We are over half way through the year and just over a week until Brisbane’s major marathon festival is upon us. Make sure you keep your hydration up leading into the event, even when it is cold. Being sufficiently hydrated will maximise your bodies ability to recover from training.
We hope that you are enjoying your taper and are getting excited for race day of Queensland’s second biggest marathon event. See you at the race on 7 August or in store!

In this this issue:
– Suunto Spartan GPS watch: When second best just won’t do…
– Are your shoes ‘dead’?: A quick test determining the life of your shoes
– Get that booty back: Plank your way to the strongest butt in running
– Brisbane Marathon Festival: Online entry closes Thursday 4 August.
– Twilight Bay Run: Another reason to enter the Bay Run in September.
– Never run before?: Check out our success stories… from 2mins to 10km
Did you know running facts – Part 26
The hotter the temperature and the better the tailwind, the faster the records fall – in the sprint distance events anyway. Bolt’s record-breaking 9.58, set in Berlin in 2009, was assisted by a 0.9m/s tail wind and an air temperature in the high 20s.
Bolt will be hoping for a tailwind of 2.0m/s, the maximum permissible for a world record at the Olympic Games in Rio this August. An increased tailwind reduces atmospheric drag, while hotter temperatures mean thinner air and fewer molecules impeding athletes’ paths.
For those in distance events the opposite is the case, with cooler temperatures the ideal requirement for faster times.
Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!

**NEW** Suunto Spartan – The epitome of innovation is here
Register your interest for the Spartan with intraining pre-orders
We as runner’s are always striving to achieve, to be fitter than yesterday, and to hurt a little less on that next run. GPS watches have been showing continual improvement, through ease of use and more features than we care to use. Until now…a game changer from Suunto has arrived in Spartan. With the help of the Spartan, we can easily interpret information on how hard we train, how to improve, share it with our peers and when we should be recovering based on data collected each training session.
Latest features of the NEW Spartan range at Suunto
– Up to 65hr battery in GPS mode (ideal for ultra runners)
– Outdoor grade, high quality colour touch screen
– Sapphire crystal screen (second only to diamond in hardness)
– Space grade titanium bezel
– Ease of use 3 button navigation
– Smart training insights
– Heat map route discovery (follow the path others have used and discover new places to run, ride and move)
If you are not willing to settle for second best and looking for a GPS watch that can do it all, get your pre-order in today for the new Suunto Spartan and be the first to enjoy the epitome of innovation…read more.

The Dead Shoe test – Don’t put yourself at risk of injury
Key signs that you should replace your shoes
A commonly asked question is “how do you know when your shoes are worn out?” With improved production methods, the outsole (the part that makes contact with the ground) of the shoe often shoes very little sign of wear even after hundreds of kilometres.
Key signs you need to replace your shoes
Are your legs are feeling more tired than usual after a long run?
Usually a subtle change over time and is not apparent until you try on a new shoes.
Are you ‘louder’ than normal on foot strike?
Older shoes often make a ‘thud’ sound when they hit the ground, as opposed to a quieter and smoother contact.
Do your shoes look uneven from behind?
Look at your shoes from behind – if they are tilting excessively inwards or outwards this may suggest that the shoes need to be replaced.
The ‘Dead Shoe Test’ involves bending the front half of the shoe in half, downwards towards the sole. In old and worn out shoes there will be little resistance and lesser recoil. This would suggest that the shock absorbing ability of the shoe is fading.
Test your shoes before your next run, if your shoes fail the ‘dead shoe test’, then avoid the potential for injury and get a new pair as soon as possible. Remember to get a re-fit as your feet may have changed since your last purchase.

Work that booty – by Doug James (podiatrist & physio)
Core strength is the key to your running happiness…
Running is tough on the body, there is no secret there! And your knees can take a pounding, whichi is why we need to ensure that our muscles are helping keep them aligned.
The trick to keeping your knees happy is to build that booty by keeping your gluteal (hip) muscles strong. Single leg squats are a commonly prescribed exercise to build hip strength, however if you have a painful knee or poor balance you might find that the exercise is both difficult and ineffective.
Instead, bridge exercises – and particularly single leg bridges – are a useful way of improving strength without placing excessive pressure on the knee, or requiring much balance.
To perform a bridge, lay on your back with your knees bent 90˚ and feet flat on the floor. Raise your …click here to view read the full article on how to strengthen glutes and reduce medial knee pain.

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy and coaching team.
Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.

Twilight Bay Run – Saturday 24 September 2016
Just another reason to join in the Bay Run
The ever popular family fun event under the moon and stars will be held along the Wynnum Esplanade on 24 September.
Not only do participants get to enjoy a fireworks display over the Bay at 7pm…yeah, you could be finishing under a sky full of colours, but each participant receives the popular running specific and quite funky limited edition Twilight Bay singlet or Twilight towel as part of entry fees.
If you have been umming and ahhing about whether to enter, check out the 2016 singlet and towels on offer.
Events to consider
– Half marathon: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 10km Run/Walk: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 5km Run/Walk: Includes towel or running singlet and finisher medal
– 1km Active Kids Run: Includes towel, free games and finisher medal
Start your Spring with a bang and get your entry in for the Twilight Bay Run and join us for the 5th year anniversary under the moon and stars.