CONTACT intraining Running Centre   email:  [email protected]    Podiatry & Training Programs | Running Groups

3 Reasons To Get Your Orthotics Checked Now

3 Reasons to get your orthotics checked now

Reason 1  Make the most of your health fund

You may only have until December 31st to use up your remaining extras cover.  If you have podiatry cover, then you are usually eligible for a new orthotic each year.  This gives you the chance to leave a pair in your running shoes, and even have one made for your dress shoes. 

Reason 2   Make your life easier

It is so handy to have a second pair of orthotics – one for your long run shoes, and one for trail shoes or your speedwork shoes.  Keeping a pair in each shoe stops the frustration of changing it around, and reduces the wear and tear as you move it from shoe to shoe.

Reason 3  Refresh your current pair

Most orthotics will last up to 18 months. If you have used them a lot in the year, you can refresh that pair by simply replacing the covers.  This is a low-cost way to create a fresh feel for your orthotics and to give a little more life to them. 


Stay running happily … Make the most of your Health care funds and

BOOK in to our podiatrists at intraining Running Injury Clinic BEFORE December 31st to make the most of your health fund.  


07 3367 3088 | [email protected] | Book an appointment

Come and see us at 535 Milton Road, Toowong

Calcaneal Apophysitis


That painful growth injury that makes your child limp on and off the field.

with Doug James – intraining Running Injury Clinic Physiotherapist & Podiatrist

READ Doug’s article below to give you and your child a quick guide to help you tackle Heel Pain in kids.

Calcaneal Apophysitis  (formerly known as “Sever’s Disease”)

Calcaneal Apophysitis is one of the most common injuries in early adolescents, though its name is probably unfamiliar to most who would refer to it as “Sever’s Disease”, or more simply “Sever’s”. It is pain felt on the back of the heel bone (calcaneus) around the base of the Achilles tendon in some young people sometime between the age of 7-15 years old [1-5] (the age ranges vary by source but usually falls within 1-2 years of the upper and lower limits). This injury was first identified in 1912 by Dr James Sever, after whom the injury was named[2].

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What’s in a name?

While the term “Sever’s Disease” is commonly used today, it is falling out of favour with the medical world. In the past, a medical condition or disease would often be named after the person that studied and identified it. Injury names become increasingly difficult to pronounce when a team of people lay claim to the identification of a condition such as the wordy “Sinding-Larsen-Johansson Syndrome” (a knee pain condition in teenagers), or Klippel–Trénaunay–Weber Syndrome (a blood vessel disorder).

The favoured and current approach is to refer to these “diseases” with a more accurate pathophysiology (problematic process) title so as to better describe the “where and what” of the condition. This move also aims to replace using inaccurate and vague terms such as “syndrome” and “disease” as these names can carry a certain stigma.

So, what is a Calcaneal Apophysitis?

The individual components within the name “Calcaneal Apophysitis” gives a clue as to its nature and location. The Calcaneus is the heel bone. An Apophysis is a bone protuberance or small lump formed on the bone where tendons or ligaments attach, in this case, it is on the back part of the bone where the Achilles tendon attaches. Lastly, the term “-itis” refers to an irritation or inflammation of an attachment site on the heel bone. Put together, these terms describe irritation of the back of the heel bone.  

How does it develop?

There are a few theories about the factors that lead to how and why Calcaneal Apophysitis develops and what the actual source of pain is. One theory is that the Apophysis becomes painful from the Achilles tendon applying repeated or continuous tension to it [5].

Another thought is that the underlying Calcaneus bone (not simply the apophysis) that may be the source of pain. The human skeleton grows primarily from ossification centres. These are the foundations from which bones lengthen and expand making us taller (and wider). The calcaneus has two ossification centres that are located in the middle and rear of the bone, which eventually disappears once the bone has finished growing – usually in the early teenage years.  The rear ossification centre is thought to become painful as it undergoes stress from tension. Clinically, it’s not uncommon to observe tenderness in the lower part of the Achilles tendon as a standalone presentation, or along with the bony heel pain, again possibly due to tension, or possibly trauma. In more severe cases the growth plate can become fragmented (see image 1).

What is the source of the tension?

Calcaneal Apophysitis is often observed in young people that have had a recent growth spurt (but not always). When the shin bones grow (resulting in increased overall height), the muscles and tendons need time to elongate to the optimum length for the newly lengthened legs. In the weeks (and sometimes months) following a growth spurt, adolescents may complain of calf muscle tightness due to the relative shortness of their calf muscles. This muscle tightness can exert a constant strain on the Achilles tendon and the Calcaneal Apophysis which serves as its anchor point and may irritate the Calcaneal Ossification Centre [5].

The Achilles tendon is also subjected to increased tension in flat-soled, and low heel drop shoes. Adolescents with heel pain should be encouraged to avoid walking around in flat shoes, thongs, or bare feet. Calcaneal Apophysitis is fairly common in active young people [1-5]– notably those playing one of the football codes. Many football boots have a low heel drop (minimal height difference between heel and forefoot) which increases pressure on the calf muscle, Achilles tendon and heel. Playing football involves bursts of sprinting which is another activity known to irritate the injury.

