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RunTalk Ep10 – Footwear choice

runtalk-intraining-logoWelcome to RunTalk episode 10 with Steve and Margot Manning.

This week we discuss footwear, footwear development over time and how footwear choice can impact your running enjoyment as well as your risk of injury.

Click here to listen to episode 10 of RunTalk

Episode 10: Footwear choice and how you move.

Running footwear has developed significantly over time, especially since the introduction of EVA (Ethylene vinyl acetate), the foam cushioning, that most shoes use today which help absorb impact. In the modern era further development has ensued encouraging a more natural motion of the foot and how footwear can aid your running gait instead of blocking certain motions. Listen up and learn with Steve and Margot and how you can select the best footwear to suit your running gait.

Podcast10_ImageClick here to find out more about how intraining Running Centre footwear specialists can help you select the right fit for your foot.

About Steve and Margot

  • Steve and Margot have been in the footwear industry since 1979 and 1990 respectively
  • Owners of intraining Running Centre
  • Experienced running coaches
  • Podiatrists and footwear specialists

Click here to view our wide range of running injury, footwear and other related running articles. Remember to check out Footwear – A paradigm shift article mentioned in this week’s footwear edition of RunTalk.

NEW ASICS Flytefoam

Lightweight and durable – A shoe that does it all

DS Trainer 22: Featuring NEW ASICS Flytefoam

The DS Trainer is the high mileage trainer designed with the runner looking for a lightweight shoe with fantastic ground feedback. Whilst the NEW DS Trainer 22 boasts an incredibly low weight, combined with Flytefoam technology it also does not disappoint in cushioning you for the long run.

The DS Trainer 22 incorporates a lean and flexible upper with a durable, rear deceleration-focused midsole to give the result of a light weight, yet safe shoe that delivers for those wanting the best of the cushioned and lightweight worlds.

A closer look at DS Trainer 22


Fully breathable mesh surrounds the whole dorsum, sides and rear of the upper. Moisture is drained immediately when running in long winter grass or in drizzly conditions. The tongue and interior rear portion of the shoe are lined with memory foam for ease of getting into the shoe and reduced blister likelihood. This feature alsAsicsFlyteFoam_DSTrainer1o makes it an entirely practical shoe for triathlon racing where socks are optional and feet are often wet.

The most notable functional improvement in upper design lies in the heel composition. The exoskeleton wraps lower and more anterior, resulting in less medial displacement at initial contact and less overall total rearfoot eversion movement compared to its predecessor. I.e. it is more protective of rearfoot pronation speed and total amount.


The above kinematic improvement in rearfoot pronation is also attributed to the shoes’ midsole.

The Dynamic Duomax midsole design is a combination of two midsole densities strategically placed to help reduce the brake force at contact and also promote propulsive acceleration at take-off. The soft, more comfortable layer is primarily what the sole of the foot feels. The firmer layer is placed deeper under the shoe, along the medial arch and rear foot to help resist arch deformation.

The FlyteFoam midsole material is made from a combination of Kevlar and polyester PET fibres (organic fibres. This is very light and boasts both high stretch and high compression resistance, giving major durability under subjective wear testing.

The Propulsion Trusstic is a regular feature of Asics performance shoes and has been constantly refined. As the rear and forward compartments of the shoe twist throughout the midstance phase, Propulsion Trusstic gathers this potential energy to push momentum forward through the central part of the shoe. It is an integral feature in forward, fast movement required for the efficient runner.


The outsole suits the rest of the shoe. It wears at the rate that the rest of the shoe does, not lasting unnecessarily longer or less. It is well designed to give just enough cushion feel at strike and grip at propulsion, whist not containing bulk rubber where it’s not required.

DS Trainer 22 is a fantastic accompaniment to the runner who moves with ease but trains plenty. It can be used for racing because of its low weight and suitability for the non-sock wearing racer, as well, it is adequately gripped for groomed trail running.

The real drawcard of the DS Trainer 22 is its ability to cope under large mileage. Most lightweight performance shoes deform quickly in the midsole or the upper loses structure quickly. This shoe will take everything you can give it and will support your foot and offer protection needed to prevent over pronation in the rear foot.

If you are looking to try out the latest range of ASICS Flytefoam featured footwear or are keen to get yourself into a shoe that is lightweight and durable, visit the intraining Running Centre in Milton or Indooroopilly. Test the shoes outside in real world conditions and see the results for yourself.

New Year Sale weekend

The new year is here and boy do we have a sale planned for you! Get yourself set for 2017 with the biggest sale of the year on everything running. Whether you are looking for a new pair of running shoes, a second pair to alternate (check out why you should alternate), need to get the kids sorted or want to refresh your running wardrobe, there are some massive savings to at intraining Running Centre, Milton with up to 50% off footwear across all major brands.

Doors open at 9:00am on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

13-15 JANUARY 2017


More deals to whet your appetite for a spending frenzy

  • Selected Garmin and Suunto on sale
  • 10% off all nutrition storewide
  • Buy two pair of socks and get a third pair FREE
  • Buy two Love2Run singlet/tees and get a second FREE
  • Free gift with every footwear purchase
  • Even more in store…a sale not to be missed!




Childrens Footwear

Children’s Footwear – A Priceless Investment

Your children’s footwear is a priceless investment in their future. It’s important to purchase good quality shoes, and also ensure they are well-fitted.

childrenrunningSpending the time and money on your children’s feet and footwear during their younger years will reap many benefits throughout their schooling years and even into adulthood. Wearing good footwear will reduce their risk of short and long-term injury, and save from unexpected, expensive health practitioner bills.

Fit is the most important factor to consider, and you should seek out footwear stores with experienced fitting staff. Even if your child has the best shoes available, if they don’t fit properly then the benefits will be negligible. Your child should be able to try on the shoes, and the staff should provide comprehensive, sound, and unbiased advice. Your child will be much more likely to become involved and enjoy their physical activity if they’re wearing comfortable shoes. In this way, properly fitting shoes can provide benefits to your child’s physical and mental well-being. Ill-fitting shoes can cause discomfort for your child, and may also increase injury risk.

