshop: Last chance to register for the workshop
Twilight Running Festival: Lace up… Twilight is on 19th March 2017

Did you know running facts – Part 30
Serge Girard - Ultra Marathon RunnerThe longest distance ever run in a year was 27,011km. French Ultra marathon runner Serge Girard covered the distance in 365 days at the age of 57 between 2009 and 2010 without missing a day of running. How is that for love of running!

Based on the distance covered, Serge would have worn through a pair of shoes weekly for an entire year!

Whilst we don’t recommend running an average of 74km per day, running just three times per week for just 20mins a session has been shown to increase bone density and prevent heart disease.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


Take the stress out of Christmas gift giving in 2016
The gift catalogue for that runner in your life
It is no secret that buying a gift for someone involves a lot of thought and walking around deliberating, so much so, you almost need to buy a pair shoes dedicated to the gift hunt.

intraining's Christmas Gift Ideas Catalogue 2017We have taken the stress and hassle out of your Christmas shopping this year and have put together our top Christmas Gift Ideas catalogue for 2016.

From compression socks and GPS watches through to the Secret Santa suprises. We have a solution for every budget with a huge range of gifts any running enthusiast will love. Take a look at the intraining Christmas Gift Ideas catalogue for 2016.

Need some sustainance for the shopping ahead? Check out the ‘Fruity Christmas Coconut Truffle’ recipe provided by intraining dietitian Liz Lovering.

Christmas treats to get into this festive season!


WIN yourself a $1030 Suunto Spartan Ultra GPS watch
Spend over $300 and you could WIN
Christmas has come early with intraining Running Centre and Suunto. For the month of November until 20 December we have the ultimate Christmas gift up for grabs; Suunto Spartan Ultra Titanium GPS watch worth over $1000. Simply spend over $300 in a single transaction at the intraining Running Centre and you go in the draw to WIN the $1030 watch.

The winner will be drawn on Tuesday 20th December, where one lucky winner will take home the best Christmas present ever from the team at intraining Running Centre.

intraining Christmas Suunto Super Specials
Ambit 3 Sport – Current price: $449.95  NOW $315.00*
Ambit 3 Run – $349.95 NOW $245.00*
Spartan Sport – $779.95 NOW $700.00*
Spartan Ultra – $929.95 NOW $840.00*
Spartan Ultra Titanium – $1029.95 NOW $925.00*
Ambit 3 Peak – $549.95 NOW $495.00*

*Save even more with up to $100 more off with Suunto cash back

WIN a Suunto Spartan Ultra Titanium worth $1030


Calf strengthening and injuries – by Margot Manning (podiatrist)
Injured calf? When should you stop running?
The calf muscle is one of the most common site of injury experienced by runners. Calf injuries are often made worse when the initial symptoms are sometimes not severe enough to stop running. Stopping immediately is the key to faster recovery and a less significant injury.

Calf muscle tearVague symptoms are harder to determine whether to stop during a run or even to start a run.  However, there are a few simple rules you can follow to help make the decision.

  1. If the muscle gradually tightens and becomes worse as the run continues…STOP.
  2. If the muscle tightens quickly or ‘grabs’ and does not relax shortly after…STOP.
  3. If there is pain, an ache or constant niggling sensations during the day following the above symptoms, have a few days rest from running…DON’T START.
  4. If you are uncertain and just ‘have to run’, stay close to home, do small laps and run on your own knowing that if the above symptoms persist or increase, you can STOP.

Learn more about calf injuries from our podiatry and physiotherapy team, including when you can return to running as well as three key exercises you can perform to prevent and even recover after injury. Click here to view the full article in November’s From the Sole newsletter, by dietitian, Liz Lovering and get yourself hydrated this summer.

Calf Injuries - How to manage your running

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Private health fund rebates end 31 December
Don’t wait until it is too late – get in before your rebates end
Time is running out to take advantage of your Private Health Fund privileges for 2016. Remember, your personal benefits don’t roll over into 2017 – so get organised and make the most of it before 1 January!

If you are looking to get an injury assessed, need replacement orthotics or simply want to book in to consult one of our podiatrists, physiotherapist or dietitian, make sure you book in before 31 December.

At intraining Running Injury Clinic we offer on the spot claims to most major private health fund providers with the HICAPS system.

Appointments can be made online or by phone on 07 3367 3088. Ensure you organise your appointment time early to avoid missing out.