Management of the injury

Just as there is little consensus as to the exact nature of the injury, there is no agreement on a universal fix. This may be due to the fact that there are a number of different contributing factors in each individual presentation. As such, each case needs to be assessed and managed uniquely. The most common theme in management strategies is finding a balance of rest and sport/running within an acceptable level of discomfort, as rest alone doesn’t lead to faster improvement [5]. In cases where pain levels are severe, abstaining from any pain provoking activity becomes necessary, though this is thankfully usually rare.

Footwear factors can play a major role in the successful management of the injury, and being able to modify aspects such a heel drop by using firm heel lifts, or cushioned heel cups can be beneficial. Research has also examined whether orthotics play a role in managing Calcaneal Apophysitis though the results are inconclusive [2] (possibly due to the limitations of research that requires a standardised orthotic be used in all patients). Addressing muscle tightness issues when present is also important for managing pain levels, and expediting recovery time. This can take the form of calf muscle massage, ankle mobilisation, and where appropriate – a targeted stretching program.

How long does the injury last?

It can be difficult to predict how long Calcaneal Apophysitis will last. In a majority of cases, there is a resolution of symptoms soon after the sporting season finishes. In a smaller number of cases, the pain can persist for up to a year, or longer in an unlucky few.

Imaging such as X-rays are not always necessary, but in more severe cases can be helpful to assess any derangement of the Calcaneal growth plate which is often associated with greater pain and longer recovery times.

When to seek treatment?

It is useful to have an assessment when heel pain symptoms first present (which is often in the first few weeks of a new sports season or following a significant growth spurt). Learning ways to manage the pain is crucial to helping settle the symptoms and improve quality of life, while hopefully allowing a continuation of physical activity. An assessment of the patient’s footwear, walking and running biomechanics, and muscle testing can help to develop a personalised treatment and successful treatment approach.

For a thorough assessment of adolescent heel pain, contact the intraining running injury clinic for an appointment to see a Podiatrist or Physiotherapist who can assess the injury and design a custom management plan.

Doug James – intraining Running Injury Clinic Physiotherapist & Podiatrist


  1. Uvelli, K. O., Neher, J. O., & Safranek, S. (2017). Treatment for Calcaneal Apophysitis. American Family Physician, 96(2), 126–127.
  2. James, A. M. M., Williams, C. M. P., & Haines, T. P. (2013). “Effectiveness of interventions in reducing pain and maintaining physical activity in children and adolescents with calcaneal apophysitis (sever’s disease): A systematic review” Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 6(1), 16.
  3. James, A., Williams, C., & Haines, T. (2013). Contributing factors in children who present with calcaneal apophysitis. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 16, e26–e26. 
  4. James, A. M., Williams, C. M., Luscombe, M., Hunter, R., & Haines, T. P. (2015). Factors Associated with Pain Severity in Children with Calcaneal Apophysitis (Sever Disease). The Journal of Pediatrics, 167(2), 455–459.
  5. Williams, C. (2016). Wait and see, heel raise and eccentric exercise may be equally effective treatments for children with calcaneal apophysitis [commentary]. Journal of Physiotherapy, 62(2), 112–112.

Image 1: Sourced on 07.10.20 from

intraining Running Injury Clinic

Your  Running Injury Helpline


(07) 3367 3088| [email protected] | Book an appointment

Science of compression gear

Doug James
Article by: Doug James (podiatrist, physiotherapist and runner)

Science of compression gear

It’s been 20 years since SKINS, the Australian based compression garment company first launched their product range. Since then, SKINS and other brands of compression garments have been worn by athletes from a wide range of sports. Aside from the professional endorsement and anecdotal support of these products – just what scientific support is there to justify their use?

A review of reputable peer reviewed scientific studies released within the past decade shows that compression garments actually offer little to no increase in running performance. So why do people keep wearing them?

Science has been able to prove that Lower Limb Compression Garments (LLCGs) are of most use as a recovery aid. Perceived muscle soreness after endurance running events was less in runners that used LLCGs. Additionally, LLCGs (either calf sleeves or integrated calf sleeve + sock) were found to reduce foot swelling that may be associated with foot pain and numbness during running.

CompressionTightClinically it has been suggested that LLCGs may also offer benefit in reducing muscle vibration that occurs during impact sports such as running, and this in turn could help reduce shin pain and calf muscle injuries.

Remember that recovery is an important part of your training approach. Consider using lower limb compression garments to help maximise your recovery and training.

If you are looking to get that little extra edge on your competition, the intraining Running Centre, Milton and Indooroopilly have a wide range of compression garments from the major brands, including major brands; Skins, 2XU and Compresssport.

Our running experts can help fit you up correctly in the latest compression gear and can also provide recommendations to suit your needs. From calve sleeves and socks, to full length tights and tops we have it all.

If you are experiencing muscle soreness and tightness that needs a little more attention, make an appointment to see our podiatrist and physiotherapist, Doug James. Please call us at the intraining Running Injury Clinic on 3367 3088, or book online.

Make appointment

Groin pain and strains

Article by Doug James (intraining physiotherapist and podiatrist)

Groin injuries – What you need to know

Groin injuries are an increasingly common injury in distance runners. Previously it was predominantly footballers that would develop these injuries due to the forceful nature of the kicking movement, however, runners are now reporting more injuries in this region. Despite being a ‘personal’ area of the body, assessment and treatment of these injuries should occur promptly to reduce the likelihood of it developing into a more severe and chronic injuries.

