Become a faster and more efficient runner
Have you ever been out training and noticed how different everyone looks when running? Ever watched your fellow runners and thought; “wow they look so good running” or “what can I do to run like them?”. The secret to running faster and improving your efficiency is not really a secret at all. It is a matter of addressing your running form with the correct cues which will ultimately lead you towards improving your running form.
Ask yourself some questions
- Are you running frequently and unable to improve?
- Do you get injured frequently?
- Do you want to feel lighter on your feet when running?
- Do you lose form & focus during a run?
- Do you shoes wear unevenly?
- Do you struggle to run longer distances without pain?
- Do you feel you have reached a plateau in your running?
Whilst there is no magic bullet to making everyone look like Olympic Champion, Mo Farah, focusing on developing your running form for brief periods throughout the year can result in huge improvements.
Why the running form workshop?
Have you been in a race and lost focus in the second half, slowing up and thinking you’ll never make it? The Form Session the intraining Running Injury Clinic is holding in December, is ideal for all runners at our training groups. The focus is on the running drills specific to improving your co-ordination, power and efficiency. You will receive immediate feedback and cues to assist in developing your running form.
The December workshop offers participants a taste of the full 3 part Form Workshop which is held over 3 weekends in February 2017.
Form workshop past testimonials
“My own personal experience in using running drills in training has had a positive impact. Not only did I my performances improve in the following season, but I learned how to run with less effort” – Clare
“I now feel lighter on my feet and no longer feel like a plodder” – Sarah
“After years of constant back soreness when running, the workshop helped me correct my running posture, something which I never even thought about!” – James
“These form workshops have been a great addition to my training each year” – Sally-Anne