Put simply, big shoes are a trip hazard and therefore increase the risk of acute injury (eg. ankle sprain). Excessive muscle activation and overuse injury can also occur if your child is trying to stabilize their feet inside shoes that are too big and providing insufficient support or security. Jamming your child’s feet into shoes that are too small is also detrimental. Discomfort is the most common complaint when shoes are too small, but burning pain and tingling may back2schoolshoes1also be an issue in cases of nerve or vascular compression. Blisters, black toenails and other dermatological issues can eventuate from shoes either too big or too small.

Just like obtaining the proper fit is important, good quality shoes are worth the investment. Well-constructed shoes will be more durable and offer more reliable support and cushioning.

Shoes worn every day for school should ideally be used for that purpose only. Shoes with a leather upper are ideal because they are more durable and will withstand the rigors of lunch playtime.

If your child is a keen runner, you should treat them to a pair of running shoes. Running shoes will offer superior midsole cushioning and reduce the risk of overuse and impact-related injuries. The lighter-weight materials and breathable mesh upper will make you child’s running easier and more enjoyable.

Similarly, if your child plays a lot of field sports, then grass spikes or football boots may be worth considering. They will provide better traction and more appropriate support for their intended use. Having multiple pairs of shoes for different purposes will prolong their life.

Emily_Donkerintraining Running Centre stock a fantastic range of children’s running shoes, waffles and spikes, as well as black leather shoes suitable for school use. Invest some quality time and money on your kids school and running shoes at intraining Running Centre these holidays and ensure your children are ready to run into 2017.

By Emily Donker
intraining Podiatrist, Runner and Coach

Nike Pegasus 33 – Shoe Review

Nike Pegasus 33 – No compromise shoe with looks to boot!

By Kerri Hodge
intraining Staff Member
Sub 3hr Marathoner

Nike Pegasus33 2The latest edition of the Nike Pegasus provides a fast and compact feel without compromising on cushioning and comfort. A flexible shoe suitable for the neutral runner, it is able to handle high mileage so you won’t be left feeling sore underfoot.

At 250 grams (US9 W), it sits between the Brooks Launch and the slightly lighter Hoka Clifton in terms of weight, but it’s not as bulky as the Clifton and has a more responsive ride.

The seamless mesh upper won’t rub or irritate bunions, and the Flywire cables ensure your feet won’t move around in the shoe. What’s more, the Pegasus also looks fantastic.

It’s a good idea to have different shoes for different uses. Being an avid Hoka wearer I would use the Clifton for my long easy training runs, and bring out the Pegasus for faster-paced training and racing when I need more speed.

If you haven’t owned a pair of Nikes since the 80s now might be the time to re-visit this iconic shoe and see why it remains one of the most popular and long-lived on the market. I wasn’t disappointed!

Key reasons why I like the Nike Pegasus 33

  • Lightweight
  • Superior cushioning
  • Durability
  • Stylish look
  • Well priced at $179.95

Nike Pegasus 33 Specifications

ARCH: Medium, High
BODY BUILD: Small, Medium, Large
SURFACE: Road/Track
WEIGHT: 306g (mens size US9) /250g (womens size US9)

Review date: December 2016

Become faster and more efficient

Become a faster and more efficient runner

Have you ever been out training and noticed how different everyone looks when running? Ever watched your fellow runners and thought; “wow they look so good running” or “what can I do to run like them?”. The secret to running faster and improving your efficiency is not really a secret at all. It is a matter of addressing your running form with the correct cues which will ultimately lead you towards improving your running form.

Ask yourself some questions

  • Are you running frequently and unable to improve?
  • Do you get injured frequently?
  • Do you want to feel lighter on your feet when running?
  • Do you lose form & focus during a run?
  • Do you shoes wear unevenly?
  • Do you struggle to run longer distances without pain?
  • Do you feel you have reached a plateau in your running?

Whilst there is no magic bullet to making everyone look like Olympic Champion, Mo Farah, focusing on developing your running form for brief periods throughout the year can result in huge improvements.


Why the running form workshop?

Have you been in a race and lost focus in the second half, slowing up and thinking you’ll never make it? The Form Session the intraining Running Injury Clinic is holding in December, is ideal for all runners at our training groups.  The focus is on the running drills specific to improving your co-ordination, power and efficiency.  You will receive immediate feedback and cues to assist in developing your running form.

The December workshop offers participants a taste of the full 3 part Form Workshop which is held over 3 weekends in February 2017.

Form workshop past testimonialsashleigh

“My own personal experience in using running drills in training has had a positive impact.  Not only did I my performances improve in the following season, but I learned how to run with less effort” – Clare

“I now feel lighter on my feet and no longer feel like a plodder” – Sarah

“After years of constant back soreness when running, the workshop helped me correct my running posture, something which I never even thought about!” – James

“These form workshops have been a great addition to my training each year” – Sally-Anne


Brooks Launch – Shoe review

Brooks Launch a multi-purpose racer trainer

By Hamish Hamilton
intraining Staff Member
Half Marathon PB: 1:13:13

220x300_brookslaunchThe Brooks Launch offers a comfortable feeling under foot with its smooth heel to toe transition. The 10mm heel drop propels you through your running gait with ease and efficiency. It almost feels as though the shoe is pushing you forward without any effort.

The midsole offers a plush cushioning under foot, when compared to other racer trainer’s such as the Asics DS Trainer whilst still offering a responsive and faster ride.

Being a midfoot, forefoot striker the idea of a lightweight racer trainer, at just 288g, was very appealing. Having worn both the Mizuno Sayonara and Nike Zoom-Elite I found this shoe to be softer than the Sayonara but more responsive then the Zoom-Elite. The Brooks Launch’s great combination of cushioning and weightless feel, makes this shoe a great choice for faster paced sessions whether they are short or long. This is really my go to shoe for speed-work and faster paced tempo runs up to 20km.

Key reasons why I like the Brooks Launch

  • Great propulsion
  • Soft yet responsive ride
  • 10mm heel to toe drop (less than T7 and racer ST)
  • Lightweight for speed sessions
  • Cushioning to faster longer run

Brooks Launch Specifications

PRONATION: None/Normal
ARCH: Medium, High
BODY BUILD: Small, Medium, Large
SURFACE: Road/Track
WEIGHT: 224g (womens) / 278g (mens)


Review date: November 2016

Top myths of running shoes

MYTHS about Buying Running Shoes

Buying new shoes can be a daunting task. With such a wide selection of shoes available and so many myths about buying shoes, how do you choose the shoe that best suits you?