Private health fund lifecycle ends 31 December - Book now

Running Form Workshop – 3 December 2016
Improve strength, coordination and running speed
With just over one week until the December Running Form Workshop, it is now or never to make the decision to sign up.

Sign up today for the
Running Form Workshop
3rd December 2016

Who is this for?
This workshop is ideal for runners who have participated in a previous running form workshop. The session will have an emphasis on improving technique through running drills and feedback. Under the guidance of the intraining physiotherapy, podiatry and coaching team, this session will fine tune running skills and drills learned previously and give you a plan of attack to work on throughout the summer.

When: Saturday 3 December
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Dress: Running clothing and footwear
Cost: $30 or ($25 for intraining club members)

If you are a beginner runner or can’t attend the December workshop, the three part Form Workshop in February 2017 will provide a greater emphasis on how to perform drills and develop these skills over three hands-on sessions.

Click here for more information

December running form workshop


Twilight Running Festival 2017
Lace up those shoes… Twilight is coming…
Lace up those shoes and get ready for the 9th annual Twilight Running Festival which will be held on 19th March 2017.

We are excited to announce more freedom, more fun and more friends in 2017 with cheaper entry fees so you can make the start line. Whether you are new to Twilight or back for your 9th. Come along and join in the biggest Twilight Run event in Australia.UQ Twilight Running Festival 2017

2017 Super Early Bird Entry Fees
Half Marathon: $70.00
10km Run/Walk: $45.00
5km Run/Walk: $35.00
1km Active Kids Run: $20.00

This is a running event you do not want to miss. Run under the moon and stars in 2017. Online entries are coming soon…

Register your interest online


Join us on facebook

Lace up your shoes - Twilight Running Festival is coming...

Love 2 Run April news

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – April 2016
Alas, early morning sunrise is taking a lot longer to light up our morning runs than the Summer past and our evening sessions appear to fade into darkness quicker each day. Fear not, with the darkness comes a light at the end of the tunnel and in Queensland – that is cooler weather! So get out your reflective run gear, flashing lights and strap on your shoes because another exciting running season is ahead. See you out there.

In this this issue:
Light up your run: It is dark and you need to be seen out there
Run on clouds: Cushioned & lightweight? Yep, HOKA Clifton 2 is here
Plan your meals: Busy with life? Need a healthy hearty recovery meal?
Brisbane Marathon Festival: Entry fees increase 30 April 2016.
Twilight Bay Run: Get your entry in for Saturday 24th September.
New to running or need help?: Take a step forward with Couch 2 10km.

Free healthy lifestyle seminar - conducted by dietitian, chef and running coach, Liz Lovering

Did you know running facts – Part 24
George Derek IbbotsonIf you asked most runners in the know who was the first person to run 4mins for a mile, the answer would undoubtedly be Roger Bannister. The answer is actually Derek Ibbotson. You are probably shaking your head, however, the devil is in the detail. Roger Bannister was certainly the first person to break 4mins for a mile, but Derek Ibbotson was the first to run exactly 4mins for the mile.

Thankfully for his sanity, Derek did actually end up going under 4mins for the mile and setting a new world record in 1957 – which you can see here.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


Why you need to light up your next run?
Make sure you are safe out running in the dark!
As the evenings draws shorter and we are forced to run more in darkness, it is a timely reminder to make sure you are safe when out pounding the pavements.

Whilst our eyes will adapt to the light, oncoming cyclists, cars and other pedestrians can suddenly appear from out of nowhere destined to ruin an enjoyable run. As a road/path user, it is your responsibility to make sure you have sufficient reflective gear and lights in place to maximise your safety. We have put together a few products and recommendations that are worth a look this running season.

Click here to read more about our top products to help light up your night.

Get your reflective clothing, lights and other running gear at intraining


Cushioned and lightweight…yep we can help…
Running on clouds with the NEW Hoka Clifton 2
Hoka have quickly become a household name and growing in popularity every day. The combination of ultra lightweight running feel and the ultra plush and cushioned sole is something we have not yet seen from other brands. Usually, you get one or the other – not both.

The original Hoka Clifton was a popular shoe and had heads turning. The unmistakably ‘Hoka’ sole profile is one you couldn’t miss. For those unaware of the Clifton, the shoe has a 5mm heel to toe drop and features a mild ‘rocker’ type sole to assist in toe off, essentially making it feel easier to run.

