Welcome to the New Year of our monthly Love2Run eNewsletter. With new goals and a refreshed body it is time to ready yourself for the year ahead! The start of a new year means a resolve from many of us to get fit, lose weight, run faster, start running or even just keep a more balanced life.
Whichever your goals are for the year ahead, remember that we are more than just a running store. Whether you need advice on footwear to kickstart that motivation, looking for tips on how to improve your running or need help with a running injury, we are here 7 days a week to satisfy all your running needs.

In this this issue:
– Keeping your cool in summer: Is technical running apparel worth it?
– Back2School shoes: Are your kids worth the investment?
– Pain in the heel?: Sharp pain in the heel? It may be Plantar Fasciits
– Lost your running mojo?: Get back on track with Run101 – 22 January
– Running Form Workshop Series: Toe runner, heel runner or no idea?
– Twilight Running Festival: Join over 6000 runners in March
Did you know running facts – Part 1
It is a known fact that as we age, unfortunately we get slower… or is it fact? Ed Whitlock of Canada seems to defy the basics of ageing as he continues to break world records. He now holds over 20 age records.
At the age of 73, Ed ran an astonishing 2hr53min marathon… that was over 10 years ago. Is he still running? You bet, at the age of 85 he continues to run into the record books and recorded a 3hr56min marathon in October last year.
If you ever needed some motivation to get out there and give it a go, even if others think you can’t do it… think of old Ed Whitlock.
Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!

Keep your cool with the latest summer range of clothing
Technical running clothing… yes it does exist!
Technical apparel may seem extravagant, but as your friends may already have found, once you go technical, there is no turning back. Technical running apparel is made from fabrics that offer performance features and benefits that your old cotton tee is sorely lacking.
Technical apparel that’s worn next to your skin—whether it’s a top, sports bra, tights, or shorts are designed to wick moisture (that is, sweat) away from your body. Clothing made of cotton, by contrast, holds sweat, makes you more prone to chafing and leaves you looking like a sweaty mess at the end of a run.
Technical clothing on the other hand dries quickly, leaving you dry and comfortable througout your session. For beginning runners on a run/walk program, gear made of high-tech fabrics can be particularly useful as it moves sweat off you during run portions so that you’re warm during the walk sections.
Whether you are an avid runner, occassional runner or just enjoy exercising outdoors, something you should not skimp on is moisture wicking clothing.
At intraining Running Centre, we have a range of technical running apparel that will help you enjoy your running that little bit more.

Are you Back2School ready?
How important are kids shoes really?
Your children’s footwear is a priceless investment in their future. It’s important to purchase good quality shoes, and also ensure they are well-fitted.
Spending the time and money on your children’s feet and footwear during their younger years will reap many benefits throughout their schooling years and even into adulthood. Wearing good footwear will reduce their risk of short and long-term injury, and save from unexpected, expensive health practitioner bills.
Three important factors when buying kids shoes
1. Fit: Make sure your kids shoes fit them today. A mistake many parents make is buying shoes that kids will ‘grow into’. This can affect their running gait, flex shoes in the wrong place and ultimately lead to injury.
2. Quality shoes: Let’s face it, kids are tough on shoes! But, not all shoes are created equal. Yes, kids will wear through shoes quickly, but a quality pair of shoes will help them in the long term. Kids have the same bones, muscles and tendons as adults, this means they also need the cushioning and support that we as adults have.
3. Specificity: This may be a luxury for some, but if your child is an avid runner, make sure they have a pair of shoes specifically for their running and another for general wear. Doing this, like adults, will help increase the life of both shoes.
Read the full article written by intraining podiatrist, runner and coach, Emily on the importance of children’s footwear.
intraining Running Centre have a huge range of kids running shoes and black leather shoes starting from childrens size one starting at just $79.95.

Plantar Fasciitis – Emily Donker (podiatrist)
Pain in the heel that just won’t go away?
Plantar Fasciitis (or Fasciopathy) is one of the most common foot complaints seen by podiatrists and physiotherapists. Sufferers will usually complain of sharp, stabbing pain that is worst in the mornings and after periods of inactivity. During rest, soft tissue structures cool down and tighten, so they’re over-stretched with excessive load on return to activity.
Exercise and extended periods of weight-bearing and walking will also usually aggravate symptoms due to increased load and strain through the aggravated Fascia. Pain may be tolerable during activity, but worse afterwards or with fatigue.
In chronic injury presentations, there is typically less inflammation and the pain is more inconsistent. Chronic pain without appropriate treatment and resolution will not only prolong recovery time, but can also increase the risk of developing …click here to view the full article in January’s From the Sole enews.

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy and coaching team.
Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.

Run101 – A Running Masterclass
Want to start your 2017 right…but don’t know where to start?
Run101 is an informative and inspiring day of seminars and workshops designed to empower you with skills and knowledge you’ll need to maintain your fitness goals and improve your running in 2017.
Each session throughout the day will be conducted by running experts and professionals; including running coaches, podiatrists, physiotherapist and dietitian.
Kick start your 2017 with Run101 – Conference Day and get your running mojo back on track.
Date: Sunday 22nd January 2017
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Cost: $99.00
Location: intraining Running Centre – 33 Park Road, Milton.

Running Form Workshop Series – Jan/Feb 2017
Toe runner, heel striker… don’t really know how you run?
Are you a toe runner, heel runner or don’t really know how you run? The 2017 Running Form Workshop is a hands on running specific workshop conducted over three key sessions during a three week period.
Ever wondered why or how some people can run so fast? Just think they are freaks? The big secret to running faster starts with your running form. Without sound running form, your capacity to improve will be minimised, no matter how much running you do. The workshop will provide participants with a hands on experience, with detailed and demonstrated drills to help improve your running form.
All running drills are conducted under the supervision of podiatrists, physiotherapists and running coaches who are experts in running form and biomechanics.
Click here to find out more about
Running Form Workshop Series
Jan-Feb 2017

UQ Twilight Running Festival 2017
Are you ready to join over 6000 others under the stars?
The UQ Twilight Running Festival is set to be the biggest Twilight event yet on 19th March 2017. Over 6000 participants are ready to run under the moon and stars for one of the first major running events in Queensland.
Are you ready to rock the night at Twilight?

Whether you are running your very first event or looking to better your personal best time, the UQ Twilight Running Festival welcomes all ages and abilities for a fantastic evening of fun. Come along and join in the biggest Twilight Run event in Australia.
This is a running event you do not want to miss. Run under the moon and stars in 2017. Online entry is now open.