Media covers every latest fad as if it is the new truth and everything we believed in the past was wrong. Footwear evangelists and marketing companies promote their latest invention/gimmick as being the only way to go. With so many companies more interested in your money than you, how do you ensure that the shoe you are buying is the best shoe for you?  How do you trust the advice you are given is to help you with your running and not help someone else with their cash flow?

The best thing to do is be an informed, cynical consumer.  There is nothing wrong with questioning the advice you are given.  If the answers do not make sense to you then they are probably worth researching further.  At intraining we embrace your questioning nature.  This article is our way to help you become that informed consumer by debunking the many myths of running footwear selection.



Foot size should be measured to select the right size of shoe.

At intraining we never measure your foot size.  The reason for that is the right fit is not related to the size on the shoe.  Length, width and depth on different models, even in the same brand, can vary by up to a size.  If you have your foot measured and think that is the size you will be in all models then you are much more likely to end up with a shoe which does not fit.  Fit is also a personal preference with some people wanting more room than others.  We check every shoe on your foot and give you feedback on what the right fit should feel like.

A thumbs width at the end is what you need in a running shoemyth5

This old myth only works about 10% of the time.  It is definitely worse to have a shoe too short than too long however both can be a problem. If you are only running up to 5km having your toes close will not cause many issues however if you are doing runs beyond 1 hour you will be at increased risk of losing toenails.  Having shoes too long can affect the location of where your toes bend vs where the shoe bends in the forefoot.  If this is not in alignment then it increases the forces under the ball of your foot.  Shoes that are too large can cause you to claw with your toes to keep the shoe on your foot.

Your footprint is related to the shoe that is best for you

Footprints only tell you about the weightbearing area and not about how your foot functions.  It is possible to have a small weightbearing area but a lower arch if you have a rigid foot.  You can get a better idea about what type of shoe you need by looking at the foot when sitting and standing.  It is more important to identify if you have a rigid or flexible foot than a high or low arch.

Women with wide feet can go to a men’s shoe

While this is true to an extent, most women with wide feet will have to compromise other fit factors when going to a mans shoe.  One of the big structural differences between men’s and women’s feet is that women have narrower bones.  That means narrower heels and shallower feet even if they have a wide forefoot.  If a woman goes to a man’s shoe for width or length they will likely be moving around inside the shoe.  There are many different models available at intraining for women in wide and narrow feet and foot sizes up to 12US.


Pronation is bad.

Pronation has been blamed as the main cause of injuries in runners since the 1970’s.  Research had not been conducted on pronation injury risk until the last 10 years.  While the few percent of people who have extreme pronation have an increased injury risk, for most people the research has shown that people who do not pronate get the most injuries.  Some studies have found an inverse relationship with pronation and injury where the more you pronate the less your injury risk.  The purpose of pronation is to deflect force and rigid feet that can not pronate can not dampen the forces of impact as well.

There is a best way of running/moving for everyone


Different running techniques like Pose, Chi and natural running try to put everyone in the same box.  Because we are all designed differently we can not expect to run the same.  Heel striking is commonly identified as being a problem for runners.  In fact a new study has shown that the injury risk of heel striking and midfoot/forefoot striking is the same, however each way of running has a higher risk for different types of injuries.  Other factors like forward lean, arm carriage and cadence all change depending on your structure and speed.  Many studies have found that the further away you move from your preferred running style the less efficient you become and the more energy you use.

Orthotics and Footwear

Most runners who have seen a podiatrist and been prescribed orthotics will have the orthotic made up first and then are told to find a shoe that it fits.  In some cases they are told to buy a neutral shoe because the “orthotic will give you all the control you need.”  The best way of making orthotics for runners is to find the best shoe possible first and then to make the orthotic to work with the shoe.  Shoes have much more potential to have an impact on the support for a runners foot then an orthotic because of the thickness of the sole and the variety of materials used.  Orthotics should be helping to customise the shoe to the runners foot.  Without the right type of support from a shoe an orthotic may not even be able to function the way it is designed.  Rigid three quarter orthotics are not able to have an impact in propulsion so most runners need to have full length devices to support their running biomechanics.


A soft shoe is a cushioned shoe

Many people confuse softness with cushioning.  In biomechanics terms cushioning is shock attenuation.  The goal is to dampen the peak impact force in the belief that this will reduce injury risk.  The main mechanism to achieve that is the coordinated contraction of your calf and quadriceps muscles.  Soft surfaces and soft shoes have been shown to increase the peak forces that go through the knee.  This may be caused by the reduction in feedback from the ground disrupting the runners timing of the muscle contractions to dampen the force of impact.  Force equals mass times acceleration.    Your body weight and how hard you hit the ground are the factors that affect force.  Cushioning is then dependent on the firmness in the midsole rather than the special material the particular shoe company has used.  In fact firm midsoles generally have better cushioning.  As midsoles age they lose their resistance to compression and lose their ability to dampen shock.

Insoles offer extra cushion and are needed in new shoes

The purpose of an insole is to mold to the shape of the foot over time.  This increases traction inside the shoe and makes the shoe more comfortable.  It does not contribute anything to cushioning in comparison to the midsole of the shoe.  As with orthotics, the shoe is much more effective at controlling the foot than an insole.  Rather than adding an insole when you buy a new shoe it would be better to get the right shoe in the first place.  If you really need something more than a shoe offers you would be better seeing one of our intraining podiatrists to have the shoe modified or to make an orthotic.

Pressure Pads can determine the type of shoe you needmyths4

Two dimensional weight bearing forces do a poor job of predicting the forces that may lead to injury.  Running pressure pads must be able to record data at a minimum 100Hz and must be re-calibrated every 40 hours of use.  Looking at pressure pattern whilst walking does not provide an accurate representation of running form.

Walking analysis can determine what is needed in a running shoe

The most important factor when buying new shoes is to be able to run in the shoes before choosing the best one for you.  There can be subtle factors which affect the balance and function of the shoe which can only be identified when running.  Walking has about half the impact forces of running.  Running has a float phase when both feet are off the ground.  Footstrike is very different walking and many more people are mid-foot or forefoot strikers running than walking.  Shoes can feel good while walking that do not work at all when running.  Unless you run in the shoes before buying them it can be impossible to know which shoe will suit you the best.  At intraining we additionally try to have you run with a different shoe on each foot so you can do a direct comparison between them.