The NEW Clifton 2 retains all these great features as well as ‘triathlon style’ heel tab for quick pull ons, cushioned tongue and even though we thought it couldn’t get any better – more cushioning. The Hoka Clifton 2 is also slightly narrower than the original with a more streamlined fit that really feels like it is holding your foot nicely in place.

If you find your joints are aching post run, want to try something new or are just interested to see how they compare to your current shoes, make sure you visit intraining Running Centre.

We have a wide range of Hoka footwear available in store to suit different foot types. Our trained staff are able to assist selecting the right fit for your foot. Make sure you bring your current shoes in for an assessment and we will help find your foot’s ‘happy place’.

Wide range of Hoka shoes available at intraining Running Centre


Plan your meals – by Liz Lovering (dietitian and chef)
Help your body recover properly by planning ahead…
If you train in the evening, by the time you get home you may not feel like preparing or eating a regular evening meal. Hearty soups are just perfect in the cooler months as they are not too heavy on the stomach if you get home late. A warm soup can also provide you with the nutrition your body needs after a tough training session.

If you are busy with work, home life and training a little bit of meal planning can make the difference between going home and not really bothering with recovery nutrition or going home to a prepared meal that is good for recovery and tastes great.

Click here to view our hearty and healthy Butter Bean, Chicken and Kale soup that will help you recover and get ready for your next session.

Click here to read the full From the Sole Clinic eNewsletter for this month

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Brisbane Marathon Festival – 25th anniversary
Entry fees increase midnight Saturday 30 April
Excitement is building quickly with thousands eager to be a part of the special celebration in 2016. Brisbane Marathon Festival will be held on Sunday 7 August as Queensland’s capital city marathon event.


The Brisbane Marathon is Queensland’s second oldest official marathon event. Make 2016 your year to complete the marathon in Brisbane on one of the most picturesque courses in Australia.Join the event on Facebook and keep up to date with the latest news

The predominantly flat course in Brisbane and early starting times are ideal for breaking personal best times.

Current Entry fees (valid until midnight 30 April):

42.195km Marathon: $100.00 (+$20 after 30 April)
21.0975km Half Marathon: $80.00 (+$10 after 30 April)
10km Run/Walk: $65.00 (+$10 after 30 April)
5km Run/Walk: $45.00 (+$5 after 30 April)
2.2km Kids Mini Mara: $20.00 (+$5 after 30 April)

Brisbane Marathon Festival - 25th anniversary - Entries now open


Let us help you join the wonderful world of running…
*NEW* Couch 2 10km program starts – 9 May
Running is a fantastic sport that anyone can do. We all need to start somewhere, so why not join like minded friends on a journey to becoming a runner and completing 10km running in a matter of 13 weeks.

Who is it for? Beginner runners and those new to running.
When does it start? 9 May 2016.
Do I need to pay a joining fee? No, it is not compulsory to join the club.
How much does it cost? $5 (for members) and $8 (for non members).

If you are interested and want to find out more information about how you can get involved with the upcoming Couch 2 10km program which starts on 9 May. Click here.

Take a step towards running today with Couch 2 10km

Love 2 Run March news

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – March 2016
Running season is here and it is time to start thinking about how you will prepare for upcoming events. Ask yourself a few questions, how old are your running shoes? Have you planned which events you would like to do? Do you have an injury that just won’t leave you alone? Get your running season off to a good start and make sure you are ready to go. Drop by and we can help you with footwear and injury advice through to which events are a must do this season!

In this this issue:
A sock with all the Feetures: Close fit, no bunching and dries quickly
Need a new Garmin?: Comparison of features – 630, 230 and 235 range
Post race recovery: The Do’s and Don’ts of training after a race.
Brisbane Marathon Festival: Mark 25yrs of Brisbane’s running history
Twilight Bay Run: Register your interest for the 24 September event.
FREE Healthy Lifestyle workshop: 7th and 21st April. RSVP now.

Free healthy lifestyle seminar - conducted by dietitian, chef and running coach, Liz Lovering

Did you know running facts – Part 23
It appears as though the allure of holding a Guiness Record is taking shape quickly in the sport of running. Would you run a half marathon in a full suit? In the past four weeks the Guiness Record has been tested twice across the globe, with the time being lowered from 1:24, to 1:18 by Rex Woodbury from New York.

