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Christmas 2017 Runners Wishlist

Give the gift of fitness this Christmasshoewall (800x533)

Christmas gift shopping can be a pain… right? Wrong! At intraining Running Centre we have put together our top picks for Christmas gift ideas that every runner would love.

Take the guesswork out of gift giving. Give that fitness fantastic something they really want this Christmas, and receive the kudos for coming up with the idea yourself!

From running socks and compression tights through to GPS watches and accessories – we have thought of it all for that special runner in your life so you don’t have to.

Take a look inside at

intraining Runners Wishlist for Christmas 2017

Stuck for size, not sure if it will fit? Ask our friendly staff at intraining Running Centre, we can help you make the right decision! Still struggling to make a decision? Purchase a gift voucher online or in-store at intraining Running Centre Milton or Indooroopilly.


RunTalk Ep11 – Running gadgets

runtalk-intraining-logoWelcome to RunTalk episode 11 with Steve, Margot and special guest this week – podiatrist, coach, runner and triathlete, Emily Donker. Emily has a wealth of experience

This week Emily will help us understand the world of GPS running watches and other key gadgets that help enhance our running lives.

Click here to listen to episode 11 of RunTalk

Episode 11: Running with GPS and other running gadgets.

Podcast11_GPS1Back in the old days we used to run by time and guess our speed and distance based on how we feel. Some of us even got into our cars or on our bikes to measure the approximate distance. In the modern era we are privileged to have a range of running gadgets available to assist in pace judgement and provide a more accurate representation of the distance covered.

Listen up and learn how to utilise the latest running gadgets to your advantage whilst still learning to run based on how you feel.

About Emily:

  • Qualified podiatrist
  • Running coach
  • Triathlete and runner
  • Marathon personal best of 2.53

If you are keen to maximise your potential as a runner or are just keen to get a little more out of your training with the modern tools that are available today, it may be time that you considered a GPS running watch.

Visit the staff at intraining Running Centre if you are looking for advice on the best running watch or running gadgets to suit your running needs. A wide range of running watches are available to choose from, including the latest innovations from Garmin, Suunto and other running gadgets to maximise your potential.

Suunto Christmas Cash back offer

Suunto Cash Back Offer

Purchase any of the below Suunto watches from intraining Running Centre, between the 14th November 2016 and 31st December 2016 and get up to $100.00 cashback. Treat yourself this Christmas to a Suunto and feel the difference in quality, durability and design.SuuntoSpartan

Cash back offers available

  • M2 – $20.00
  • Ambit3 Run – $30.00
  • ​Ambit3 Sport – $40.00
  • Ambit3 Vertical – $50.00
  • Ambit3 Peak – $55.00
  • Spartan Sport – $60.00
  • Spartan Ultra Stainless Steel – $70.00
  • Spartan Ultra Stainless Titanium – $80.00
  • Spartan Ultra Stainless Titanium Copper – $100.00


Combine the Suunto Cash Back Offer with intraining Running Centre Christmas discounts and you can save in combination up to $200 on your next Suunto purchase. Offer is available for a limited time only at intraining Running Centre, Milton or Indooroopilly locations. Click here to view intraining Suunto exclusive deals.


To obtain your cash back from Suunto, simply complete this form including your original purchase receipt from intraining Running Centre.

For full Terms and Conditions please click here.


Spend $300 and WIN $1030 value

Christmas is just one month away, so we thought what better way to celebrate than to offer you a chance to WIN the latest Suunto Spartan (check out our review) Ultra Titanium GPS watch worth $1030! spartanimage

For the months of November and December 2016 we will be giving away the most feature laden GPS watch to hit the market. Simply spend over $300 at the intraining Running Centre in one transaction and you will go in the draw.