There are a large number of injuries that can cause groin pain. While the pain can be due to injuries to tendons, muscles or ligaments in the groin itself, groin pain may in fact be referred from an injury elsewhere which makes diagnosis more difficult.

Acute groin injuries

Doug_GroinpainAcute groin injuries are those that start suddenly and are usually due to muscle strains in the adductor muscles on the inner thigh. Adductors attach to the central part of the pelvis and pain can be felt anywhere from the knee to the groin. These injuries often feel like a tightness, however, attempts to stretch the injury can exacerbate a mild muscle tear into a more serious injury. Continued bouts of stretching an adductor tear may induce adductor tendinitis which can cause long-term discomfort that is difficult to settle.

Adjacent to the adductor tendon insertions is the pubic symphysis which is where the two halves of the pelvic girdle are joined together with cartilage. This cartilage can become irritated from adductor tendinitis – an injury known as Pubic Symphysitis – and can also be triggered by running on hard surfaces with poor shock absorption. If poorly treated, a more severe version of this injury, Osteitis Pubis, may emerge where part of the pubic bone is eroded, and a much longer recovery time is needed (including up to a year off running).

Osteitis Pubis is not the only groin injury that involves damage to the pelvic bone. Pelvic stress fractures are a dangerous injury, and shouldn’t be ignored. These often start as dull, non-specific groin pain that will become sharper with running and exercise. A stress fracture can develop and requires a substantial amount of time to settle.

Imaging can be useful to help accurately diagnose groin injuries.

  • Ultrasound can identify soft tissue injuries such as adductor strains and tendinitis
  • MRI is often more effective to detect any damage to the bone.

When imaging fails to detect a problem in the area where the pain is reported, suspicion of referred pain arises. It is important to have your injury assessed by a podiatrist or physiotherapist.

Referred pain

Referred pain that is felt in the groin can originate from many sources including the hip joint (in the form of cartilage tears or joint inflammation), abdomen (abdominal muscle strain), and lower back (tightness and/or disc injuries). Due to the magnitude of potential areas of concern, a thorough examination is necessary with a podiatrist or physiotherapist.

Most groin injuries respond well to resting from activities that cause pain. Care needs to be taken with cross-training as even non-weight-bearing exercises such as swimming can exacerbate the injury. There is often a link between weak core and glute muscles and groin injuries. Improving core and lateral glute strength is useful as both a prevention and (at a suitable time) rehabilitation of the injury.

Be proactive in seeking help. Early diagnosis and management may avoid prolonged time out of training. If you have lingering groin pain, make an appointment and start moving towards pain-free running again.


Book an appointment here or Call 07 3367 3088.

Love2Run – June17 e news


intraining’s Love 2 Run e-News – June 2017

The Gold Coast Marathon is almost here! There will be runners who are fitter than ever, others longing for a return to running after injury and some who are content to keep building fitness with other goals such as Brisbane Marathon Festival and Twilight Bay Run ahead. Whichever boat you sit in, we hope you are enjoying your running so far this season.

This month’s edition of Love 2 Run enews focuses pre-event nutrition, mid season running injuries as well as keeping up with the latest in trendy running gear.

We love running at intraining, whether you are keen to find out if your shoes are ready for replacement, have an injury that just won’t go away or you just want to have a chat about your running – we are here 7 days a week.

In this this issue:
Nike Zoom Fly: The fastest shoe in the world has arrived #breaking2
Sore heel? Need help?: Introducing the new runners’ wonder sock
Calf injuries and you: Pain in the calf holding you back?…here’s why.
Pre-event nutrition tips: Nail your nutrition before race day.
Brisbane Marathon Festival: Commit now before the Friday price rise
Twilight Bay Run: The event (singlets) that stopped the nation.

Did you know running facts – Part 5
Keep hydrated and fuel your performanceDehydration greater than 2% of your body weight may result in a decline in performance, which may have a negative effect on the intensity of your race and training sessions. The average person will sweat approximately 1.4L per hour of running. How much do you sweat?

What should you do to stay hydrated?
– Drink to thirst – when you are thirsty make sure you drink before and during the race
– Drink little and often – avoid consuming large volumes of fluid throughout the race
– Measuring body weight before and after a training session, will give you a guide to how much fluid you lose in sweat (for a given environmental and exercising condition).

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


#Breaking2 – We have the NEW Nike Zoom Fly available
Your PB is just a pair of shoes away!
First there was the sub four minute mile barrier, which seemed impossible. Today, there is the seeminly impossible sub two hour marathon mark. The solution… a new shoe developed by Nike with the claim of a 4% improvement in time.

We have recently received the latest #breaking2 inspired Nike Zoom Fly in store. The unique fit and feel of the shoe is unlike anything we have experienced. In our initial testing, it feels as though you float along the ground with less effort. It almost feels like the shoe is pushing you forward or like you are running with a tailwind. Whilst the shoe is lightweight, the cushioning is to the contrary. This shoe feels as comfortable as a training shoe with all the benefits of a racing shoe.