Article by Steve Manning (podiatrist, runner and level 4 athletics coach)

Love 2 Run September16 enews

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – September 2016
This edition of Love2Run is a little late for September, but we figured it is better to go for a run, rather than to skip a run (metaphorically speaking of course). As the warmer weather nears, it is time to think about tapering back the distance you run weekly and look to focus on planning your 2017 goals. Take this time of year to have a little break, refresh the mind and do some shorter running to get some speed back into the legs.

In this this issue:
Protect your eyes: You have one pair of eyes – take care of them
How to carry your gel: 5 top ways to carry your gel on your next run
Footwear myths: Your guide to busting footwear myths and gimmicks
Hyper vs Hypomobile: Where does your flexibility lie?
Never run before?: Check out our success stories… from 2mins to 10km
Running Form Workshop: Transform your running in December 2016

Did you know running facts – Part 28
One of the toughest single day endurance events in the world, the Hawaii Ironman triathlon, was held over the weekend on Saturday 8 October. Over 2000 participants covered the distance of 3.8km swim, 180km bike and then run a full 42.2km marathon in temperatures reaching over 35 degrees.

In 2016, Patrick Lange of Germany ran the fastest Hawaii Ironman marathon in a time of 2hr39min45sec – breaking a 27 year old course record. Patrick ran himself into 3rd place overall with his fantastic run split.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


Protect your eyes from the elements
Are you forgetting something?
When you think about getting ready for a run, there are a few essentials many of us think about. Clothes, socks, shoes, our GPS of course and sometimes even music. Unfortunately, there is another important element that we often take for granted… sunglasses.

When it comes to the sun, we often think about protecting our skin from UV rays with sunscreen and hats, but forget that our eyes are susceptible to UV ray exposure too. Not to mention the damage caused by debris and bugs in the eyes when running.Adidas Sunglasses

When it comes to running, we want something that is lightweight, looks good and achieves the primary goal of protecting our precious eyes.

At intraining Running Centre, we have a wide range of sunglasses from Adidas Eyewear that are ideal for running. Whether you have a narrow or wide head, big or small nose or even have one ear slightly lower than the other, there is something to suit.

Key features of Adidas Eyewear
– .Adjustable nose bridge: Ideal in obtaining the perfect fit on any nose
Adjustabla arms: Position each arm individually to sit straight on your face, regardless of the difference in your ear height
Lightweight: At just 19g-25g the glasses feel as if you wearing nothing
Anti-slip/bounce: Rubberised arm ensure the glasses stay in place


Run with a GEL?
Best ways to carry your gel on your next run
Energy gels are an efficient way to carry fueld during any exercise that lasts longer than 45mins. Problem is, where do you keep the gel when you are running? We have our best 5 ways to carry your gel below.

How to carry your GELHow not to carry your gels
1. Non-bounce running belt to carry your gels: Run with the pouch at the rear to avoid pressure on your bladder.
2. Running shorts with pockets: Try to look for shorts with a pocket at the back centre of the shorts.
3. Purpose built ‘gel bottle’: Squeeze up to 3-4 gels in one single container that can be held in the hand
4. By hand: Run with your gels in your hand. This is ok if you are running with 1 or 2 gels, but you risk losing them if any more.
5. In your sports bra (ladies only): Tuck your gel underneath the straps of your sports bra. Ensure it is firmly held in place to avoid slipping down.

If you choose to run with a gel where it may be in contact with your skin, ensure you apply BodyGlide, Striderm or alternative anti friction product to avoid unsightly and often painful chaffing.

Runners tip: Avoid using petroleum based products such as Vaseline which can damage clothing.


Footwear myths – by Steve Manning (podiatrist)
Knowledge is power – Learn footwear facts from fiction…
Buying new shoes can be a daunting task. With such a wide selection of shoes available and so many myths about buying shoes, how do you choose the shoe that best suits you?

Media covers every latest fad as if it were fact and everything we believed in the past was wrong. Footwear evangelists and marketing companies promote their latest invention/gimmick as being the only way to go. How do you ensure that the shoe you are buying is the best shoe for you?  How do you trust the advice you are given is to help you with your running?

Learn about myths such as:
Fitting: Is the old ‘thumbs width’ the best way to determine shoe size?
Biomechanics: Is there one best way to run?
Gimmicks: Can pressure pads really determine your running gait?

The best thing as a consumer is to be informed and even a little cynical. There is nothing wrong with questioning the advice you are given. If the answers do not make sense to you then they are probably worth researching further. At intraining we embrace your questioning nature. Click here to view the full article on footwear myths and be informed before your next purchase.

Footwear myths, gimmicks and things you should know about footwear

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Hypermobile vs Hypomobile – by Doug James (physiotherapist)
Flexibility and your running – where do you fit in?
Have you ever wondered why some people can easily touch their toes, while others struggle to reach their knees? Lots (or too little) stretching may play a small part, but genetics has more to do with it. Genetics dictates how flexible your joints, ligaments and tendons are based on the composition of the cartilage contained within. Joints that have an above average amount of flexibility are referred to as ‘hypermobile’. In contrast a stiffer, less flexible joint is termed ‘hypomobile’.

The idea of being flexible seems like a good thing. Athletes are regularly encouraged to stretch as part of their warm up and warm down. Yoga, and bikram (hot room yoga) are popular ways of trying to increase flexibility.

Through prolonged stretching however, too much flexibility can…Click here to read the full article written by intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatrist and physiotherapist – Doug James in September’s ‘From the Sole‘ monthly clinic enewsletter.

Hypomobile vs Hypermobile - Where do you fit in?

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Running Form Workshop – 3 December 2016
Improve strength, coordination and running speed
Join the intraining Running Injury Clinic and coaching team for a practical form workshop. The workshop is designed to provide a hands on focus at improving the way you run in a single day workshop.

Who is this for?
This workshop is ideal for runners who have participated in a previous running form workshop. The session will have an emphasis on improving technique through running drills and feedback. Under the guidance of the intraining physiotherapy, podiatry and coaching team, this session will fine tune the way you have learnt the running drills previously and give you a session plan to do over the summer

When: Saturday 3 December
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Dress: Running clothing and footwear
Cost: $30 or ($25 for intraining club members)

If you are a beginner runner or can’t attend the December workshop, the three part Form Workshop in February 2017 will provide a greater emphasis on how to perform drills and develop these skills over three hands-on sessions.