Together with Suunto, intraining Running Centre are also offering some fantastic deals on the Ambit series until 31 December 2016 where you can save up to 30% off. We are also offering the latest Suunto Spartan at a special rate of 10% off the below list price – whilst stocks last.

intraining Running Centre – Suunto Super Specials

(offers valid until 31 December 2016)

Save 10% off these

Spartan Sport – $779.95 NOW $700.00

Spartan Ultra – $929.95 NOW $840.00

Spartan Ultra Titanium – $1029.95 NOW $925.00

Ambit 3 Peak – $549.95 NOW $495.00


Save 30% off these

Ambit 3 Sport – Current price: $449.95  NOW $315.00

Ambit 3 Run – $349.95 NOW $245.00

The Suunto Spartan Ultra Titanium winner will be announced on the intraining Running Centre website and our facebook page on 20 December.

Tuesday 20th December

In case you didn’t know about the new Spartan, here is a quick review to whet your taste buds.

Suunto Spartan – Unrivaled durability

Suunto Spartan Sport and Spartan Ultra

The Suunto Spartan series of GPS watches introduced by the Finnish watch maker is the development of the triathletes favourite series, the Ambit.spartanimage

The Suunto Spartan is a watch designed with all sporting endeavors in mind, including; running, cycling, swimming, triathlon, hiking, multisport, kayaking, obstacle course and pretty much every other sport you can possibly think of. The feature laden GPS watch will track your every movement and will double as an every day watch interface that won’t look out of place in your work attire.

What has the Spartan kept from the popular Ambit series?

  • Lightning fast GPS connectivity. No waiting around for minutes for the satellites to acquire.
  • Smart Bluetooth connectivity with sensors ensuring seamless integration
  • Quick button navigation to remove any potential for ‘mis touches’ when you are sweating mid session
  • Automated Bluetooth uploads directly through your smartphone via the Movescount App
  • Pairing with your Smartphone for notifications, such as text messages, social media as well as a magnitude of other on screen prompts delivered directly to your watch face.
  • Recovery advisor, which predicts based on heart rate and your current fitness level how long until you will be recovered from your session and back at full capacity.

What exactly does the Suunto Spartan series offer over the popular Ambit series?

  • Full colour screen
  • Touch screen interface which operates in a similar fashion to popular Apple products, combined with easy to use buttons for navigation through on screen menus
  • Lighter weight at approximately 73g (Ultra Titanium)
  • Stylish titanium and stainless steel model in the Suunto Ultra Titanium

By this time, you are probably asking yourself why you should buy a Suunto?

  1. High quality build. The Suunto range of watches are made in Finland, feel sturdy and will be up to any vigorous workout you can throw at it without the worry of a strap breaking, or a screen pausing midway through a session.
  2. Smart Bluetooth connectivity ensures seamless integration with a wide range of products on the market.
  3. Reliable 26hr battery life in GPS mode
  4. Sapphire crystal screen – 2nd only in hardness to diamond – making it extremely durable.

The Suunto Spartan offers a few fantastic new ‘upgrades’ over the older Ambit series as mentioned. If you are looking for a GPS watch that will accompany you on your next adventure, the Suunto Spartan is certainly worth a look.

If you are still struggling to decide on your next GPS watch purchase, visit us in store at intraining Running Centre.  Our staff are not only trained on all product knowledge, but are all runners with vast experience – having used almost every watch out there. Our knowledge combined with first hand experience on products are second to none and we can help you select the best watch to suit your needs.


For our take on the Garmin Forerunner 735XT – click here

Love2Run – October16 enews

  intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – October 2016
Under two months until Christmas… yep it really is that close. But we will hold off on the tinsel for a little while longer. This months edition of Love2Run focuses on getting the most out of your body with some great new product releases that make recovery and training a breeze.

In this this issue:
Garmin 735XT: A watch that can do it all…Garmin 735XT
2XU Ice-X: The discrete and easy way to boost your recovery
Thirsty work: Hydration and enhancing your performance
Are you breathing correctly?: Tips on how to breathe when running
Never run before?: Check out our success stories… from 2mins to 10km
Running Form Workshop: Transform your running in December 2016
Twilight Running Festival: Lace up… Twilight is coming in 2017

Did you know running facts – Part 29
Ever wondered how much you sweat whilst running? An average person sweats between 800ml to 1.4 litres per hour during exercise. To help you with a visual, a standard water bottle typically hold 600mls of fluid and the larger bottles hold 700ml of fluid.