When you have done all the training and you are looking for that little extra edge, the new Nike Zoom Fly may be your ticket to that personal best time. Available in both male and female sizing at the intraining Running Centre.

Keen to give them a go? Ready to experience effortless running? Drop by the store and see if the new Nike Zoom Fly has what it takes to propel you towards your goal at your next event.

Remember, as with all shoe purchases at intraining Running Centre, our trained footwear specialists will analyse your running gait to ensure you put your best foot forward.

Nike Zoom Fly - #breaking2 inspired - Available at intraining Running Centre


Feetures – The new wonder sock is here
Sore heel holding you back? This sock can help
Ever had that frustrating feeling when you wake up in the morning and find out you have a sore heel? Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a condition caused by drastic or sudden increases in mileage, poor foot structure, and inappropriate running shoes, which can overload the plantar fascia, the connective tissue that runs from the heel to the base of the toes, resulting in heel pain. If you have every had PF, chances are you know it can be a real pain to overcome.

Enter the new Plantar Fascia compression sock from Feetures. This is the latest high-quality recovery focused foot garment to hit the shelves at intraining Running Centre. Whilst not the silver bullet in curing plantar fascia pain, they’re a great adjunct treatment for sufferers of Plantar Fasciopathy. Read more here how the new wonder sock can help provide relief and get you back out running quicker.

The Plantar Fascia Compression Socks from Feetures have recently been launched worldwide. We are excited that intraining Running Centre is one of the first few locations you can get your hands on a pair … well, your feet in a pair!

Feetures PF sock- available at intraining Running Centre


Calf injuries – Doug James (podiatrist, physiotherapist & runner)
Find out the how and why of your calf concerns
There are few things more frustrating than spending months training for a race, only for an injury to prevent you from being able to run it. Calf and lower leg injuries are responsible for a good number of these ‘DNS’ (Did Not Start) type injuries, but many of them are preventable.

Your calf muscles and lower legs are like barometers for how well you are handling your training load. Pain and muscle tightness are often signs of overuse and may signal an oncoming injury. The biggest cause of running injuries are errors in your training approach.

At this point of the season errors may be due to not allowing sufficient recovery time between hard sessions, and failing to heed warnings that you are pushing too hard.

Optimal performance comes from finding…read the full article here.

Calf Injury - Read article by Doug James (podiatrist, physiotherapist and runner)

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.

Pre-event nutrition – Liz Lovering – (dietitian, cheft and runner)
Optimise your pre event nutrition to get the best result
Although there is no one ‘best’ food to have pre-event, type and timing is important.  Everyone is different in what they prefer to have before they race. But, in general, your pre-event meal or snack should be rich in carbohydrate, low in fibre, (important if you have issues with gut upset), easy to digest (higher fat foods digest at a slower rate) and most importantly familiar.

Runner nutrition - Nail your next racePre-event nutrition must be practiced in training. This is so you can find out what works best for you. You need to allow adequate time for digestion. It can take anything from 2-4 hours to digest a full meal so if your event starts early in the morning, rather than impact on sleep, have a carb rich snack before bed and in the morning a read the full article here in this months issue of ‘From the Sole‘.

If you are keen to nail your next big event, your nutrition strategy can play a big part in your result. Maximise your performance and make an appointment to see intraining dietitian and nutritionist, Liz Lovering.

(health fund rebates available with minimal out of pocket expense)


Brisbane Marathon Festival 2017
News just in – Early bird entry extended!
Good news for all of those participating at the Gold Coast Marathon this weekend. Enjoy your event this weekend and rest easy that you can still save on your Brisbane entry until Friday 7th July. We have just received word from Brisbane Marathon that early bird entry fees have been extended.


The new course for the 26th annual Brisbane Marathon Festival has been announced. Featuring a flatter and faster course in 2017, designed for to achieve your PB goals this running season. Check it out here.

Set your sights on completing the full or half marathon, 10km, 5km and let the kids loose in the NEW 1km Mini Marathon.

Click here

FREE Brisbane Marathon training group at intraining Milton store - 6pm Wednesdays


Twilight Bay Run – Saturday 23 September 2017
Ever run at night…with fireworks over head?
Make sure you get your entry in for one of the most exciting events of the year at Twilight Bay Run. The very special super early bird rate increases at midnight tonight.


If you have not experienced a run under the moon and stars, now is the time to get your entry in for the 6th annual Twilight Bay Run in Wynnum. Forget the early morning wakeup and get ready to stride it out under the stars on Saturday 23rd September. Featuring, half marathon, 10km run/walk, 5km run/walk and 1km kids event this is one for the whole family to enjoy.

Click here

Join in the fun at Twilight Bay Run - Saturday 23 September

Calf injuries and you

Calf injuries during race season

By: Doug James (intraining podiatrist and physiotherapist)
By: Doug James (intraining podiatrist and physiotherapist).

There are few things more frustrating than spending months training for a race, only for an injury to prevent you from being able to run it. Calf and lower leg injuries are responsible for a good number of these ‘DNS’ (Did Not Start) type injuries, but many of them are preventable.

Your calf muscles and lower legs are like barometers for how well you are handling your training load. Pain and muscle tightness are often signs of overuse and may signal an oncoming injury. The biggest cause of running injuries are errors in your training approach. At this point of the season errors may be due to not allowing sufficient recovery time between hard sessions, and failing to heed warnings that you are pushing too hard.