Although not on a course that is certified just yet, Japanese elite marathon runner, Yuki Kawauchi who is known for his unconventional approach to running long distances, crushed the 1hr24 mark and ran 1:06:42. That is averaging 3:10/km or 18.96km/hr!

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


Why do you need to ‘Feeture’ your feet?
Functional and funky Feetures!
If you have run anything further than 5km you will understand why cotton socks are a distant and painful memory. Gone are the days of hot, sweaty and blister lacerated feet. With the myriad of technical running socks available it can be quite the task to select your Cindarella sock.

At the top of our list for 2016 are the new Feetures range of technical running socks. Anatomically designed and seam free, your feet will soon realise how beneficial this is. Feetures socks follow the contours of your foot ensuring a fit akin to a second skin. A reinforced toe box ensures you will enjoy a long and hole free running experience.

Feetures are available three different weights, with ultra light, light and max cushion versions as well as a range of funky and fun colours that will brighten your mood even during the early hours of the morning.

Drop by intraining and select the colour that matches your eyes, clothes or just your mood of the day and Feeture your feet in your next run.

Feetures socks - available at intraining Running Centre


Looking for a new Garmin running watch?
Narrow down your choice with features you will use
GPS running watches are now the norm with the ‘bleep’ km autolap sound a common sound heard amongst training groups. We are all looking for more information, more stats and learn more about ourselves, which the latest Garmin watches are here to appease.

Garmin have been the market leader of GPS running watches for a few years now and with the advent of the Forerunner 630, 230 and 235 there is everything you could want in a watch. The question is how do you choose which is best for you?

Quick comparison:
Forerunner 630: The bee’s knee’s of running watches. If you are a runner who would like to use the ‘virtual pacer’ function to keep your training/racing under control this is the only watch offering your own personal training partner.

Forerunner 230: Boasts all the key features of the 630 without virtual pacer function. This includes recovery estimator, running cadence, heart rate and more.

Forerunner 235: Ideal for the runner who is tired of wearing a heart rate monitor on the chest but still wants all the features of the 230. The new 235 has built in heart rate measurement all on the wrist.

Confused or need some more advice? Ask one of our staff in store, we have more knowledge on running watches than an encyclopedia and can help you make the right choice.


Do’s & don’ts of post race recovery – by Steve Manning (coach)
Keep yourself injury free with these tips
Hard races can be the best training for improving performance as long as you have adequate recovery. Allowing your body time to recover after an event is crucial if you are looking to reduce your chance of injury, increase your performance and reduce the chance of ‘burnout’. The higher level of effort experienced during a race can cause physiological damage that can lead to muscle soreness and if ignored even injury.

A common misconception of some runners is to take time off completely as a ‘reward’ for putting in the effort. This can lead to muscles and tendons stiffening and ultimately upon return lead to injury. On the other hand some runners who have had a great race feel motivated and train too hard too soon without adequate recovery. Then there is the flipside after a poor result. Many will choose train hard immediately after an event in the search for improvement.

Whatever your result after your event, make sure you give yourself some time to recover. Active recovery is great and will enable your body to recover without stopping altogether.

Summary of post race recovery tips

– Minimum 1 week recovery for every 10km run
– Do not stop running completely and get back to routine ASAP
– Let your body and mind recover by doing some cross training
– Don’t push it too hard too soon after your event

Click here to read more about recovery, injury and more From the Sole

Click here to read the full From the Sole Clinic eNewsletter for this month

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Brisbane Marathon Festival – 25th anniversary
Online registrations are open for 7 August 2016
Excitement is building quickly with thousands eager to be a part of the special celebration in 2016. Brisbane Marathon Festival will be held on Sunday 7 August as Queensland’s capital city marathon event.

The Brisbane Marathon is Queensland’s second oldest official marathon event. Make 2016 your year to complete the marathon in Brisbane on one of the most picturesque courses in Australia.Join the event on Facebook and keep up to date with the latest news

The predominantly flat course in Brisbane and early starting times are ideal for breaking personal best times.