How about an elite runner you ask? One of the greatest runners of all time, Haile Gebreselassie, lost 9.8% of his starting body weight at the Berlin Marathon when he set the marathon world record, dropping from 58.2 kg to 52.5 kg. He apparently drank 1.7 liters during the race, but sweated out 3.6 liters per hour.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


Our take on the latest Garmin Forerunner 735XT
A watch so good… it almost does exercises for you
Are you a multisport addict? Do you demand the most out of your equipment? Garmin, who need no introduction, are the leader in GPS sports technologies. The latest introduction to the already extensive Forerunner range of GPS watches is the Forerunner 735XT – the triathlon and multisport focused watch that has left no stone un-turned in the quest to offer the athlete with a watch that has it all.

Top stand out features
Running dynamics: Whilst not new to the Garmin list of features, the benefits of running dynamics can improve running efficiency through analysis on ground contact time, vertical bounce and stride length.

Heart rate measurement: For many of us, the reason we do not monitor our heart rate in training and in races is for the simple fact that heart rate monitors can be uncomfortable, cause chafing and even have problems reading on certain body shapes. Introducing the new optical wrist based heart rate measurement of the 735XT.

Strava alerts in real time - Garmin Forerunner 735XTLiveTrack and Strava integration: We live in a world of virtual social interaction, where a run is done unless it is online. The 735XT when paired with your phone, allows instant Strava integration as well as tracking your exact whereabouts.

Read our full review here.

The 735XT is a watch that can do it all. If you are eager to push your body to the limit and be as efficient as you can be, then the 735XT will get you there.

Whether you are looking for information on how to use your watch, looking for an upgrade or just want to find out more, come visit the experts at intraining Running Centre.

Garmin Forerunner 735XT - Optical heart rate measurement


How to recover from your workout quicker
2XU Ice-X Compression tights
We all want to train harder and recover faster. The problem is our body can only do so much to be ready for that next training session. Whilst having an ice bath and wearing standard compression is great, there are two problems for most of us.New 2XU - Ice X
1. We work and do not have time to have an ice-bath
2. Most compression tights become hot and sweaty in summer.

Enter the new range of 2XU Ice Compression tights. Naturally cooling to the touch, ICE-X Compression can help to reduce surface skin temperature. Powerful compression support to entire leg muscles to help prevent muscle soreness, fatigue and long term overuse injuries.

Possibly the best thing of the 2XU Ice-X range of tights is that we can receive the benefits of icing and compression, all whilst sitting at a desk in our work clothes.

Visit our trained staff at the intraining Running Centre to ensure that you purchase the correct size to maximise the benefits of 2XU Ice-X.

2XU - IceX Cooling and Compression - Available at intraining Running Centre


Thirsty work in the summer – by Liz Lovering (dietitian)
Perform better when you are hydrated…
Now the weather is warming up it’s important to consider your fluid needs. Fluid losses from sweat are very individual and several factors affect how much fluid we need, including; genetics, size, environment (a hot Queensland summer day vs a cool winter morning), exercise intensity and fitness levels.

Water is great for general hydration and short low intensity runs, but for those more intense sessions or long runs in hot conditions, sports drinks (or electrolyte replacement formulas) provide fluid and important electrolytes.

Electrolyte replacement (especially sodium) is particularly important when running in …Click here to view the full article in October’s From the Sole newsletter, by dietitian, Liz Lovering and get yourself hydrated this summer.

Thirsty work - get the most out of your body

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Are you breathing correctly? – by Doug James (physiotherapist)
Top tips to help you breathe right when running…
A commonly asked question amongst new runners is ‘how am I supposed to breathe while running?’ This is usually asked because breathing is often the limiting factor to being able to run further or faster.

Correct technique can also help make running more comfortable and improve your performance.

3 tips to help you ‘breathe right’
1. Use your diaphragm: This involves pushing your stomach out to more fully expand your lungs. Pausing slightly once you have fully inhaled helps to get oxygen to more parts of your lungs.
2. Time your breathing for your pace: When running at a comfortable pace aim to breathe in for 3-4 steps, then breathe out for the same time. As your pace or effort (eg during hills) increases so will your breathing rate (up to 1 breath in/out per step for sprinting).
3. Don’t hunch your shoulders: Avoid using muscles above your collar bone as this prevents you using your diaphragm as effectively.