Optimal performance comes from finding a balance between a decent volume of training, while allowing enough time to recover. Your recovery can be aided through ice baths, and manual therapies such as massage, dry needling and foam rolling. When these things no longer relieve symptoms, a more serious injury may be presenting.

Common calf injuries include muscle tears, tibia stress injuries and Achilles tendinitis. Muscle tears can arise purely from bad luck (though over exertion is usually a factor), but as with the other two injuries, they may be a result of overuse and/or bad biomechanics. If you’ve trained for much of the year, you would likely have worn through at least one pair of running shoes by. Having a relatively new (but worn in) pair for your goal race is a sensible idea. Dramatically changing the type of shoe however, isn’t.

The heel pitch (height of the heel compared to the forefoot) can affect how much strain is placed on your calf and Achilles tendon. The average running shoe has a heel drop of about 10mm (meaning the heel sits 10mm higher than your forefoot). If you were to suddenly start running in a shoe with much lower heel drop – which a lot of racing shoes do – you may find yourself with a painful calf and/or Achilles.

Heel to toe drop example

Wearing a shoe that has too much, or too little pronation support can also be an issue. Pronation support is a feature in shoes that may help to reduce strain on parts of your foot and leg – assuming you need it. Wearing a shoe with an unnecessary amount of pronation support and stiffness can result in excessive force on your leg, Achilles tendon and calf muscle.

IRIC17_RehabLogoV2In cases where correct footwear prescription alone isn’t sufficient to remedy an injury, it may be necessary to consider a foot orthotic. A podiatrist can design a shoe insert to improve your foot biomechanics which may help lessen the impact on your leg and calf.

If you are having issues with your calf (or want to avoid them) contact the intraining Running Injury Clinic for an appointment. Our team of podiatrists are able to prescribe the ideal training or racing shoe for you (and custom made orthotics if necessary). Additionally, physiotherapy can be useful for pre-event massage and dry needling to get you running at your best.

Good luck with your winter running season!

Mid season maintenance

Mid Season Maintenance


With running season well and truly underway, you might notice some aches and pains starting to emerge. As your long runs become longer you will likely feel that it is taking longer to recover. Taking caring of your body now, gives you your best chance of lining up to start your upcoming goal race.

  • Step 1: Roll, stretch, massage. Do all the things you know you should now, before minor issues become major problems. It’s a useful strategy to foam roll muscles immediately after a run, then follow up with a few minutes of stretching. This has been shown to improve recovery time, and may help reduce injury. Regular sports massage can help identify possible injury risks before they materialise. If injuries do start to rear their heads, see step 2.
  • Step 2: Ice. Minor niggles can sometimes be settled down using ice packs after the run. Try to ice as soon after a run as possible, and additional times throughout the day if able. Be sure to wrap the ice pack in a towel to avoid ice burns.
  • Step 3: Take it easy. Make sure you factor in easy runs (and even an easy week) to maximise your recovery. Improvement from training comes through proper recovery, not the actual running.
  • Step 4: Stop. If running gives you sharp pains and/or makes the pain worse you should stop running and have the injury assessed. Early intervention usually leads to faster recovery.

Bachelor of Podiatry (honours), Master of Physiotherapy Studies.
Bachelor of Podiatry (honours), Master of Physiotherapy Studies.

intraining Rehab Studio offer weekly Pilates and core strengthening classes designed specifically for runners, by runners.

Each Pilates session is conducted by our in house physiotherapist, which means that your health fund may cover your Pilates classes. Maximise your performance and avoid injury with a regular strength and conditioning program.

Love2Run – May17 e news

Love 2 Run e News – May 2017

Your running fitness is building, you are running faster and no doubt running more as the weather cools. At this time of the year it is a good idea to think about how to recover from your training and to make sure you are getting the most out of each session as well as the best ways to avoid injury.

This month’s edition of Love 2 Run enews focuses recovery, keeping your body in order and learning about the differences between x-ray, ultrasound, MRI and other diagnostic imaging techniques.

Whether you need advice on footwear to kickstart that motivation, looking for tips on how to improve your running or need help with a running injury, we are here 7 days a week to help.

In this this issue:
OOFOS…what the?: Finally a thong that will actually help your feet
All the Feetures you need: A colourful way to brighten your day
Diagnostic imaging: Xray, CT, Bone Scan, MRI – Which is best?
Improve your running technique: Missed out on the April workshop?
Brisbane Marathon Festival: 2017 singlet design announced!
Twilight Bay Run: Half , 10km, 5km and 1km events – ENTER NOW!

Did you know running facts – Part 4
Eliud Kipchoge - Fastest man for 42.2km marathon distanceRecently one of the biggest records to to fall (unofficially) was the men’s marathon time. Eliud Kipchoge of Kenya was part of Nike’s special event where the magical 2hr mark was the goal… yes, that is right, they were planning to run 42.2km in under 2hrs.

Unfortunately, the 2hr barrier still proves to be elusive, with Kipchoge missing the mark by just 25 seconds for a time of 2:00:25.