Click here for more information

December running form workshop

Running Barefoot – Are you ready?

Barefoot Running

Get back to your natural instincts

New ideas, technologies and training methods are constantly revolutionizing and advancing sport, and running is no exception. These changes enhance running experience and performance for beginners and seasoned runners alike. The contentious and revolutionary concepts of barefoot and minimalist running are dominating current discussions and intriguing running communities all over the world.

Whether you’re new to running or have been pounding the pavement for many years, barefoot running can provide benefits to everyone. If you’re willing to take up the challenge and take a somewhat primitive approach to your running, you will gain a more intimate relationship with body and earth and reap the rewards. If you’re looking to improve your running efficiency, alter your gait or simply reinvigorate your tired training regime, then barefoot running may be just what the doctor ordered. barefoot1

Conventional running shoes have a lot of structure, support and cushioning to protect our feet from the harsh reality of running. We’re drawn to these features when looking for the ‘best shoe’. Most shoes encourage runners to strike heel first as they incorporate a differential of approximately12mm from heel to forefoot (meaning your heel sits higher in the shoe than your forefoot). Conversely, barefoot shoes such as the Vibram Five Fingers are designed without a heel-forefoot drop, to mimic the human foot. They provide functional support by promoting good posture, enhancing muscle balance and activation throughout the legs and feet. This improves proprioception (your perception of where your body is within space) and sensitivity.

Eliminating the heel lift encourages natural posture by reducing anterior pelvic tilt and decreasing pressure on the lumbar spine. This improves the balance and function of lower back and pelvic muscles like the gluteal, tensor fascia latte and illiopsoa. It can also reduce the risk of suffering posterior muscle tightness in the hamstrings and calves, which is relatively common amongst us runners.

Encompassing the true notion of barefoot, Vibrams separate the toes into their own pockets. This allows the toes to spread naturally, which promotes good proprioception and activation of the intrinsic foot muscles, and better balance both in stance and during gait. These benefits are not exclusive to runners, but are worthwhile to everyone.  This can promote good health and well-being in later life by reducing posture-related injuries and allowing prolonged participation in physical activity.

More specific to running, the primary benefit of using Vibrams is a reduction in peak forces. Braking forces transmit shock up the legs through the various structures and joints, which are common contributors to overuse injuries. These forces are typically greatest at heel strike and are exacerbated by overstriding and striking the ground in front of the body’s centre of mass.

Vibrams are not cushioned and don’t have an elevated heel. Therefore they encourage a mid-forefoot strike and shorter, faster stride, which distributes force and allows the muscles and joints to attenuate shock through more natural motion. For many people, running is a quadriceps-dominated exercise. However, running in Vibrams generates a different strike pattern and challenges this notion with much more emphasis on pulling with the hamstrings during swing phase. Following on from this, a majority of runners making the switch to barefoot running will experience long-term gains in efficiency and cadence.

It is important to realize that not everyone can run effectively when forefoot striking, especially over long distances. However, incorporating barefoot running into weekly training can result in a range of benefits. It can improve gait and provide alternative muscle stimulus, and initiate many other changes. Plus it adds a bit of variety to help boost interest and motivation for training.

Come to intraining Running Centre and talk to our staff about getting the best fit for your feet. We will observe your running style and help you select the right pair of shoes for your feet. Don’t be afraid of evolution. After all, shoes haven’t been around forever. Give barefoot running a try and get back your natural instincts.

By Emily Donker (podiatrist, runner and coach)

Love 2 Run August16 enews

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – August 2016
Spring is here and running season is almost complete in Queensland. If you thought that this means a time for rest, think again! This is no time to rest on your laurels, it is the best time to start planning for what goals you have ahead.

Are you looking to start running? Better your personal best? Run a marathon? Or just finish your local parkrun without stopping? Start your planning now. Spring time is a great time of the year to head out and enjoy the earlier sunrise and sunsets that greet us each day.

Twilight Bay Run - Saturday 24 September 2016

In this this issue:
Springtime wardrobe: Refresh your running attire for Spring…
A new taste sensation: Mmm…mid run salted caramel treat
Footwear patterns: They key to knowing the way you run
Twilight Bay Run: Limited time discount offer to Twilight Bay Run.
Never run before?: Check out our success stories… from 2mins to 10km
Running Form Workshop: Transform your running in December 2016

Did you know running facts – Part 27
The Olympic Games has been and gone and it will be another 4 years until we are treated to watching the worlds best compete. Did you know how successful the Rio Games were?

Over 19 days, there were 19 world records broken and 65 Olympic records broken. In terms of athletic performance, the Rio Games has been the most successful games in history.Michael Phelps

Whilst any medal is an achievement, there were amazing standouts, that included Michael Phelps (totaling 28 Olympic medals in this career) and Usain Bolt who as a track sprinter has completed something nobody thought would be possible and accomplished three Olympic gold medals in each of the last three Olympic Games. What a great era of sport we live in!

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


**NEW** Spring/Summer clothing range in store
Refresh your Winter wardrobe with the latest running apparelNEW Asics 'Emma' race back with support and comfort to match
With Spring on our doorstep, it is time to peel off the Winter layers and let your skin see the light of day. There is nothing more uncomfortable than running in clothing that either doesn’t fit right or is not fit for the conditions.

The latest range of Spring/Summer clothing has arrived at intraining Running Centre.

If you are tired of boring black or just looking to replace those shorts that leave little to the imagination, we have a great range to help you enjoy that next run just a little more.

NEW Brooks Asteria - Mens and Women's specific racing shoe now available


Endura Salted Caramel gel and other new flavours
More flavours ensure you stay on top of your nutrition
Gels… for many of us the batle in the mind between desire and need has lead to many of us having failed nutrition during training and racing. The often hard to stomach taste of gels, akin to drinking dish washing liquid, is now a thing of the past – thanks to Endura’s new flavours.

Why Take Endura Sports Energy Gels?New Endura Gel flavours now at intraining Running Centre
Endura Sports Energy Gels are a concentrated energy source, containing a combination of two specialised forms of carbohydrates to increase total carb absorption from 60 g to 90 g an hour. Each gel contains 26 g of carbs with energy boosting caffeine. Store them on you during training and racing to conveniently keep glycogen levels up, maintain vital energy reserves and prevent hitting the wall.