The above tips can help guide you to better breathing techniques while running. Read the full article by intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatrist and physiotherapist – Doug James in October’s ‘From the Sole‘ monthly clinic enewsletter.

Breathe right and maximise your running potential

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.

Running Form Workshop – 3 December 2016
Improve strength, coordination and running speed
Join the intraining Running Injury Clinic and coaching team for a practical form workshop. The workshop is designed to provide a hands on focus at improving the way you run in a single day workshop.

Who is this for?
This workshop is ideal for runners who have participated in a previous running form workshop. The session will have an emphasis on improving technique through running drills and feedback. Under the guidance of the intraining physiotherapy, podiatry and coaching team, this session will fine tune the way you have learnt the running drills previously and give you a session plan to do over the summer

When: Saturday 3 December
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Dress: Running clothing and footwear
Cost: $30 or ($25 for intraining club members)

If you are a beginner runner or can’t attend the December workshop, the three part Form Workshop in February 2017 will provide a greater emphasis on how to perform drills and develop these skills over three hands-on sessions.

Click here for more information

December running form workshop


Twilight Running Festival 2017
Lace up those shoes… Twilight is coming…
Excitement is building for the 2017 Twilight Running Festival. Some exciting news is soon to be announced.

This is a running event you do not want to miss. Run under the moon and stars in 2017. Online entries are coming soon…

Register your interest online

Lace up your shoes - Twilight Running Festival is coming...

Garmin Forerunner 735XT

Are you a multisport addict? Do you demand the most out of your equipment? Garmin, who need no introduction, are the leader in GPS sports technologies. The latest introduction to the already extensive Forerunner range of GPS watches is the Forerunner 735XT – the triathlon and multisport focused watch that has left no stone un-turned in the quest to offer the athlete with a watch that has it all.garmin_735xt_dynamics

Top stand out features

Running dynamics:
Whilst not new to the Garmin list of features, the benefits of running dynamics can help everyone.
Ground Contact Time Balance: If you are prone to injury on a particular leg
Vertical ratio: Reduce the amount of ‘bounce’ in your stride and focus on moving forwards
Stride length: Work on reducing your stride length and increasing your cadence to get muscles firing quicker

Heart rate measurement
For many of us, the reason we do not monitor our heart rate in training and in races is for the simple fact that heart rate monitors can be uncomfortable, cause chafing and even have problems reading on certain body shapes.
Optical (wrist based) heart rate measurement: Simply strap your watch to your wrist and enjoy accurate and instantaneous heart rate measurement whether you are running, cycling, kayaking, walking or even sleeping.
Underwater heart rate measurement: The soft and pliable HRM-Swim and HRM-Tri chest straps from Garmin are as comfortable and form fitting chest strap you can imagine. Almost akin to a second skin. If you are swimming, the HRM-Swim is specifically designed to stay in place even when diving into the water. HRM-Tri strap will provide you with accurate heart rate measurement underwater as well as offering Garmin’s Running Dynamics.

LiveTrack and Strava integration:garmin_735xt_strava
When paired with your phone, you can rest easy that your whereabouts are known whenever you are out training with LiveTrack. The second and equally cool feature is integration with Strava in real time. Now you can discover new tracks, updates on Strava segments and personal records as they occur.

The question is…do you need the Garmin Forerunner 735XT?

The 735XT is a watch that can do it all. If you are eager to push your body to the limit and be as efficient as you can be, then the 735XT will get you there. If you are simply looking for a watch that will measure your speed, distance and give you heart rate when running, then it may be a bit overkill at $699.95.

If you can answer yes to the below questions, then the Garmin Forerunner 735XT is worth considering
– Do you want a watch to use as a bicycle computer and running watch?
– Do you find heart rate monitor straps uncomfortable?
– Struggle with computers? Want a watch that uploads your information online automatically?
– Do you have an imbalance or injury when running that you need to address?

