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Running Form Workshop 2016

Saturday 3 December –  Running Form Workshop

Runners are always looking for ways to become faster, and more capable of completing longer distances. Running form modification is commonly discussed, and there are so many different answers, techniques, and pieces of advice given. The team from intraining Running Injury Clinic are experienced runners, practitioners and coaches.

The single session December workshop will provide participants with an overview of different running drills which are the foundation to building strength , coordination and ultimately faster run times.Formworkshoplogo

Date: Saturday 3 December 2016
Time : 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Cost: $30 ($25 for current intraining members)
Duration: 90mins
Location: University of Queensland Athletics Track – Track car park
What to Wear/Bring: Towel, water bottle, running shoes, running clothing

Click here to reserve your place online

For more information: Call the injury clinic on 07 3367 3088 or email us

Why do a Running Form Workshop in December?

The best time to look at improving your running form is between seasons, after recovering from injury, following a growth spurt, or even when your running is less of a focus in the Summer months.  This single session helps direct you to focus on form in the hot summer months and is a great stepping stone to the in-depth three part Running Form Workshop in February 2016. These are also perfect ways to help improve your parkrun times.

Who is this for?

This workshop is ideal for runners who have participated in a previous running form workshop.  The session will focus more improving your running drill technique. The experienced team of intraining physiotherapy, podiatry and running coaches will assist in further development of your running technique.

  • Experienced runners: This does not only mean fast. The session will develop and fine tune your technique.
  • Beginner runners: The single session form workshop will be a great way to ensure your running technique develops correctly over time. We will address bad habits early on to ensure you have a happy injury free running experience.

Running drills are useful for all runners, of all abilities, and ages.  It helps to reinvigorate your focus when fatigued during training runs and racing. Get ready to transform your running with the intraining Running Injury Clinic December Running Form Workshop.

NOTE: It is recommended that you do not participate in the practical component of the workshop if you are injured. You may still gain benefit from attending and observing the session.

Register for the single day Running Form Workshop on 3 December 2016