To put this time into perspective, Kipchoge ran an average of 17sec per 100m 4200 times without a break. His average kilometre pace for the each of the 42km was 2min50sec or 21km/hr – that is a good effort on a bicycle!

Stay healthy, keep active and have a happy run!


OOFOs – Finally a thong that is good for your feet!
Thongs that help your feet recover…yes you read right!
When you get back from a long run or you have been on your feet too long, it is always nice to kick off the shoes and throw on a pair of your old trusty thongs to give your feet some freedom. The problem was that our thongs never provided any support and our feet would ultimately pay the price.

Enter OOFOS – the revolutionary new thong that actually helps your feet recovery from the trials and tribulations of day to day life. Featuring a contoured and non invasive arch support, which is contoured to fit the shape of the foot. OOFOS are also light and compact enough to throw into the bag ready for you to put on and head to the coffee shop, post run.

Don’t believe us? Visit the intraining Running Centre and get your feet into a pair of OOFOS and feel the difference. Available in a wide range of colours to suit your running atire.

OOFOS - Finally a thong designed for runners


Feetures – Socks to brighten up any morning
Better fit, better feel and better run
One thing all runners quickly learn is the importance of looking after their feet. Once you have the shoes sorted, the next critical concern is socks. intraining have a wide range of Feetures socks in stock in a variety of different colours that will brighten up any early morning or late evening run.

Feetures socks are anatomically designed (left and right specific) and make use of high density cushioning to provide extra protection in high impact areas. This alone makes them super comfy, but Feetures have gone one step further and engineered a no seam toe to eliminate that common friction point.

Finally, the socks include some targeted compression to ensure no slippage and therefore a much reduced chance of blistering.

If you are looking for the right ingredients to make enhance the fit, feel and have a better run in your shoes, visit intraining Running Centre and have a look at our wide range of performance running socks that will help make your feet feel happy.

Feetures socks - available at intraining Running Centre


Diagnostic imaging – Steve Manning (podiatrist, runner & coach)
Xrays, CT Scan, Ultrasound, Bone Scan, MRI… which is best?
There are times when it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis from clinical findings alone. When this happens we need to use diagnostic imaging to identify the actual structure which is affected.

The first decision is to decide which type of imaging is best to use to differentiate the possible diagnoses.  There are many excellent types of scans with positive and negatives of their use.  The suspected injury and type of tissue involved determines the best type of imaging to use.

Radiographs: X-rays are the most common type of imaging used.
CT Scans: Similar to x-rays but can take a picture of a slice of the bone.
Ultrasound: Imaging sends a wave into the body and read the reflection.
Bone Scans: Involves injecting dye to identify stress fractures.
MRI: The best type of scan for most musculoskeletal problems.

Modern imaging techniques assist in a more accurate diagnosis of injury. The addition of imaging techniques will assist in your health professional providing advice on the right treatment plan to recover quicker from your running injury.

For more in-depth look at diagnostic imaging and when to use various scans, click here to view the full article in May’s From the Sole enews.

Diagnostic Imagine techniques - Read article by Steve Manning (podiatrist, coach and runner)

‘From the Sole’ articles are written by our intraining Running Injury Clinic podiatry, physiotherapy, dietitian , massage therapy  and coaching team.

Make an appointment to see one of our clinicians who can assist with diagnosing and treating your running related injury.

Running Form Workshop – 8 October and 3 December 2017
Want to improve your running technique?
Ever wondered why or how some people can run so fast? Just think they are freaks? The big secret to running faster starts with your running technique. Sound running technique is the foundation of continous improvement in your personal best times.

If you missed out on a place in the sell out Running Form Workshop for April, now is your time to get organised for October and December. The Running Form Workshop is a hands 60min on running specific workshop designed to help improve your running technique and efficiency.

Register now for Running Form Workshop
October or December 2017

Each workshop is conducted by podiatry and physiotherapy clinicians as well as experienced running coaches who are experts in running form and biomechanics. Through technique modification and drills, your PB and injury free running is just around the corner.

Running Form Workshop - 30 April 3017


Brisbane Marathon Festival 2017
10 weeks until race day. Have you registered yet?
Brisbane Marathon Festival 2017 - Official singlet designBrisbane is a city known for it’s user friendly ‘fitness infrastructure’ with pedestrian bridges and cycleways that encourage an active lifestyle. The beautiful Brisbane course was voted as one of the most picturesque and spectator friendly courses in Australia.

Get your hands on the 2017 Brisbane Marathon Festival event singlet. Featuring the iconic Brisbane cityscape for a truly memorable running experience.

Set your sights on completing the full or half marathon, 10km, 5km and let the kids loose in the NEW 1km Mini Marathon.

Click here

FREE Brisbane Marathon training group at intraining Milton store - 6pm Wednesdays


Twilight Bay Run – Saturday 23 September 2017
Fireworks, fun and a little run
Fun under the stars at the Twilight Bay RunGear up and get training for the 6th annual Twilight Bay Run. Back again on a Saturday evening with the first event kicking off at 4pm.

Forget waking up early, have a sleep in and prepare yourself for the most fun you will have at night. Featuring, half marathon, 10km run/walk, 5km run/walk and 1km kids event this is one for the whole family to enjoy.