Common questions garmin_hrmtri

Do I need to wear a heart rate monitor strap when swimming? Yes, optical wrist heart rate does not transmit under water.
How does the phone know where I am? When connected to your smart phone, the watch transmits data which is sent to your own personal file/link that you can provide to friends and family showing your whereabouts.
Is the Forerunner 735XT heavy? At just 42g the watch is one of the lightest in the Forerunner range and feels almost weightless when on the wrist.
Will the Forerunner 735XT measure my distance when swimming: Yes, the GPS uses GLONASS connectivity and has the capacity to accurately calculate the distance you swim as well as a range of other swimming metrics, such as stroke rate, time per 100m among other features.
What is the battery life like on the 735XT?: The watch features a battery life of approximately 14hrs whilst the GPS and optical heart rate is activated. This will cover the majority of events and training sessions you partake. To increase battery life, you are able to turn off optical heart rate and utilise an Ant+ heart rate chest strap instead.

If you have more questions about the Garmin Forerunner 735XT or any other GPS running watch, visit the intraining Running Centre in Milton or Indooroopilly and speak with one of our friendly staff.


Love 2 Run July16 enews

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – July 2016
We are over half way through the year and just over a week until Brisbane’s major marathon festival is upon us. Make sure you keep your hydration up leading into the event, even when it is cold. Being sufficiently hydrated will maximise your bodies ability to recover from training.

We hope that you are enjoying your taper and are getting excited for race day of Queensland’s second biggest marathon event. See you at the race on 7 August or in store!

Under 2 weeks to go until Brisbane Marathon Festival 2016

In this this issue:
Suunto Spartan GPS watch: When second best just won’t do…
Are your shoes ‘dead’?: A quick test determining the life of your shoes
Get that booty back: Plank your way to the strongest butt in running
Brisbane Marathon Festival: Online entry closes Thursday 4 August.
Twilight Bay Run: Another reason to enter the Bay Run in September.
Never run before?: Check out our success stories… from 2mins to 10km

Did you know running facts – Part 26
The hotter the temperature and the better the tailwind, the faster the records fall – in the sprint distance events anyway. Bolt’s record-breaking 9.58, set in Berlin in 2009, was assisted by a 0.9m/s tail wind and an air temperature in the high 20s.Usain Bolt - Fastest Man in the world

Bolt will be hoping for a tailwind of 2.0m/s, the maximum permissible for a world record at the Olympic Games in Rio this August. An increased tailwind reduces atmospheric drag, while hotter temperatures mean thinner air and fewer molecules impeding athletes’ paths.

For those in distance events the opposite is the case, with cooler temperatures the ideal requirement for faster times.

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


**NEW** Suunto Spartan – The epitome of innovation is here
Register your interest for the Spartan with intraining pre-orders
We as runner’s are always striving to achieve, to be fitter than yesterday, and to hurt a little less on that next run. GPS watches have been showing continual improvement, through ease of use and more features than we care to use. Until now…a game changer from Suunto has arrived in Spartan. With the help of the Spartan, we can easily interpret information on how hard we train, how to improve, share it with our peers and when we should be recovering based on data collected each training session.

Latest features of the NEW Spartan range at Suunto

– Up to 65hr battery in GPS mode (ideal for ultra runners)
– Outdoor grade, high quality colour touch screen
– Sapphire crystal screen (second only to diamond in hardness)
– Space grade titanium bezel
– Ease of use 3 button navigation
– Smart training insights
– Heat map route discovery (follow the path others have used and discover new places to run, ride and move)

If you are not willing to settle for second best and looking for a GPS watch that can do it all, get your pre-order in today for the new Suunto Spartan and be the first to enjoy the epitome of innovation…read more.