Check out the start times below:

42.195km Marathon: 6:00am
21.0975km Half Marathon: 6:00am
10km Run/Walk: 6:30am
5km Run/Walk: 10:00am
2.2km Kids Mini Mara: 10:15am

Brisbane Marathon Festival - 25th anniversary - Entries now open

Love 2 Run January news

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – January 2016
February is almost here with the first month of 2016 almost done and dusted. Many of you have set New Year Resolutions, which we are sure you are all keeping to…

For those very few that are struggling with motivation in the sticky heat, there are a few little things inside the January edition of Love2Run’s monthly enews below which can provide that source of motivation you are looking for.

In this this issue:
Asics Lite-Show: Brighten up your day with new reflective apparel
Challenge yourself: The easy way to run a half or full marathon in 2016
Fuel your run: Carbohydrates vs Fat… Is there a ‘best’
Running Form Workshop: Run faster & easier with less injury in 2016
Twilight Running Festival: Full size range of singlets available to try

Tired legs? Get in for a tune up at intraining Balance, Core and Rehab Studio

Did you know running facts – Part 21
Men run faster than women due to a number of factors: more muscleMale vs Women... mass, bigger lung capacity, higher levels of testosterone etc… Running economy however tend to be similar.

On the other hand, women who get in shape through running, quickly experience big changes. Their legs and back become toned more quickly and they also lose a few inches off their waists faster than men.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


NEW Asics Lite-Show apparel available in store
Prepare to glow during your next pre/post sun run
Running when the sun is down can be an exhilirating experience… often for the wrong reasons. As slimming as black is when it comes to clothing, it can often be unsafe as you dodge cars and bikes who can’t see you.

Well now thanks to Asics’ NEW Lite-Show apparel line, you can have the latest reflective thread available whilst still looking great. Check Ash on our facebook page to brighten you night. Wide range of singlets, shorts and tights available in store.

New Asics Lite-Show apparel - Available at intraining Running Centre


Want to challenge yourself in 2016?
Go back to school with Marathon School
Making the decision to challenge yourself is the first step to realising your goals. If you want to run a half or full marathon you need a lot of time to train… right? Wrong… at intraining Marathon School we have successfully helped people of all abilities train for a half or full marathon with just three key sessions per week.

If you want to find out more, come to our FREE information launch on Sunday 31 January. Ask questions, listen to stories and join in the fun – no obligation to join.

Where: 33 Park Road, Milton
When: Sunday 31 January 2016
Time: 9:00am

Half marathon too far? NEW in 2016, the Couch 2 10k program is designed to help you take the next step up, from weekly parkrun events.

We are here to help you with your goals in 2016


Fuel your run – by Liz Lovering (dietitian)
Carbohydrate and fat … is there a ‘best’?
Our daily food choices provide us with the energy to move and although many nutrients are involved in energy production the two main ones are carbohydrate and fat.

Glucose (obtained from carbohydrate foods) is a very efficient fuel as it can provide energy quickly, without oxygen or when oxygen is a limiting factor (high intensity running). However once we slow down and more oxygen becomes available the contribution of fat as a fuel increases. These different energy systems work… click here to read the full article ‘Fuel Your Run’ in the January edition of ‘From the Sole’ newsletter.

Click here to read the full From the Sole Clinic eNewsletter for this month

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian and massage therapy team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.

Click here to view running injury articles and tips from our clinicians


Running Form Workshop 2016 – 3 weeks in February
The secret to running faster with less injury in 2016
Ever wondered if your running style is correct? Find you’re frequently injured? Want to improve your technique and run easier? The three part 2016 Form Workshop series can help you improve quicker than you thought possible.

When: 6th, 13th and 20th February 2016
Where: University of Queensland Athletics Track
Cost: $99.00 (enrol online here)
Who: Beginner and Advanced sessions
Session 1: 3:00pm-4:10pm for those who run over 25mins for 5km
Session 2: 4:30pm – 5:40pm for those who run under 25mins for 5km

Click here to see more information
2016 intraining Running Form Workshop


Twilight Running Festival – 20 March 2016
Want to try on the 2016 Twilight event singlet or long sleeve tee?
We have recently received the 2016 funky and bright Twilight Running Festival singlets and long sleeve tee shirts in the full size range – including kids singlets in store for trying on.

(register before midnight 1 March and save $$$)

Join in the fun of the Twilight Run and receive one of the following with your registration; 2016 event singlet, Twilight Towel or Twilight Run Visor. Click here to see the funky new designs in 2016

Early bird entry ends 1 March - Register now and save up to $10