Three new flavours from Endura – Now available at intraining Running Centre

– Salted Caramel: Ideal for those who have a sweet tooth
– Fruit Burst: Something fresh to keep your mind on task
– Cola Kick: Subtle taste and easy on the taste buds

If you have been struggling with fuelling during runs over 1hr in duration, it may be time to get yourself some help the easy way with a gel that is easy to take on board and stay on board.


What your wear pattern means – by Steve Manning (podiatrist)
Matching your footwear pattern to the right shoes…
Wear patterns occur as your shoes age and ‘wear in’. Wear patterns can point to a sign that your shoes should be replaced. Your wear pattern can furthermore explain the forces you exert on the shoe based on your individual biomechanics. This can then help with your selection of footwear to suit your specific running style and foot structure.

If you have worn through the outsole (rubber tread) to the midsole then you will need to replace your shoes. However by this stage the midsole cushioning in the shoe has likely to be ‘dead’ (see the dead shoe test here) and not offering your joints any relief from impact. Click here to view the full article on how to decipher your wear pattern and learn what to look for in a shoe.

Click here to read the full From the Sole Clinic eNewsletter for this month

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Twilight Bay Run – Saturday 24 September 2016
Just another reason to join in the Bay RunTwilight Bay 2016 singlet and towel
The ever popular family fun event under the moon and stars will be held along the Wynnum Esplanade on 24 September.

Not only do participants get to enjoy a fireworks display over the Bay at 7pm…yeah, you could be finishing under a sky full of colours, but each participant receives the popular running specific and funky limited edition Twilight Bay singlet or Twilight towel as part of entry.

Limited time discount offer
Use discount code s-tbrintrain16
for 10% off your entry
(offer valid until 10 September 2016)
Events to consider
– Half marathon: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 10km Run/Walk: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 5km Run/Walk: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 1km Active Kids Run: Includes towel, free games and finisher medal

Start your Spring with a bang and get your entry in for the Twilight Bay Run and join us for the 5th year anniversary under the moon and stars.



Running Form Workshop – 3 December 2016
Improve strength, coordination and running speed
Join the intraining Running Injury Clinic and coaching team for a practical form workshop. The workshop is designed to provide a hands on focus at improving the way you run in a single day workshop.

Who is this for?
This workshop is ideal for runners who have participated in a previous running form workshop. The session will have an emphasis on improving technique through running drills and feedback. Under the guidance of the intraining physiotherapy, podiatry and coaching team, this session will fine tune the way you have learnt the running drills previously and give you a session plan to do over the summer

When: Saturday 3 December
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Dress: Running clothing and footwear
Cost: $30 or ($25 for intraining club members)

If you are a beginner runner or can’t attend the December workshop, the three part Form Workshop in February 2017 will provide a greater emphasis on how to perform drills and develop these skills over three hands-on sessions.

Click here for more information

December running form workshop

Love 2 Run July16 enews

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – July 2016
We are over half way through the year and just over a week until Brisbane’s major marathon festival is upon us. Make sure you keep your hydration up leading into the event, even when it is cold. Being sufficiently hydrated will maximise your bodies ability to recover from training.

We hope that you are enjoying your taper and are getting excited for race day of Queensland’s second biggest marathon event. See you at the race on 7 August or in store!

Under 2 weeks to go until Brisbane Marathon Festival 2016

In this this issue:
Suunto Spartan GPS watch: When second best just won’t do…
Are your shoes ‘dead’?: A quick test determining the life of your shoes
Get that booty back: Plank your way to the strongest butt in running
Brisbane Marathon Festival: Online entry closes Thursday 4 August.
Twilight Bay Run: Another reason to enter the Bay Run in September.
Never run before?: Check out our success stories… from 2mins to 10km

Did you know running facts – Part 26
The hotter the temperature and the better the tailwind, the faster the records fall – in the sprint distance events anyway. Bolt’s record-breaking 9.58, set in Berlin in 2009, was assisted by a 0.9m/s tail wind and an air temperature in the high 20s.Usain Bolt - Fastest Man in the world

Bolt will be hoping for a tailwind of 2.0m/s, the maximum permissible for a world record at the Olympic Games in Rio this August. An increased tailwind reduces atmospheric drag, while hotter temperatures mean thinner air and fewer molecules impeding athletes’ paths.

For those in distance events the opposite is the case, with cooler temperatures the ideal requirement for faster times.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


**NEW** Suunto Spartan – The epitome of innovation is here
Register your interest for the Spartan with intraining pre-orders
We as runner’s are always striving to achieve, to be fitter than yesterday, and to hurt a little less on that next run. GPS watches have been showing continual improvement, through ease of use and more features than we care to use. Until now…a game changer from Suunto has arrived in Spartan. With the help of the Spartan, we can easily interpret information on how hard we train, how to improve, share it with our peers and when we should be recovering based on data collected each training session.

Latest features of the NEW Spartan range at Suunto

– Up to 65hr battery in GPS mode (ideal for ultra runners)
– Outdoor grade, high quality colour touch screen
– Sapphire crystal screen (second only to diamond in hardness)
– Space grade titanium bezel
– Ease of use 3 button navigation
– Smart training insights
– Heat map route discovery (follow the path others have used and discover new places to run, ride and move)

If you are not willing to settle for second best and looking for a GPS watch that can do it all, get your pre-order in today for the new Suunto Spartan and be the first to enjoy the epitome of innovation…read more.


Suunto Spartan - Unrivalled durability and the epitome of innovation


The Dead Shoe test – Don’t put yourself at risk of injury
Key signs that you should replace your shoes
A commonly asked question is “how do you know when your shoes are worn out?” With improved production methods, the outsole (the part that makes contact with the ground) of the shoe often shoes very little sign of wear even after hundreds of kilometres.Click here to read more about the Dead Shoe Test

Key signs you need to replace your shoes
Are your legs are feeling more tired than usual after a long run?
Usually a subtle change over time and is not apparent until you try on a new shoes.
Are you ‘louder’ than normal on foot strike?
Older shoes often make a ‘thud’ sound when they hit the ground, as opposed to a quieter and smoother contact.
Do your shoes look uneven from behind?
Look at your shoes from behind – if they are tilting excessively inwards or outwards this may suggest that the shoes need to be replaced.