Suunto Spartan - Unrivalled durability and the epitome of innovation


The Dead Shoe test – Don’t put yourself at risk of injury
Key signs that you should replace your shoes
A commonly asked question is “how do you know when your shoes are worn out?” With improved production methods, the outsole (the part that makes contact with the ground) of the shoe often shoes very little sign of wear even after hundreds of kilometres.Click here to read more about the Dead Shoe Test

Key signs you need to replace your shoes
Are your legs are feeling more tired than usual after a long run?
Usually a subtle change over time and is not apparent until you try on a new shoes.
Are you ‘louder’ than normal on foot strike?
Older shoes often make a ‘thud’ sound when they hit the ground, as opposed to a quieter and smoother contact.
Do your shoes look uneven from behind?
Look at your shoes from behind – if they are tilting excessively inwards or outwards this may suggest that the shoes need to be replaced.

The ‘Dead Shoe Test’ involves bending the front half of the shoe in half, downwards towards the sole. In old and worn out shoes there will be little resistance and lesser recoil. This would suggest that the shock absorbing ability of the shoe is fading.

Test your shoes before your next run, if your shoes fail the ‘dead shoe test’, then avoid the potential for injury and get a new pair as soon as possible. Remember to get a re-fit as  your feet may have changed since your last purchase.


Work that booty – by Doug James (podiatrist & physio)
Core strength is the key to your running happiness…
Running is tough on the body, there is no secret there! And your knees can take a pounding, whichi is why we need to ensure that our muscles are helping keep them aligned.

The trick to keeping your knees happy is to build that booty by keeping your gluteal (hip) muscles strong. Single leg squats are a commonly prescribed exercise to build hip strength, however if you have a painful knee or poor balance you might find that the exercise is both difficult and ineffective.

Instead, bridge exercises – and particularly single leg bridges – are a useful way of improving strength without placing excessive pressure on the knee, or requiring much balance.

To perform a bridge, lay on your back with your knees bent 90˚ and feet flat on the floor. Raise your …click here to view read the full article on how to strengthen glutes and reduce medial knee pain.

Click here to read the full From the Sole Clinic eNewsletter for this month

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Twilight Bay Run – Saturday 24 September 2016
Just another reason to join in the Bay RunTwilight Bay 2016 singlet and towel
The ever popular family fun event under the moon and stars will be held along the Wynnum Esplanade on 24 September.

Not only do participants get to enjoy a fireworks display over the Bay at 7pm…yeah, you could be finishing under a sky full of colours, but each participant receives the popular running specific and quite funky limited edition Twilight Bay singlet or Twilight towel as part of entry fees.

If you have been umming and ahhing about whether to enter, check out the 2016 singlet and towels on offer.

Events to consider
– Half marathon: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 10km Run/Walk: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 5km Run/Walk: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 1km Active Kids Run: Includes towel, free games and finisher medal

Start your Spring with a bang and get your entry in for the Twilight Bay Run and join us for the 5th year anniversary under the moon and stars.


Suunto Spartan – Latest release GPS

When second best just wont do…

The long-awaited next generation of Suunto multisport watches will soon be with us. The Suunto Spartan range for athletic and adventure multisport comprises of Spartan Ultra and Spartan Sport GPS watches, renewed Suunto’s service and mobile smart phone applications for both iPhone and Android.


Key features

Colour touch screen optimised for outdoor useSuuntoSpartan

Suunto Spartan watches use a state-of-the-art color touch screen with a wide viewing angle that offers great visibility outdoors, even in direct sunlight. The touch screen is optimized to withstand disturbances from the environment, and it can be locked fully if needed. During exercise, the watches can be operated using the three buttons. What is more, you can customise up to 5 different screens to display up to 7 pieces of data – a watch for the true sports geek!

GPS Battery life

For demanding adventures, Suunto Spartan Ultra comes with up to 26hrs battery life with good GPS tracking accuracy and up to 65hrs with power save mode GPS. The lightweight Suunto Spartan Sport has a battery life of 16hrs with good GPS and up to 40hrs with power save mode GPS. You can control the battery life of both watches yourself for your chosen activity.


Unrivalled durability

Sapphire glass, titanium or stainless steel bezel and water resistance of 100 m (300 ft) ensure Suunto Spartan Ultra can take a beating and is ready for any adventure. Suunto Spartan Sport has a racing-inspired sleek design, featuring mineral crystal glass, stainless steel bezel and water resistance of 100 m (300 ft). Spartan Ultra and Spartan Sport watches are hand-built in Finland.

