CONTACT intraining Running Centre   email:  [email protected]    Podiatry & Training Programs | Running Groups

Run Faster, Stronger and Further with intraining’s Runners School

Train for a Marathon or Half Marathon this year. 

Join intraining’s proven Runners School program for:

  • Expert coaching advice
  • A training plan to follow
  • Lessons on everything you need to know about running. 
  • An inclusive and supportive community to ask more questions, and to run with. 

You can also do the program remotely if you don’t live or work in Brisbane.  

REGISTRATION OPENS February 28, 2021

Tell me more!!

REGISTRATION OPENS February 28, 2021

scott white 1

Scott White said…

“I absolutely loved Runners School and definitely credit the program for my success.” 

“I am now running much more consistent 5k’s, have taken 17 minutes off my half marathon time, and completed my first full marathon, without slowing down at all in the second half.”

Scott White, intraining Runners School – Marathoner, 2019


This is what Amanda Cutlack said after her marathon.  Amanda 400px 1

“Sheer Elation… it was just amazing.”

“I don’t think I’d have been able to do it without having the intraining Marathon School support. They gave me the tools to achieve all the goals from the 5km, 10km, half marathon and finally the marathon. Running’s definitely changed my life.” 

Amanda Cutluck, intraining Runners School Marathoner

REGISTRATION OPENS February 28, 2021

Want to run a 10K, half marathon or marathon?

Runners School offers proven and trusted programs that will transform your running.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced runner, we have a program for you!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Run faster and longer
  • Finish races feeling stronger
  • Avoid injury and fatigue 
  • Train the right way under the guidance of our expert coaches

 Plus, you’ll be joining our inclusive and welcoming intraining community!

Tell me more!!

REGISTRATION OPENS February 28, 2021

Marathon School launch 2018

Marathon School logoAre you ready for Marathon School 2018?

Starting a new year and setting a goal can be a daunting prospect. At intraining Marathon School we are here to help you achieve your running goals. Whether you are looking to run your first half marathon, step up from parkrun or finish the ultimate runners dream of a marathon – our team of coaches and professionals will guide you every step of the way.


Sign up for intraining Marathon School before 31 January &
WIN the ultimate running experience at the Hamilton Island Hilly Half Marathon in May.


Facebook linkJoin us for the FREE information and launch morning

: 28 January 2018
Time: 9:00am
Location: 33 Park Road, Milton

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From 5km to marathon

Amanda_Cutlack_SmallFrom 5km to marathon – The Amanda Cutlack story

In 2017, Amanda Cutlack became a marathoner. She described the feeling as “Sheer Elation… It was just amazing!”   If you had asked her two years ago she would have laughed at the idea because she had only just started running 5km at parkrun.  This changed when Amanda set herself the marathon target, some smaller goals to achieve first, and joined the intraining Marathon School. She achieved this goal in a time of 6 hours and 32 minutes.

Make your own marathon dreams come true – just like Amanda

Get the full story and Amanda’s top tips to be marathon ready in 2018

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Love 2 Run August16 enews

intraining’s monthly Love 2 Run e-News – August 2016
Spring is here and running season is almost complete in Queensland. If you thought that this means a time for rest, think again! This is no time to rest on your laurels, it is the best time to start planning for what goals you have ahead.

Are you looking to start running? Better your personal best? Run a marathon? Or just finish your local parkrun without stopping? Start your planning now. Spring time is a great time of the year to head out and enjoy the earlier sunrise and sunsets that greet us each day.

Twilight Bay Run - Saturday 24 September 2016

In this this issue:
Springtime wardrobe: Refresh your running attire for Spring…
A new taste sensation: Mmm…mid run salted caramel treat
Footwear patterns: They key to knowing the way you run
Twilight Bay Run: Limited time discount offer to Twilight Bay Run.
Never run before?: Check out our success stories… from 2mins to 10km
Running Form Workshop: Transform your running in December 2016

Did you know running facts – Part 27
The Olympic Games has been and gone and it will be another 4 years until we are treated to watching the worlds best compete. Did you know how successful the Rio Games were?

Over 19 days, there were 19 world records broken and 65 Olympic records broken. In terms of athletic performance, the Rio Games has been the most successful games in history.Michael Phelps

Whilst any medal is an achievement, there were amazing standouts, that included Michael Phelps (totaling 28 Olympic medals in this career) and Usain Bolt who as a track sprinter has completed something nobody thought would be possible and accomplished three Olympic gold medals in each of the last three Olympic Games. What a great era of sport we live in!

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


**NEW** Spring/Summer clothing range in store
Refresh your Winter wardrobe with the latest running apparelNEW Asics 'Emma' race back with support and comfort to match
With Spring on our doorstep, it is time to peel off the Winter layers and let your skin see the light of day. There is nothing more uncomfortable than running in clothing that either doesn’t fit right or is not fit for the conditions.