Click here

Join in the fun at Twilight Bay Run - Saturday 23 September

Improve your running form in April

Presented by intraining Running Injury Clinic

Podiatry | Physiotherapy | Running Coaches

600X600 workshops logoWhether you are new to running or have been at it for years, running form is the crux of improvement, running easier or even completing longer distances. Developing your running form to suit your own personal build and gait is important to address.

It not uncommon to hear runners swear by a particular method of foot strike, whether that be midfoot running, toe running or heel running. Question is… which method works best for you?

The 2017 Running Form Workshop will assist with running form identification, modification, running drills and how to improve efficiency when running.

200x200_fact_2Date: Sunday 30th April 2017
Time: 3:30pm-5:00pm
Cost: $30.00 per person (caution: spaces are limited)
Duration: 90mins
Location: University of Queensland Athletics Track – Car park
What to Wear/Bring: Towel, water bottle, running shoes, running clothing

For more information: Call the injury clinic on 07 3367 3088 or email us

Join the Running Form Workshop event on facebook and keep up to date with the latest workshop news.

Register NOW
April Running Form Workshop 2017

Workshop detailsbarefoot

The session will focus on improving your running technique through drills, analysis and assist in improving your running efficiency. The experienced team of intraining physiotherapy, podiatry and running coaches will assist in further development of your running technique.

Prerequisite: None required

What to expect in your 90min session

  • Running technique analysis200x200_fact_1
  • Core strength & stability exercises
  • Practical running drills
  • Footwear analysis
  • Lighter foot strike
  • Increased power at propulsion
  • Strength to reduce form faults when fatigued
  • Decrease the risk of injury

Why a Running Form Workshop?

LongRun Whether you find you are constantly injured, struggling to improve or just find running difficult, the running form workshop will provide you with the foundation and skills to develop your running. Our experienced practitioners will assist in providing you with the tools needed to understand and execute correct running form during your day to day training.

Who is this for?

  • Experienced runners: This does not only mean fast. The session will develop and fine tune your technique.
  • Beginner runners: The form workshop is a great way to ensure your running technique develops correctly over time. We will address bad habits early on to ensure you have a happy injury free running experience.

Get ready to transform your running with the intraining Running Injury Clinic Running Form Workshop in 2017.

NOTE: It is recommended that you do not participate in the practical component of the workshop if you are injured. You may still gain benefit from attending and observing the session.


RunTalk Ep05 – Niggles and injury

runtalk-intraining-logoWelcome to RunTalk episode 5 with Steve, Margot and special guest this week – James Bell. James was recognised as the intraining coach of the year in 2016. James is an experienced runner and coaches beginner group training sessions for intraining Running Club.

This week together with our guest James Bell we discuss the difference between an injury and a niggle. This key distinction, can help you in determining what method of treatment will be most beneficial to keep you running.

Click here to listen to episode 5 of RunTalk

Episode 5: How to tell the difference between an injury and a niggleJames Bell

Running is tough on the body. When training for events, it’s not uncommon to feel niggles in your legs and feet. It is important to realise when and if an injury is lurking and how to prevent a simple niggle transforming into a debilitating injury. Listen up and learn how to distinguish a simple running niggle to a full blown injury with guest speaker and coach, James Bell.

About James:

– 2016 intraining Coach of the Year
– Marathon runner

Article: Three easy self checks to determine if your issue is an injury or a niggle.
Click here to view the full article

Niggle or injury?

When training for events, it’s not uncommon to feel niggles in your legs and feet. This is a normal sensation as your body adapts to your increased training load with more mileage and speedwork. The delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) after a recent hard race, a new harder session is a normal muscle soreness you will feel the next day when it can be harder to walk down stairs or climb out of your car. This will go after a day or two as the muscles have repaired and adapted to being used. The difficult part is knowing if a niggle that hangs around is still only a niggle or if it is the beginning of an injury. The earlier you can identify an injury, the less interruption you will have to your training plan.IRIC17_RehabLogoV2

There are three easy checks to help you make decisions towards your upcoming training week

  1. A niggle usually goes after one to two days; Injuries will linger
  2. The pain level of a niggle is very low grading 1-3 out of 10; Injuries grade 5-6+/10
  3. Running with a niggle does not make it worse

If you think the pain you have is more than a niggle, or are just not sure, it is worth booking in to see one of the running podiatrists / physiotherapist to help you diagnose and manage your running issue at the intraining Running Injury Clinic in Milton or Indooroopilly.

Don’t let an injury stand in the way of your happiness. Address an injury early and you will be on the road to recovery sooner than you think.

Running Barefoot – Are you ready?

Barefoot Running

Get back to your natural instincts

New ideas, technologies and training methods are constantly revolutionizing and advancing sport, and running is no exception. These changes enhance running experience and performance for beginners and seasoned runners alike. The contentious and revolutionary concepts of barefoot and minimalist running are dominating current discussions and intriguing running communities all over the world.