Uncover new routes set by others with heat maps

Use heatmaps on Suunto Movescount and Suunto Movescount App to find the most popular places to run, ride, swim, ski and more. Heatmaps for more than 15 sports reveal the tracks frequently used by the Suunto Movescount community all over the globe, based on millions of users.

You can plan your own routes on Suunto Movescount with the help of rich, topographic maps. Trace a heatmap, or go your own way. Connect to your Spartan and navigate the route you wish to follow.


Sports specific

80 pre-programmed sports with specific functions. Ideal for the multi-sport user with functions for sports such as running, triathlon, kayaking, trekking with specific functions for each such as swimming pace, stroke count, transition times for triathletes as well as other key sports specific functions that will satisfy your need to know more.


Christmas 2015

Give the gift of fitness in Christmas 2015

Let’s face it – Christmas gift shopping can be stressful if you don’t know what your friends and family would like. Nobody want to give a dud on Christmas day. We decided to put together a range of gift ideas to suit any fitness freak you would like to give the gift of fitness this Christmas.

From running socks and compression tights through to GPS watches and accessories – we have thought of it all so you dont have to.

Take a look inside at the intraining Christmas 2015 Wishlist for some great ideas any runner would love to receive.

Stuck for sizes, not sure if it will fit? Ask our friendly staff at intraining Running Centre, we can help you make the right decision!

Garmin 630 pre-order

The latest Garmin Forerunner 630 is almost here. Get your pre-order in and be one of the first to receive the latest in technology from the guru’s at Garmin. Fill out the form below now.

[gravityform id=”15″ title=”true” description=”true”]

GPS Smartwatch with Advanced Running Metrics

  • Touchscreen GPS running watch with a high resolution color display
  • Advanced running dynamics¹ include ground contact time balance, stride length and vertical ratio
  • Features stress score, performance condition and lactate threshold²
  • Connected features³: automatic uploads to Garmin Connect™, live tracking, audio prompts, music controls, smart notifications and social media sharing
  • Download data fields, watch faces, widgets and applications from Connect IQ™

All the Numbers to Measure a Runner

Whether you’re training for your first marathon or looking to crush a personal record, Forerunner 630 provides all the extensive data you need for training and racing. Check your form by pairing your 630 with the HRM-Run™ monitor to measure cadence, vertical oscillation and ground contact time¹. Additional running dynamics include ground contact time balance, stride length and vertical ratio.

The Proof of Your Potential

Forerunner 630 uses extended physiological metrics to help you get the most out of your workouts and feel confident with what you can accomplish when you toe the line. Once Forerunner 630 learns your lactate threshold through a guided test, you can apply it to your heart rate training when setting up zones. Overall training load, sleep, nutrition and general life stress play a role in how you will perform in a tough workout. To give you a better idea of what days you should aim for a tough workout or use as a recovery day, Forerunner 630 provides you with a stress score based off your heart rate. Performance condition is another feature that gives you an idea of how you will fare in a workout. As you run, this feature analyzes your pace, heart rate and heart rate variability to make a real-time assessment of your ability to perform.

When planning a strategy for your next race, Forerunner 630 measures your VO2 max² and can predict your race times for several distances, providing you with a time target. It also lets you know when to back off your training after a grueling workout or race with its built-in recovery advisor2.

Customize Your Watch and Your Training

No two runners are the same, and neither are their goals. Set yourself up to reach yours by downloading advanced workouts and training plans to your watch from Garmin Connect. You can even customize your data fields, and download watch faces, widgets and applications all for free at Connect IQ.

It’s Simple. Period.

Forerunner 630

Concise, easy-to-understand charts, graphs, maps and more let you view your activities, track progress toward goals and wirelessly upload and share relevant data directly with the online Garmin Connect network. So, you can compete with friends or family members on weekly step or running challenges — and compare your results in real time, using the LiveTrack feature. You can also use the app’s wireless connectivity links to receive current weather conditions, forecasts and smart notifications right on your compatible Garmin device.