The ‘Dead Shoe Test’ involves bending the front half of the shoe in half, downwards towards the sole. In old and worn out shoes there will be little resistance and lesser recoil. This would suggest that the shock absorbing ability of the shoe is fading.

Test your shoes before your next run, if your shoes fail the ‘dead shoe test’, then avoid the potential for injury and get a new pair as soon as possible. Remember to get a re-fit as  your feet may have changed since your last purchase.


Work that booty – by Doug James (podiatrist & physio)
Core strength is the key to your running happiness…
Running is tough on the body, there is no secret there! And your knees can take a pounding, whichi is why we need to ensure that our muscles are helping keep them aligned.

The trick to keeping your knees happy is to build that booty by keeping your gluteal (hip) muscles strong. Single leg squats are a commonly prescribed exercise to build hip strength, however if you have a painful knee or poor balance you might find that the exercise is both difficult and ineffective.

Instead, bridge exercises – and particularly single leg bridges – are a useful way of improving strength without placing excessive pressure on the knee, or requiring much balance.

To perform a bridge, lay on your back with your knees bent 90˚ and feet flat on the floor. Raise your …click here to view read the full article on how to strengthen glutes and reduce medial knee pain.

Click here to read the full From the Sole Clinic eNewsletter for this month

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Twilight Bay Run – Saturday 24 September 2016
Just another reason to join in the Bay RunTwilight Bay 2016 singlet and towel
The ever popular family fun event under the moon and stars will be held along the Wynnum Esplanade on 24 September.

Not only do participants get to enjoy a fireworks display over the Bay at 7pm…yeah, you could be finishing under a sky full of colours, but each participant receives the popular running specific and quite funky limited edition Twilight Bay singlet or Twilight towel as part of entry fees.

If you have been umming and ahhing about whether to enter, check out the 2016 singlet and towels on offer.

Events to consider
– Half marathon: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 10km Run/Walk: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 5km Run/Walk: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 1km Active Kids Run: Includes towel, free games and finisher medal

Start your Spring with a bang and get your entry in for the Twilight Bay Run and join us for the 5th year anniversary under the moon and stars.


Are your shoes worn out?

How to tell if your shoes are worn out…dead shoe walking

A commonly asked question is “how do you know when your shoes are worn out?” With improved production methods, the outsole (the part that makes contact with the ground) of the shoe often shoes very little sign of wear even after hundreds of kilometres. Conversely, if you have wide feet, or toes that poke up while running, you may prematurely wear a hole in the upper but still have a shoe that is otherwise perfectly function. For most shoes, the main area of concern is the midsole of the shoe where the cushioning is.  There are a few signs to be aware of including leg fatigue, increased impact noise, and loss of recoil in the ‘dead shoe test’.

As a general rule of thumb, expect to receive approximately 500-800km of life from your running shoes (that is 3-4 months of running 40km per week). Obviously lifespan can some can obtain a greater life with some only able to obtain 300-400km until the shoe is worn out. A variety of factors affect this, including runner weight, terrain, running gait, frequency of running (you obtain a greater lifespan by alternating two or more pairs of shoes) as well as other factors that are runner dependent.


Key signs you need to replace your shoes

  • As your shoes wear out, you may find that your feet and legs are feeling more tired than usual. This is usually a subtle change over time and not apparent unless you try on a newer pair of shoes.
  • Older shoes often make a ‘thud’ sound when they hit the ground, as opposed to a quieter and smoother contact.
  • The ‘Dead Shoe Test’ involves bending the front half of the shoe in half, downwards towards the sole. In old and worn out shoes there will be little resistance and lesser recoil. This would suggest that the shock absorbing ability of the shoe is fading.
  • Look at the shoes from behind – if they are tilting excessively inwards or outwards this may suggest that the shoes need to be replaced.

The durability of a shoe depends on several factors including

  • The thickness of the midsole (generally thicker soles give higher mileage)
  • The density of the midsole (firmer is often better for durability)
  • Amount of use – shoes worn daily wear out relatively faster (consider rotating a couple of pairs instead)
  • Foot strike patterns – excessive pronation, supination, or forefoot running will unevenly wear the shoes resulting in their early retirement

Worn out shoes can be a contributing factor for injuries, so remember to replace them regularly to keep you running at your best. If you are unsure of whether your shoes have reached that ‘gone too far’ stage, come visit the staff at the intraining Running Centre for a FREE ‘dead shoe’ assessment.

By Doug James (podiatrist, physiotherapist and runner at intraining Running Injury Clinic)

Where to start running

Taking on the World of Running

Taking on the world of running is a process.  There is not a set of instructions to start running that suits everyone, and it is unlikely the runner’s high or success will be achieved instantly. Internet searches will give endless amounts of information and advice will always be given freely from other runners.CatrinWaye

Working out what suits you best or even how to start can be a challenge. This will also change over the years as your own goals evolve. To make this process easier, break running into three major elements; training, community and footwear. Each of these are as important as the other as they impact significantly on how well you manage your training, stay injury free, and keep you motivated to stick at running.  Finding compatible people for each of these elements through coaches, clubs, and running specialist stores is the key to achieving your goals sooner with fewer mistakes that lead to injury, mistaken purchases or stopping running.The newer you are at running, or when stepping up the distances, the more valuable you’ll find each of these resources.


Running requires a routine with an appropriate combination of hard and easy sessions. Coaches and individualised training plans help provide a plan that explains the training process, provides progression as you improve or work towards specific goals, and suits your lifestyle. Training groups are the platform for more specific sessions such as long runs and speedwork. Smart training pays off.


Your running community is where you will be supported during both the good and not so good running times. You will be in a place where you can talk running endlessly.  The club singlet guarantees a cheer.


There is a world of knowledge in a running specialist store. You are guided through a unique process to find a shoe that’s best suited to you, to find shoes for different running needs, and you can ask all the questions you like in a place where people love to talk running and answer all sorts of questions. Don’t be shy. Couch210km_logo

If you are new to the world of running, make sure you have a look at the Couch 2 10km program here where you can convert yourself from ‘couch potato’ to 10km runner in just 13 weeks.

FREE parking at Indooroopilly

As a runner, we always are always checking our watch. Whether we are out running making sure we keep on pace or out in real life keeping to a schedule. Now you can kill two birds with one stone without worrying about having to pay for parking. Get your grocery shopping done, watch a movie and get yourself fitted by our footwear specialists at intraining Running Centre.