The latest range of Spring/Summer clothing has arrived at intraining Running Centre.

If you are tired of boring black or just looking to replace those shorts that leave little to the imagination, we have a great range to help you enjoy that next run just a little more.

NEW Brooks Asteria - Mens and Women's specific racing shoe now available


Endura Salted Caramel gel and other new flavours
More flavours ensure you stay on top of your nutrition
Gels… for many of us the batle in the mind between desire and need has lead to many of us having failed nutrition during training and racing. The often hard to stomach taste of gels, akin to drinking dish washing liquid, is now a thing of the past – thanks to Endura’s new flavours.

Why Take Endura Sports Energy Gels?New Endura Gel flavours now at intraining Running Centre
Endura Sports Energy Gels are a concentrated energy source, containing a combination of two specialised forms of carbohydrates to increase total carb absorption from 60 g to 90 g an hour. Each gel contains 26 g of carbs with energy boosting caffeine. Store them on you during training and racing to conveniently keep glycogen levels up, maintain vital energy reserves and prevent hitting the wall.

Three new flavours from Endura – Now available at intraining Running Centre

– Salted Caramel: Ideal for those who have a sweet tooth
– Fruit Burst: Something fresh to keep your mind on task
– Cola Kick: Subtle taste and easy on the taste buds

If you have been struggling with fuelling during runs over 1hr in duration, it may be time to get yourself some help the easy way with a gel that is easy to take on board and stay on board.


What your wear pattern means – by Steve Manning (podiatrist)
Matching your footwear pattern to the right shoes…
Wear patterns occur as your shoes age and ‘wear in’. Wear patterns can point to a sign that your shoes should be replaced. Your wear pattern can furthermore explain the forces you exert on the shoe based on your individual biomechanics. This can then help with your selection of footwear to suit your specific running style and foot structure.

If you have worn through the outsole (rubber tread) to the midsole then you will need to replace your shoes. However by this stage the midsole cushioning in the shoe has likely to be ‘dead’ (see the dead shoe test here) and not offering your joints any relief from impact. Click here to view the full article on how to decipher your wear pattern and learn what to look for in a shoe.

Click here to read the full From the Sole Clinic eNewsletter for this month

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.


Twilight Bay Run – Saturday 24 September 2016
Just another reason to join in the Bay RunTwilight Bay 2016 singlet and towel
The ever popular family fun event under the moon and stars will be held along the Wynnum Esplanade on 24 September.

Not only do participants get to enjoy a fireworks display over the Bay at 7pm…yeah, you could be finishing under a sky full of colours, but each participant receives the popular running specific and funky limited edition Twilight Bay singlet or Twilight towel as part of entry.

Limited time discount offer
Use discount code s-tbrintrain16
for 10% off your entry
(offer valid until 10 September 2016)
Events to consider
– Half marathon: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 10km Run/Walk: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 5km Run/Walk: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 1km Active Kids Run: Includes towel, free games and finisher medal

Start your Spring with a bang and get your entry in for the Twilight Bay Run and join us for the 5th year anniversary under the moon and stars.



Running Form Workshop – 3 December 2016
Improve strength, coordination and running speed
Join the intraining Running Injury Clinic and coaching team for a practical form workshop. The workshop is designed to provide a hands on focus at improving the way you run in a single day workshop.

Who is this for?
This workshop is ideal for runners who have participated in a previous running form workshop. The session will have an emphasis on improving technique through running drills and feedback. Under the guidance of the intraining physiotherapy, podiatry and coaching team, this session will fine tune the way you have learnt the running drills previously and give you a session plan to do over the summer

When: Saturday 3 December
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Dress: Running clothing and footwear
Cost: $30 or ($25 for intraining club members)

If you are a beginner runner or can’t attend the December workshop, the three part Form Workshop in February 2017 will provide a greater emphasis on how to perform drills and develop these skills over three hands-on sessions.

Click here for more information

December running form workshop

Happy New Year

We would like to wish you a happy New Year for 2016. We hope that you have enjoyed some time with family and friends with some great laughs and even a few runs in there too.

Now that 2016 is upon is, it is time to change gears and get yourself motivated for a fantastic year ahead. Here are a few tips to get the ball rolling to ensure you stay on track to reach your goals in the coming year.

  1. Set realistic goals that you can achieve (this is the best form of motivation when you can achieve goals you set)
  2. Set time specific goals (for example, set yourself a goal of running 10km at the Twilight Running Festival)
  3. Join a running group or invite a friend you can achieve your goals with
  4. Set short, medium and long term goals for 2016
  5. Stick to a program or schedule you can maintain and that works with real life situations
  6. Set rewards for yourself when you achieve a goal (something like, buy yourself that GPS watch you have been wanting or simply a new pair of socks)

Whatever your goals, we hope you have a happy new year and look forward to all the positive things that 2016 has to bring.

Good luck everyone – as always, have a happy run.

intraining Running Centre Team