Whether you’re new to running or have been pounding the pavement for many years, barefoot running can provide benefits to everyone. If you’re willing to take up the challenge and take a somewhat primitive approach to your running, you will gain a more intimate relationship with body and earth and reap the rewards. If you’re looking to improve your running efficiency, alter your gait or simply reinvigorate your tired training regime, then barefoot running may be just what the doctor ordered. barefoot1

Conventional running shoes have a lot of structure, support and cushioning to protect our feet from the harsh reality of running. We’re drawn to these features when looking for the ‘best shoe’. Most shoes encourage runners to strike heel first as they incorporate a differential of approximately12mm from heel to forefoot (meaning your heel sits higher in the shoe than your forefoot). Conversely, barefoot shoes such as the Vibram Five Fingers are designed without a heel-forefoot drop, to mimic the human foot. They provide functional support by promoting good posture, enhancing muscle balance and activation throughout the legs and feet. This improves proprioception (your perception of where your body is within space) and sensitivity.

Eliminating the heel lift encourages natural posture by reducing anterior pelvic tilt and decreasing pressure on the lumbar spine. This improves the balance and function of lower back and pelvic muscles like the gluteal, tensor fascia latte and illiopsoa. It can also reduce the risk of suffering posterior muscle tightness in the hamstrings and calves, which is relatively common amongst us runners.

Encompassing the true notion of barefoot, Vibrams separate the toes into their own pockets. This allows the toes to spread naturally, which promotes good proprioception and activation of the intrinsic foot muscles, and better balance both in stance and during gait. These benefits are not exclusive to runners, but are worthwhile to everyone.  This can promote good health and well-being in later life by reducing posture-related injuries and allowing prolonged participation in physical activity.

More specific to running, the primary benefit of using Vibrams is a reduction in peak forces. Braking forces transmit shock up the legs through the various structures and joints, which are common contributors to overuse injuries. These forces are typically greatest at heel strike and are exacerbated by overstriding and striking the ground in front of the body’s centre of mass.

Vibrams are not cushioned and don’t have an elevated heel. Therefore they encourage a mid-forefoot strike and shorter, faster stride, which distributes force and allows the muscles and joints to attenuate shock through more natural motion. For many people, running is a quadriceps-dominated exercise. However, running in Vibrams generates a different strike pattern and challenges this notion with much more emphasis on pulling with the hamstrings during swing phase. Following on from this, a majority of runners making the switch to barefoot running will experience long-term gains in efficiency and cadence.

It is important to realize that not everyone can run effectively when forefoot striking, especially over long distances. However, incorporating barefoot running into weekly training can result in a range of benefits. It can improve gait and provide alternative muscle stimulus, and initiate many other changes. Plus it adds a bit of variety to help boost interest and motivation for training.

Come to intraining Running Centre and talk to our staff about getting the best fit for your feet. We will observe your running style and help you select the right pair of shoes for your feet. Don’t be afraid of evolution. After all, shoes haven’t been around forever. Give barefoot running a try and get back your natural instincts.

By Emily Donker (podiatrist, runner and coach)

Pre-race foot care

It is no secret that as a runner it is unlikely we will ever get the call up to become a foot model. Over the course of your running training, your feet will inevitably look a little worse for wear and laden with a variety of unsightly lumps and bumps. Below are some common foot issues experienced by runners as well as some tips on how you can reduce the chance of these occurring and lastly what you can do to get your feet race ready.

Common runners foot symptoms

  • Callouses around the big toe joint, tips of toes, and heels from rubbing against the shoes or toes when running.
  • Corns under the forefoot or between toes 
  • In-grown toe nails are also regularly seen in distance runners.
  • Black toe-nails

While these things may be a ‘badge of honour’ for some, they can become quite painful and may even hamper your training and race performance as it’s not unusual for blisters to suddenly appear mid-race. Running with blisters can be an awful experience, and one that is likely to be detrimental to the race you’ve been preparing months for.

Blisters can form due to the hardened callous skin rubbing on the softer skin layer below, and is more likely if you are running faster and/or further than usual (ie race conditions).

4 Quick tips to lower your chances unfavourable feet

  1. Remove excess callous, corns, and long nails well before race day.  
  2. Wear performance running socks with anti-friction properties
  3. Check your lacing to prevent your feet don’t slide  in the shoe
  4. Make sure your shoes fit well –  big enough around the toes, grab your feet in the arch and heel.  

Now is the ideal time to do a foot health check and have your feet treated .

If you have excessive amounts of callous, come and see our podiatrists at intraining Running Injury Clinic .  They can prepare your feet for race day – so that you have the best run possible, not worrying about your feet.  

Book and appointment online to see one of our podiatrists today.

Form workshop 2016

Runners are always looking for ways to become faster, and more capable of completing longer distances. Running form modification is commonly discussed, and there are so many different answers, techniques, and pieces of advice given. The team from intraining Running Injury Clinic are experienced runners, practitioners and coaches.

The form workshop 2016 will provide participants with an overview of different types of running gaits, biomechanical reasons behind these, and an understanding of how and when improvements in running form can be beneficial.Running form workshop

Date: Saturday 6th Feb, 13th Feb, 20th Feb 2016
Time : Sessions offered at 3pm and 4.30pm
Cost: $99 for 3 sessions
Location: University of Queensland Athletics Track – Track Car park
What to Wear/Bring: Towel, water bottle, running shoes, running clothing

Kick start your 2016 running season with the Running Form Workshop 2016 with the podiatry, physiotherapy and coaching team at intraining Running Injury Clinic