Simply spend $150 at Indooroopilly Shopping Centre and you get yourself up to 8 hours FREE parking.

Make sure you drop by and visit us soon and make sure you keep your receipt!

Happy running,

intraining Running Centre – Indooroopilly

Running 10km in thongs?

In February 2016 intraining Running Centre made a call out to the local running community in Brisbane for donations of old, yet still wearable condition running shoes. We were inundated with kindness and generosity and managed to put together a batch of running shoes to send over to those less fortunate in Papua New Guinea and Fiji.

So what happened to all the running shoes?

Read the story below from our international intraining club member, Pete Lane who assisted in the donation and processing of footwear to those who were searching for a happy run.

When did you last run 10 km in thongs?  The answer is probably, “never ever”, as we all know what this would do to our knees, feet and hips!

Yet if you were Nayeem Mollah, a student from Bangladesh, whom intraining runner Pete Lane met in  Nadi, Fiji in March, his answer was,
“I run 10 km in thongs all the time as I have no money to buy runners. I arrived from Bangladesh with only 7 kilo’s of luggage so I had no extra room for sports shoes.”

Nayeem was part of a group of the students who regularly ran and exercised in Fiji’s heat and humidity, Pete asked if he could join them. After the 10 km run that Nayeem half-walked and half-ran, Pete was obviously concerned what damage Nayeem would do to his feet if he kept running in thongs.

After a lot of planning and assistance, Nayeem and the other runners were delighted to receive running shoes on Saturday 5th March.

At the second run on Sunday 6th March, Nayeem turned up with his new runners, ready to go. This time a delighted, smiling Nayeem ran the whole way with Pete at his side!

Thanks again to intraining and the kindness of the Brisbane running community for donating footwear and spreading the joy of running with those less fortunate.

Donate old running shoes

Donate your old running shoes

We are calling on the generosity of the local running community to assist with donating your old running shoes to those less fortunate in a very remote area of Wasu Kabwum in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Wasu - Kabwum Area

Wasu Kabwum is a rather remote area of PNG that is not accessible by road. As a result the various communities there (population probably getting close to 100k now) don’t have very good access to basic commodities. Life is a lot simpler. Access to the city is via a 20min plane trip (mostly unaffordable), 10 hour+ boat trips that are unreliable or a 3 day walk over the mountains.

Whilst the process of shipping the container of footwear is typically a very slow process (it might take 6 months for them to get it out of the wharf and then another couple months to get it on a barge to site), the locals really appreciate any footwear we can provide.

Share the joy of running with those less fortunate. Please ensure your shoes have laces and are in wearable condition.

Donations can be made at:

intraining Running Centre
33 Park Road
Ph. 07 3367 3088


Best shoe for you

The best shoe for you

At intraining we have always done things differently. That is because our focus is on finding the best shoe for you rather than just trying to sell the most expensive shoe. We believe in the long run a happy customer will return for the service only we provide.

A recent article written by Benno Nigg’s team out of the University of Calgary has given support to the unique and complimentary footwear fitting process at intraining Running Centre.

As a retailer, the challenge is to identify what each runner needed. At intraining Running Centre our staff are taught to let the person’s foot decide what was the best shoe. We don’t discuss technological shoe jargon with our customers. Instead we let you, the customer know how the shoe is supposed to feel when running. Your shoe should be comfortable and feel like there is even support on both sides of the feet.

The shoes should be quiet to run in with minimal slapping or pounding. The critical factor in selecting the ‘best’ shoe is to have the customer run in the shoes at their normal pace to see if their gait and the shoes were compatible.

We encourage you to run in one foot of each pair to have a real time comparison between models. In the process of educating our customers, we began to… Click here to read more here on a footwear paradigm shift…

Childrens Feet

Childrens feet and the shoe fit
By Margot Manning (podiatrist & coach)

The temptation when purchasing children’s and teenager’s shoes is to allow for growing room. While this appears more cost effective at the time, the extra room in the shoes could lead to unwanted movement and the development of injuries. The purpose of a well fitted shoe is to grab the foot firmly so that the two units (foot & shoe) move together as one piece.  When there is a mismatch in shape or size, the muscles and tendons required to ‘control’ the movement will fatigue sooner.

Primary school children’s running shoes do not usually have half sizes.  This does mean that often they need to go to a larger than ideal shoe fitting.  In this situation a more shapely insole, or added padding to the existing insole can work well to fill out the shoe. A heat mouldable insole (not an orthotic) can customise the shoe even further to suit the varying shapes and sizes that children and teenagers feet present.

The retail staff at intraining Running Centre can help with shoe fitting and customising the shoe with insoles, but if you are a little more concerned about your childrens feet, make a booking to see one of the podiatrists.

At intraining Running Injury Clinic our podiatrists help diagnose and treat running related injuries to get you back to doing what you enjoy.

All of our podiatry team are avid runners and/or triathletes at the clinic and understand how frustrating it can be having an injury.

Click here to make a booking online or call us on 07 3367 3088

Bunions and Bony Bumps

Feet tell such great stories about the loads and forces placed on the body during movement and exercise. Toenails (or lack thereof), callouses, blisters and bony bumps can all provide clues about foot structure and function and patterns of gait. Bunions are the most obvious and common of the bony bumps and affect the large joint proximal to your big toe. Other common sites for bony bumps are on the top of the arch (dorsal exostosis), at the back of the heel (Hagland’s deformity), and on the 5th toe joint (Tailor’s bunion). These bony prominences and exostoses occur as a result of bone remodelling – the body’s mechanism for coping with the excessive forces and loading that may occur through a joint, or at the insertion of a tendon (e.g. the Achilles tendon). Once developed, these bony bumps, unfortunately, don’t go away. Amongst other issues, they may cause pain, blistering and difficulty in fitting shoes. The best treatment and prevention of further development of exostoses in these troublesome spots requires a multifaceted approach; identifying the biomechanical cause, reducing the loading patterns with in-shoe modification or orthotics, altering lacing patterns to reduce direct pressure, and of course, finding a shoe that both fits and functions appropriately. Don’t let a few bumps cause pain- in a vast majority of cases, there is a solution that will allow you to train more comfortably. If you’re concerned about bunions, or other bony bumps on your feet, come and see one of the podiatrists at intraining to investigate the issue and get you back on your feet.

Book an appointment or call 07 3367 3088.